英语人>词典>汉英 : 美观地 的英文翻译,例句
美观地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与美观地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In addition, the company has designed and made various kinds of nice -looking and practical metal counterfeit protection iron boxes for Donkey Jelly Making Group, Shandong, Northeast Xiyang Ginseng, and Northeast Hart-shorn and so on; and has provided its paint cans for foreign trade processing, that have been successfully adopted by the Anman Group, Singapore and at the same time,its vegetable cans and bamboo-shoot cans also have been exported to Japan.


"No, really, ma bonne amie, that dress isn't pretty," said Liza, looking sideways at Princess Marya from a distance; tell her to put on you your maroon velvet there. Yes, really!

" "我的朋友,说实话,不行,这件连衣裙不美观,"丽莎说道,她从侧面远远地望着公爵小姐,"你那里有一件紫红色的连衣裙,吩咐人拿来!

" Cotter also calls the piece "bracingly environmental" and sees "something a little freakish about these slinky, reptilian swellings in the ground," but, finally, thinks it's a "a soul-soothing place of retreat.

"科特还呼吁的作品" bracingly环境",认为"有点滑稽可笑的事情对这些美观,爬行动物肿胀在地面,"但是,最后,认为这是"一个灵魂,抚慰地后退。

Companies rely on advanced quality management system, strong technology development strength - in constant demand by customers for the purpose of focus, the commitment to the development of China's vacuum valve creatively continuously reliable performance, beautiful appearance of the products, have in hand , gas, electric butterfly valve, valve, damper valve, electromagnetic valve differential pressure, electromagnetic valve, ball valve, valve plates, etc. more than 10 series vacuum valves, as well as various specifications and models of high school low-pressure valve and hydraulic control valves.


So space them out, nicely draping them as you go around the tree from top to bottom.


GEMMY colorful artistic grounds (Lamination series, molded paper series, spray mold series and acid-coloring series)can create a variety of natural stone, bricks, wood effect in ordinary concrete surface with a beautiful natural, real and lasting color, texture durability and other characteristics.


With the development of society, the science and technology raises gradually, the use of automobile more and more be universalized, and the corresponding industries such as the motor beauty shop are also growing in number or quantity increasingly at the same time, and the scope is enlarged gradually, the before one motor beauty needs of shop is very hard satisfied in all vocational work distance traveled by a stream of water and document management work of handwork statistics of tradition.

设计的指导思想是:一切为客户着想,界面美观大方,操作简单明了,而且作为一个实用的管理系统要有良好的容错性,在用户出现误操作时能尽量及时地给出警告,以便用户及时改正。计算机资源是受到限制的,因此要充分利用Visual Basic 6.0和Access 2000数据库的功能,设计出功能强大软件的同时,尽可能地减少对系统资源的占用。

The introduction of imported equipment and creativity, using Telegraph processing, electrostatic spraying technology, successfully overcome the low accuracy of the middle coil, eyesores created easily deformed disadvantage, compared with imports of the coil and a great cost advantage, and also metal-hole folder style appearance, the appearance of plating is also very beautiful.


I Arch Bridge Pier through the current design, a better understanding of the design of the arch bridge, we should be in accordance with applicable, the economy, safety and proper care for the principles of aesthetic design, the basis of these principles in light of the actual situation and the specific reasonable design.


Diamond necklaces and rings had been beautifully arranged on a background of black velvet.


更多网络解释与美观地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

l Beautifulness:[名词] 美丽. '-ness'是表示名词的后缀

l Beauteously [副词] 美丽地. | l Beautifulness [名词] 美丽. '-ness'是表示名词的后缀. | l Beautility [名词] 美观. '-lity'是名词后缀

carnauba wax:棕榈蜡

★棕榈蜡(Carnauba Wax)呈坚硬的块状,用于烟斗木质表面的上光打蜡(至于烟嘴的打蜡,有另外的专用产品),使烟斗更美观之余,也对其起到一定的保护作用. 具体用法是:刚抽完烟斗,趁斗壁余温未散时,将坚硬的块状棕榈蜡来回均匀地"游移"于烟斗的整个木质部分,

Kubu Cornwallis:康华里城堡

市内的康华里城堡(Kubu Cornwallis)建于1786年,目前仅存残垣和大炮遗迹,是旅游者必经之地. 圣乔治教堂位于城堡的西面,教堂造型美观,是最具代表性的英国建筑之一. 从圣乔治教堂西行,便可到达槟城州立博物馆. 州立博物馆也是一栋英国风格的建筑,


bumble 结结巴巴地说 | daub 拙劣的画 | bauble 美观而无价值的东西


因此,在不同的光线下观察如直接日光、反射昼光、钨光或荧光,牙齿的外观有差异,此即条件配色(metamerism)现象. 当然,要完全模仿出这种光学效果是不可能的. 然而,牙医能够足够地接近这些美观特征,只有经过训练的眼睛才能看出差别.


汉斯.波塞尔(Poser) 对利森山区(Riesengebirge)旅游和地舆之间接洽的研究标识表记标帜着德语国家对旅游地舆研究关注的起头[3] . 在当时,还不存在像本日这样对照遍及的公共旅游和市场营销方法. 山地景不美观在本日只是一种旅游目的地,


slinkingly 偷偷摸摸地 | slinky 美观的 | slinkyspindlingsveltewillowy 苗条的


slinkingly /偷偷地/偷偷摸摸地/ | slinky /鬼鬼祟祟的/苗条的/美观的/ | slip-over /套领运动衫/


specious /徒有其表的/似是而非的/外表美观的/ | speciously /外观好地/似是而非地/ | specked /有斑痕/


slink /偷偷地走/ | slinkingly /偷偷地/偷偷摸摸地/ | slinky /鬼鬼祟祟的/苗条的/美观的/