英语人>词典>汉英 : 美其名的 的英文翻译,例句
美其名的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Kovac clashes with Corday over the treatment of a patient who Corday suspects needs an appendectomy, and nurse Sam leaves her precocious son, Alex, in the emergency room--where the boy gets an advanced education in medicine--for a day.


The goal of this project is to encourage Asian Americans to actively participate in political events (for example, voting on a legislative bill or on a political candidate) at local, state, or national levels.


Braveness in men hearts made them makes miracles.even if you were surrounded by a contract terms that have been made by a sick and greedy person that exploit an innocent talent that came to blossom .after arduous with patient on the pain of separation of your family and your home ,you made your freedom and your hope.no one wants or accept a cuffs to paralyze his ability and turns off his flame ,thats killing the talent.but you made for yourself the decision of the braves ,and break the bonds and took the results with patient and good behavior depending on your ability and the love of the people with their appraisal for hangeng's talent that is haven't been appreciate form others but we know it and understand it and that is enough ,so you've been proud for us,we waited and waited for you since dec21.2009 till now when you've surprise us with a great piece of art about a culture that aged 5000 years old,which came out with a waterfall of warmheartedness that go down with tenderness and insistence ,i wonder how could the warmth and tenderness be join with the strength and the determination, this is you , when my lovely mom heard your song last time she said is that warm voice belong to with the boy how had many hardships in his life, she only saw his photos and his performance, but she didn't had the chance to hear his voice that much like now she said that his voice is so sad and warm at the same and she wanted to hear more but i told her it's only one song yet ,she also said that is no wonder or strange of a person like to be a great singer too.


Some filmmakers have converted into TV plays the novels and movies that had been socially influential in the 1950s and l960s, and named flowerily this kind of conversion as the "Rewriting of the Red Classics."


Both upper and lower dental study models were collected from 30 boys (12 years old) and 30 girls (12 years old) with acceptable normal occlusion to understand the characteristics of the crown size, dental arch width and length such as (1) mesiodistal diameters of crown size from central incisor to first molar,(2) the width and length of dental arch and basal arch and (3) the morphology of dental arch form. After statistical analysis, data were compared with Japanese, Central and South American Indians and North American Caucasians from papers. The results were:(1) There was no statistical difference in teeth size between males and females, except the upper first molar of males was larger than that of females, lower central incisor of males was smaller than that of females.(2) The dimensions of dental arch of males were larger than that of females in general, especially such items as width and length of basal arch.(3) The crown size of Chinese male was in generally smaller than that of four other races, especially the upper canine, lower central incisor and first molar.


After such efforts of apotheosizing, Li Hongzhi ordered the Falun Gong practitioners to regard his words as "lection" and worship him as a hierarch, making the practitioners dare not even directly call his name, a way similar to that of the dark, fatuous and religious authority dominated middle ages.


Fantasizes its America , its charm , already bodyif !


Withdrawal from Iraq said to be in peril as Maliki ousts negotiators 伊总理亲信接掌与美谈判团队 [1]At the "make-or-break" stage of talks with the U.S.


The new restaurant is named Qiuping Tea Banquet Restaurant. Again, her past experience with ethnic tea food plays a major part in her new business. It not only enjoys brisk business but also becomes a preferred meeting place for tea professionals.


Continue reading 'Que sera, sera by Doris Day


更多网络解释与美其名的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Pretty Cure:光之美少女

>(PRETTY CURE)又名美丽祭师二人组或俏丽搭档,这部动画于2004年2月1日开始在日本放映. 其不拘泥于传统魔法少女动画公式的故事和设定引起了话题,除了原本订为目标的女童市场,在父母们和动漫迷之间也深受好评,


glorified 美其名的 | glorify 赞美 | gloriole 光轮

The Monkey King:美猴王

陈先生指出,1964年的>(Havoc in Heaven)[又名>(The Monkey King) ],是中国最后一部大型动画电影. 但在文化大革命及以后岁月里,本土电影业没有开发其潜力,不仅该电影的创作者万氏兄弟(Wan Brothers)被下放到乡下,


这些人自命优秀,对外来者(outsider)采取类似种族隔离的歧视措施,甚至把他们当成奴隶一般的使唤 (但又美其名为仆役(Servant). 此地的首脑是个自命不凡的老女人:第一公民(First Citizen),但议会对她有相当的制衡力量,

entertain an angel unawares:接待了名[要]人而不知其身分; 没有注意朝夕共处的人的优点; 有眼不识泰山

enough to make the angels weep 就是天使也要伤心 | entertain an angel unawares 接待了名[要]人而不知其身分; 没有注意朝夕共处的人的优点; 有眼不识泰山 | join the angels [美]死, 升天

Business Week:美国商务周刊

2002年被美国"商务周刊"(BUSINESS WEEK)评为除美国外全球十大MBA学校的第五位,加拿大商学院第一名. 其独创的"综合管理思维" 模式(Integrative Thinking Model)将现代管理理论中各学科有机结合,融汇财务、金融、市场、组织、策略、运营等知识技能,

Delonix regia:凤凰木

凤凰木(Delonix regia)又名凤凰树、火凤凰、火树、火焰树、红花楹、楹树、金凤花等,为豆科凤凰木属的植物. 原生非洲马达加斯加. 台南市将其定为市花,厦门则将其定为市树. 枝秀叶美,是典型的南国树种,夏日开花荫凉满城,红花簇簇,


glorification 赞颂 | glorified 美其名的 | glorify 赞美

The Monkey King:美猴王

陈先生指出,1964年的<<大闹天宫>>(Havoc in Heaven)[又名<<美猴王>>(The Monkey King) ],是中国最后一部大型动画电影. 但在文化大革命及以后岁月里,本土电影业没有开发其潜力,不仅该电影的创作者万氏兄弟(Wan Brothers)被下放到乡下,


Pisa比薩(義大利西北部一城市,以其斜塔聞名) | Panay[地]彭內(菲律賓群島中部的一個小島) | Potsdam(德國)波茨坦市(美國紐約州)波茨坦村