英语人>词典>汉英 : 群众大会 的英文翻译,例句
群众大会 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
folkmote  ·  folkmoot

更多网络例句与群众大会相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In his National Day Rally Speech, Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong gave a candid assessment of his successor


His remarks saddened Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong who, in his National Day Rally speech, said this young man should grow up quickly.


Anarchists called for a mass meeting the next day in Haymarket Square to protest the brutality.


It was voted that they hold a mass meeting to celebrate the victory .


The party led nearly 1,000 people to go to the landlord and hold a mass meeting.


By mid-morning we reach a village in Rolpa where our last mass meeting has been organized.


The workers put up a notice announcing a mass meeting.


Two and a half months after the Kunming killings, during peace parleys in Chungking several hundred Kuomintang thugs demolished the rostrum of a mass meeting and manhandled more than fifty leaders of a people's organization.


Our objectives cannot be attained unless we use various organizational means to mobilize the masses and conduct propaganda among them in the manner described, that is to say, unless the presidiums and the economic and finance departments of the government bodies at all levels actively attend to discussing and checking up on the work of economic construction, unless they spur the mass organizations into action and hold mass propaganda meetings.


They have made use of various means of propaganda -- operas, songs,"wall newspapers", mass meetings, brief lectures, private talks, and so forth -- to explain to the masses about the current situation and the way for them to survive, and to expose the cruelty of the enemy.


更多网络解释与群众大会相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


folklore 民间传说 | folklorist 民俗学者 | folkmote 群众大会


folklorist 民俗学者 | folkmote 群众大会 | folknik 民谣歌星

mass meeting:群众大会

mammoth rally盛大集会 | mass meeting群众大会 | pamphlet小册子

mass meeting:群众大[集]会

junior town meeting 学生(讨论地区问题的)议事会 | mass meeting 群众大[集]会 | mass meeting of public trial 公审大会

a mass meeting:(群众大会)

3) Rain occurs when a mass of warm air is laden with water. (一团云聚集大量的水蒸气就形成了雨. ) | 1) a mass meeting (群众大会) | 2) mass education (大众教育)

mass meeting of public trial:公审大会

mass meeting 群众大[集]会 | mass meeting of public trial 公审大会 | memorial meeting 追悼会


第三层主要由群众(multitude)构成. 相对於其他阶层而言,作者认为这一阶层是弱势群体,本身力量十分有限,不可能直接参与全球权力结构的配置,所以必须通过一定的组织来吸纳. 联合国的会员大会在形式上将它们统合到全球权力机制中,