英语人>词典>汉英 : 美国电影工业 的英文翻译,例句
美国电影工业 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与美国电影工业相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Firstly, reviews the American blockbuster development the history, analyzes it from the theory and the practice to have the development inevitability, and elaborates the achievements of the American blockbuster from the cultural, artistic and commercial dimensions, and then reveals its external manifestations as an important cultural industry in the United States. Secondly, discusses choicely and emphases the successful elements of the American blockbuster: the operational ideas, marketing strategies and industry chain model, the three-parts binds into the indivisible entirety, which shows the internal motivation of its continuing development. Thirdly, analyzes our country movie's development present situation, and elaborates its exist deficiency, and inspects and analyzes the question which existed in the practice development, which will provide the theory and the practice foundation for as follows. Finally, combines the analysis and understanding of the American blockbuster in theory and the current development situation of the domestic film, it puts forward several noteworthy viewpoints about the future development of China's film industry.


America is the place in which the road culture originated. It also symbolizes the modernistic implications of Road Movies. The novel On the Road brought about fashion of being against the mainstream norms and the film Easy Rider in the sixties resulted in the spirits of Hippie. All the classic texts of Road Movies seem to be at the important points of the American history. Furthermore, sub-types of Road Movies are developed owing to different economic factors, ideologies and values. With the advancement of Hollywood film industry, Road Movies exist with various topics as well as appearances.


But film studio distribution, without limiting the scope of the long corner in Hollywood, Hollywood and its surrounding the city of Burbank, and other common film industry in the United States constitute the central region.


From 1950 through 1960, the theatre hosted the American motion picture industry's annual


Although Gibson claimed that The Passion of the Christ was faithful to the gospels and the gospels were faithful to history, there were still plenty of historical problems and non-biblical material, such as the stations of the cross, passion play and mysticism of the Middle Ages, seamlessly woven into the film narrative.


The film industry hoodwinks filmgoers and television viewers with the American Humane Association's misleading "No animals were harmed" seal of approval.


Films will cover subjects like an American defector to North Korea, Nigeria's film industry, a Japanese election campaign, and anti-corporate pranksters.


Worn with pain, and weak from the prolonged hardships which I had undergone, I was removed, with a great train of wounded sufferers, to the base hospital at Peshawar. Here I rallied, and had already improved so far as to be able to walk about the wards, and even to bask a little upon the veranda,when I was struck down by enteric fever, that curse of our In-dian possessions.


更多网络解释与美国电影工业相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


>,老牛仔伊斯特伍德(Eastwood)的套拍片. 一次拍摄套拍了两个版本,美国人的电影工业算计不可谓不英明. 不过,前面的>确实不咋的,因为,在所谓的史诗性大片中,除了浩大的场面值得一观外,想认真探讨严肃的哲理问题的趋向,

American Psycho:美国狂魔

>(American Psycho)思路[720P]自从2年前>宣布拍摄计划后,畅销小说改编的电影一直麻烦不断,倍受争议. 美国电影工业协会(MPAA)决定将>定为NC-17级,更使它雪上加霜.

Sarah Lawrence:沙拉劳伦斯学院

纽约的文理学院沙拉劳伦斯学院(Sarah Lawrence)提供本科的电影史学位. 2.电影学(Film Studies):如果说电影的系统理论研究最早出自法国人巴赞之手,那么事实上现在的全世界电影学早已经以美国为中心和重心了. 这可能多少与美国电影工业强大有很大的关系.

SEG SocietyforEducationinFilmandTelevision:电影电视用于教育交流会

SCS SocietyforComputerSimulation 计算机模拟协会 | SEG SocietyforEducationinFilmandTelevision 电影电视用于教育交流会 | SIB SocietyforIndustrialandAppliedMathematics 工业与应用数学学会(美国)


S) 瑞典国家标准(SIS)日本工业标准(JIS) 意大利国家标准(UNI)美国材料与试验协会标准(ASTM) 美国电气制造商协会标准(ASME)美国石油学会标准(API)美国机械工程师协会标准(ASME)英国石油学会标准(IP) 美国电影电视工程师协会标准(SMPTE)美国军用标准(MIL) 英国老氏船级社>(LR)答:在标准封面

sound film:有声电影

就此,其他电影公司跟进,观众热烈接受有声电影使之看电影人数增加一倍,电影事业营利相当巨大,更有助美国电影工业安然度过公元1930年全世界性的经济大恐慌,从此,有声电影(Sound Film)在欧美以及全世界普遍了.

Film Studies:电影学

2.电影学(Film Studies):如果说电影的系统理论研究最早出自法国人巴赞之手,那么事实上现在的全世界电影学早已经以美国为中心和重心了. 这可能多少与美国电影工业强大有很大的关系. 美国大概有300多所大学提供本科阶段的电影学(Film studies)的专业和辅业,


S) 瑞典国家标准(SIS)日本工业标准(JIS) 意大利国家标准(UNI)美国材料与试验协会标准(ASTM) 美国电气制造商协会标准(ASME)美国石油学会标准(API)美国机械工程师协会标准(ASME)英国石油学会标准(IP) 美国电影电视工程师协会标准(SMPTE)美国军用标准(MIL) 英国老氏船级社<<船舶入级规范和条例>>(LR)答:在标准封面

