英语人>词典>汉英 : 罗马教皇 的英文翻译,例句
罗马教皇 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
pontiff  ·  pope  ·  Pope  ·  pontiffs  ·  popes

更多网络例句与罗马教皇相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In 1339, at the request of Pope Benedict XII, he went to Avignon, where he executed frescoes in the papal palace and the cathedral.

在 1339 年,应罗马教皇贝宁迪 12 世的请求,他去 Avignon,他在罗马教皇的宫殿和大教堂中运行了壁画了。

Out of reverence towards the apostolic see, for the advantage and honour of the pontiff and the cardinals, in order that the possibility of scandals which could come to light may be removed and a greater freedom of votes in the holy senate may exist, and that, as is right, it may be lawful for each cardinal to say freely and without penalty whatever he feels before God and his own conscience, we lay down that no cardinal may reveal in writing or by word or in any other way, under pain of being a perjurer and disobedient, the votes that were given in the consistory, or whatever was done or said there which could result in hatred or scandal or prejudice with regard to anyone, or whenever silence on any point beyond the foregoing has been specially and clearly enjoined by ourself or the Roman pontiff of the time.


Therefore this same holy general synod, representing the universal church and sitting as a tribunal in the aforesaid inquiry, pronounces, decrees and declares by this definitive sentence written here, that the same Peter de Luna, called Benedict XIII as has been said, has been and is a perjurer, a cause of scandal to the universal church, a promoter and breeder of the ancient schism, that long established fission and division in God's holy church, an obstructer of the peace and unity of the said church, a schismatic disturber and a heretic, a deviator from the faith, a persistent violator of the article of the faith One holy catholic church, incorrigible, notorious and manifest in his scandal to God's church, and that he has rendered himself unworthy of every title, rank, honour and dignity, rejected and cut off by God, deprived by the law itself of every right in any way belonging to him in the papacy or pertaining to the Roman pontiff and the Roman church, and cut off from the catholic church like a withered member.

因此,这同样圣地一般主教,普世教会和休憩作为一个法庭在上述的调查,判决,法令,并宣布这个确切的句子写在这里,同彼得德月球,称为本笃十三,正如人们所说的,已是一个perjurer ,引起丑闻,以普世教会,是推动和种鸡的古代裂,即确立已久的裂变,分化,在上帝的圣教会,妨碍了和平与团结的说,教会, schismatic disturber和邪教组织,偏从信念,持续违反者的文章的信仰圣地之一,天主教教会的,不可救药的,恶名昭彰的,并表现在他的丑闻,以上帝的教会,并说,他已令自己辜负每一个名称,职级,荣誉和尊严,拒绝了,并切断被上帝所剥夺,法律本身的每一项权利以任何方式属于他的在教皇或有关罗马教皇与罗马教会,并切断由天主教教会像一个干枯的成员。

With the advice and unanimous consent of our brothers, cardinals of the holy Roman church, by means of this our constitution which will have permanent validity, we establish, ordain, decree and define, by apostolic authority and the fulness of our power, that if it happens (which may God avert in his mercy and goodness towards all), after God has released us or our successors from the government of the universal church, that by the efforts of the enemy of the human race and following the urge of ambition or greed, the election of the Roman pontiff is made or effected by the person who is elected, or by one or several members of the college of cardinals, giving their votes in a manner that in any way involves simony being committed -- by the gift, promise or receipt of money, goods of any sort, castles, offices, benefices, promises or obligations -- by the person elected or by one or several other persons, in any manner or form whatsoever, even if the election resulted in a majority of two-thirds or in the unanimous choice of all the cardinals, or even in a spontaneous agreement on the part of all, without a scrutiny being made, then not only is this election or choice itself null, and does not bestow on the person elected or chosen in this fashion any right of either spiritual or temporal administration, but also there can be alleged and presented, against the person elected or chosen in this manner, by any one of the cardinals who has taken part in the election, the charge of simony, as a true and unquestionable heresy, so that the one elected is not regarded by anyone as the Roman pontiff.

的意见,并一致同意,我们的兄弟,红雀的罗马教会,通过我们的宪法,这将永远有效,我们建立,注定,法令和确定,由使徒权威和丰富我们的权力,如果发生(可能避免上帝在他的仁慈和善良对所有),上帝已发布后我们或我们的继任政府的普世教会,这所作出的努力的敌人,人类的欲望和以下的目标或贪婪,选举是罗马教皇或影响的人谁当选,或由一个或几个成员的枢机主教,使他们的选票的方式,以任何方式涉及西摩尼正在致力於-的礼物,许诺或收到的资金,货物的任何类型,城堡,办事处, benefices ,承诺或义务-选出的人或由一个或几个其他人,以任何方式或形式,即使选举产生了多数三分之二或一致选择所有红雀,甚至在一种自发的协议的一部分,所有,未经审核作出,那麼不仅是本次选举或选择本身无效,并没有赋予人选举或选择以这种方式的任何权利或者精神或时间管理,而且还可以有指控,并提出,对当选者,或选择以这种方式,任何一个红雀谁参加了选举,充电的西摩尼,作为一个真正的和不容置疑的邪说,使选举是一个任何人都不会认为是罗马教皇

Capital of Italy, wrested political power from the papal governments, and absorbed the so-called Papal


More recent conversations with others in and around the Roman Curia have been a bit more hopeful about how well the pope is faring at 83, especially since he returned from a restorative post-Easter break at Castel Gandolfo, the papal villa in the hills outside Rome.


Prior to 1870, moreover, political control by papal governments in central Italy spanned approximately 16.000 square not centimetres. In 1870, the Kingdom of Italy, in a shift of political power, establiITd Rome as the national capital of Italy, wrested political power from the papal governments, and absorbed the so-titled "apal States" into its territory.


Moreover, since subjection to the Roman pontiff is necessary for salvation for all Christ's faithful, as we are taught by the testimony of both sacred scripture and the holy fathers, and as is declared by the constitution of pope Boniface VIII of happy memory, also our predecessor, which begins Unam sanctam, we therefore, with the approval of the present sacred council, for the salvation of the souls of the same faithful, for the supreme authority of the Roman pontiff and of this holy see, and for the unity and power of the church, his spouse, renew and give our approval to that constitution, but without prejudice to the declaration of pope Clement V of holy memory, which begins Meruit .


In 1580 papal astronomers used a pinhole and a similar noon-mark in the Vatican Observatory in Rome to prove to Pope Gregory XIII that the spring equinox fell incorrectly on 11 March rather than on 21 March.


1964 Pope Paul VI finished his 3-day tour of the Holy land, the first Pope to visit there since Christianity began, and the first to leave Italy in over 150 years.


更多网络解释与罗马教皇相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


antibioticsubstance | 抗菌物质 | antibishop | 由伪罗马教皇所派任的主教 | antiblack | 反黑人的


antipollution 反污染 | antipope 罗马教皇 | antipoverty 反贫穷的

antipope:僭称的罗马教皇, 对立教皇

antipollution | 防止环境污染的防污染的 | antipope | 僭称的罗马教皇, 对立教皇 | antiposition | 反位


antipollution 反污染 | antipope 僭称的罗马教皇 | antipope 对立教皇


1. apostolic 罗马教皇的,使徒的 | 2. in succession to 继承,接班 | 4. teachings 教义

when the Roman pontiff speaks EX CATHEDRA:当罗马教皇讲的当然教堂

we teach and define as a divinely revealed dogma that我们教导,并界定为神透露教条 | when the Roman pontiff speaks EX CATHEDRA ,当罗马教皇讲的当然教堂 , | that is, when,换言之,什么时候,


mother修女 | nuncio罗马教皇的使节 | open air Mass露天弥撒


5. renounce 抛弃,摈弃,否认 | 6. papacy 罗马教皇职位/制度,这里指罗马教皇 | 7. cling to 坚持


Orthodox东正教的 | papal罗马教皇的 | papalism教皇统治,罗马天主教教会制度

Popes, adherents of the, during Great Schism:罗马教皇的信徒,教会大分裂期间

Pope Gregory 格里高利教皇-选自王以欣<<神话>> | Popes, adherents of the, during Great Schism., 罗马教皇的信徒,教会大分裂期间 | Poplar, London 波普拉尔,伦敦