英语人>词典>汉英 : 老年 的英文翻译,例句
老年 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
agedness  ·  anecdotage  ·  hoariness  ·  gerontism  ·  senium

presby- · advanced age · declining years
更多网络例句与老年相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

These factors will eventually cause the skin wrinkles, white spot ,senile warts flat wart, old age pigment spots senile plaques and the elderly, such as hair loss skin aging change.


Lack of sex function and excess turbulence of sex hormone were importance factor that inducedaged X syndrome whether in aged men and in aged women patients.


Population of old age of 60 years old of above year growth will exceed 10 million, population of old age of 60 years old of above will achieve the fastigium with aged population 400 million, occupy the 1/4 left and right sides of total population about.


Methods The thriiodothyronine(T 3 ),thyroxine(T 4 ),thyroid stimulating horˉmonein102elderly patients with chronic heart failure and30normal people were determined by particle glimˉmer.The classes of heart function were assessed and the left ventricular ejection fractionwas observed by eˉchocardiography among the62low thiiodothyronine state cases in elderly patients with chronicheart failure and the40normal level thiiodothyronine state cases in elderly patients with chronic heart failure.

应用微粒子发光法检测102例老年慢性充血性心力衰竭住院病人及30例健康对照者的血清三碘甲状腺原氨酸(T3 )、四碘甲状腺原氨酸(T 4 )、促甲状腺素;检测62例低T 3 综合征老年慢性充血性心力衰竭患者和40例非低T 3 综合征老年充血性心力衰竭患者的左室射血分数,比较两组间心衰的程度。

In the fourth chapter, using the feasibility analysis, this article proves that BOT Project Finance of the gray-headed apartment is feasible in the condition of the support of the government and the guarantee of the license.


At last, there are some immaturely proposals for us to deal with the problems of the oldest-old in China: the first is enhancing a sustained development of the economy; secondly, making some feasible laws and systems; thirdly, cultivating the all-around oldest-old awareness; fourthly, making the age-providing system and medical system that has Chinese characteristics; fifthly, we should pay more attention to the female oldest-old in the country.


On the contrary, the high income medical regions have significantly lower chance for CT utilization. For mental disorders,"senile and presenile organic mental disorders","other mental disorder" and "schizophrenia" have significantly higher chance for CT utilization.


Part 2. Measurement of macular light sensitivity and FM 100-hue test in normal prese- nium and geratic people. The macular light sensitivity 、macular foveal light sensitivi- ty in 64 (82 eyes) and hue discrimination in 75 (100 eyes) normal presenium and geratic people were examined with macular threshold (white、red、blue and green color light) program of the Humphreh Field Analyzer and FM 100-hue test respectivity. The re- sults showed that the light sensitivity in four color light threshold was all declined with age. The mean error score square of each spectral region and whole spectral was increased with age, the loss of light sensitivity and hue discrmination was a linear correlated with age. The light sensitivity of the different field was compared, except blue color light threshold, the light sensitivity was decreased with the increasing of the eccentricity, white and red color light threshold in the inferior field showed lower sensitivity than that in the superior field.


Multinomial Logistic regression showed that having heart disease, being stroke or hemiplegy, worrying about their children, living alone, having conflict with relatives, the frequency of negative life events, self-percieving economy, frequency of communicating with friends were influencing factors and being fond of watching TV or playing cards or Majiang, getting help when needed and having friends who could be trusted in may decrease the incidence of geriatric depression.

结果:(1) 1236名调查对象中,老年抑郁症89例,发病率为7.2%;(2)多元Logistic回归分析显示:是否患有心脏病、中风或偏瘫,是否担心子女、独居、与亲友有冲突,有无看电视,打牌或打麻将,能否获得需要的帮助,有无可信任的朋友,经济自评,与朋友交流的频率,负性生活事件次数对老年抑郁症的发病率的影响有统计学意义,是老年抑郁症发病率的影响因素;(3) GMS量表自动诊断系统AGECAT在农村社区老年抑郁症流行病学调查中应用时,具有较高的信度和效度。

Results High purine diet is the main diet habit of the gout people, young and middle aged male prefer to alcohol. The cause of gout in young and middle aged male is drinking mass of alcohol and strenuous exercise,while old aged male is catching cold,changing weather and the use of diuretic. Young and middle aged male will first outbreak at the first metatarsophalangeal joint,involve in single joint,while old aged male at the knee and ankle,involve in two to three joints. Old aged male always go with hypertension, coronary heart disease and diabetes,the rate is significantly higher than that in young and middle aged male(P<0.05), while the rale of hyperlipemia is similar in two groups.

结果 两组患者均嗜好高嘌呤饮食,中青年男性饮酒明显多于老年男性患者;发病诱因方面中青年男性主要有剧烈运动、大量饮酒,而老年男性主要是感冒、天气变化及使用利尿剂;中青年男性痛风首发第一跖趾关节为多,多数累及单关节,而老年男性则以膝、踝等大关节为多,累及2~3个关节;老年男性合并高血压、冠心病、糖尿病的概率比中青年男性多,两者差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),但两者合并高脂血症的概率则无明显差异。

更多网络解释与老年相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

day-care centers:老年日间护理中心

Community organization and 社区组织与老年 | Day care centers 老年日间护理中心 | Health care services 老年健康照顾服务

senile dementia:老年痴呆症

老年痴呆症(senile dementia)系指由于广泛性大脑皮层萎缩引起的以智能减退和行为人格障碍为主要特征的老年期常见的临床疾病. 狭义老年性痴呆,仅指脑萎缩痴呆病原因未明的一类,亦即原发性老年痴呆(alzheimer).

senile hemangioma:老年血管瘤

Senile fracture 老年骨折 | Senile hemangioma 老年血管瘤 | Senile hip disease; Senile coxopathy 老年髋关节病

old-age pension:老年年金

Old age insurance 老年保险 | Old age pension 老年年金 | Old Age Pension Act 老年年金法案

senescence phase:衰老期;老年早期;开始老年期

Senecan 塞内卡 | senescence phase 衰老期;老年早期;开始老年期 | senescence 衰老;老化

gerocomia:老年保健 老年摄生法

germs /病菌/ | gerocomia /老年保健/老年摄生法/ | gerocomium /养老院/敬老院/

gerocomy:老年保健 老年摄生法

gerocomium /养老院/敬老院/ | gerocomy /老年保健/老年摄生法/ | geroderma /老年样皮肤营养不良/


gerocomia 老年保健 | gerontic 老年的 | gerontogenesis 老年发生


老年河 old river | 老年期 gerontic | 老年期 old age

Senile wart; Senile keratosis; Seborrhoic wart; Senile flat wart:老年疣; 老年角化病; 溢脂疣; 溢脂疣棘皮病; 老年扁平疣

Senile tuberculosis 老年结... | Senile wart; Senile keratosis; Seborrhoic wart; Senile flat wart 老年疣; 老年角化病; 溢脂疣; 溢脂疣棘皮病; 老年扁平疣 | Senile warts; Seborrheic warty acanthoma 溢脂疣状棘...