英语人>词典>汉英 : 罗切斯特 的英文翻译,例句
罗切斯特 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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After Luoqiesite one bowed greatly to Ba Luoshen, language band says sarcasticly:"Doctor, ask you to help the bootlace on our department."


Other stations on this line include Broadstairs, Margate, Whitstable, Faversham, Gillingham, Rochester and Bromley South.


"This will be the phonebook for purchasers of components," said Curt Gerrish, founder and chief executive of Rochester (Newburyport, Mass.).


Paulinus at York were Benedictine pioneers, and their labours were afterwards supplemented by other monks who, though not strictly Benedictine, were at least assisted by the black monks in establishing the Faith.


But, as matters really stood, to watch Miss Ingram's efforts at fascinating Mr Rochester, to witness their repeated failure — herself unconscious that they did fail; vainly fancying that each shaft launched hit the mark, and infatuatedly pluming herself on success, when her pride and self-complacency repelled further and further what she wished to allure — to witness this, was to be at once under ceaseless excitation and ruthless restraint.


Know that, having regard to God and for the salvation of our soul, and those of all our ancestors and heirs, and unto the honor of God and the advancement of his holy Church and for the rectifying of our realm, we have granted as underwritten by advice of our venerable fathers, Stephen, archbishop of Canterbury, primate of all England and cardinal of the holy Roman Church, Henry, archbishop of Dublin, William of London, Peter of Winchester, Jocelyn of Bath and Glastonbury, Hugh of Lincoln, Walter of Worcester, William of Coventry, Benedict of Rochester, bishops; of Master Pandulf, subdeacon and member of the household of our lord the Pope, of brother Aymeric (master of the Knights of the Temple in England), and of the illustrious men William Marshal, earl of Pembroke, William, earl of Salisbury, William, earl of Warenne, William, earl of Arundel, Alan of Galloway, Waren Fitz Gerold, Peter Fitz Herbert, Hubert De Burgh, Hugh de Neville, Matthew Fitz Herbert, Thomas Basset, Alan Basset, Philip d'Aubigny, Robert of Roppesley, John Marshal, John Fitz Hugh, and others, our liegemen.


The effort will be led by Karl Kieburtz, MD, MPH, of the University of Rochester in New York, and Barbara C. Tilley, Ph.D., of the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, and the patients will be seen by movement disorders specialists at the NET-PD sites across the United States and Canada.

这项努力将率领由卡尔kieburtz ,医学博士英里,美国罗切斯特大学,在纽约和芭芭拉长tilley ,博士,医学南卡罗来纳大学,在查尔斯顿,和病人将被运动障碍专家的净钯地点横跨美国和加拿大。

Mrs. Fairfax said she should not be surprised if he were to go straight from the Leas to London, and thence to the Continent, and not show his face again at Thornfield for a year to come; he had not unfrequently quitted it in a manner quite as abrupt and unexpected. When I heard this, I was beginning to feel a strange chill and failing at the heart. I was actually permitting myself to experience a sickening sense of disappointment; but rallying my wits, and recollecting my principles, I at once called my sensations to order; and it was wonderful how I got over the temporary blunder- how I cleared up the mistake of supposing Mr. Rochester's movements a matter in which I had any cause to take a vital interest.


The US study, published in the journal BMC Public Health, may appear to contradict the traditional image of the beer belly often found attached to those who like a drink or two.But the researchers said the results did not mean teetotallers should turn to the bottle in the battle of the bulge.


As an advisor he has worked for several institutions such as the MFA photography program at Sint-Joost Academy in Breda (1999-2002), member of the International board of advisors of George Eastman House in Rochester and member of the Supervisory Board of World Press Photo.

作为顾问他为多家机构工作,例如Breda 的Sint-Joost 学院摄影艺术硕士计划(1999-2002)的顾问、罗切斯特乔治-伊斯曼机构国际顾问委员会委员和荷兰阿姆斯特丹世界新闻摄影监管委员会委员。

更多网络解释与罗切斯特相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Janes Farewe:简的告别(罗切斯特的表白)

18: 婚礼-妻子The Wedding - The Wi.... 02:28 | 19: 简的告别(罗切斯特的表白)Janes Farewe.... 05:35 | 20: 简的归来Janes Return 03:44

Mayo Medical School:梅奥医学院明尼苏达州罗切斯特

12University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center--Dallas得克萨斯大学西南医学中心 - 达... | 15Mayo Medical School梅奥医学院明尼苏达州罗切斯特 | 15University of Alabama--Birmingham阿拉巴马大学 - 伯明翰阿...

Ken Reek:(罗切斯特理工学院)

Ramachadran Ramjee(微软研究院) | Ken Reek(罗切斯特理工学院) | Martin Reisslein(亚利桑那州立大学)


"JFK","New york","肯尼迪机场","NY","纽约州","美国东北部" | "ROC","Rochester","罗切斯特","NY","纽约州","美国东北部" | "SYR","Syracuse","锡拉丘兹",&quot

ROC","Rochester:罗切斯特 美国 US 北美

RNO RENO 里诺 美国 US NV 北美 | ROC ROCHESTER 罗切斯特 美国 US 北美 | RWI ROCKY MOUNT NC 落基山 美国 US 北美


地理位置:维诺娜(Winona),明尼苏达州(Minnesota)毗邻城市:双星城(Twin Cities), 罗切斯特(Rochester)学校开设英语为第二语言(ESL)和英语语言桥梁(ELB)项目.


帮助公司客户申请到如加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA),芝加哥大学(Chicago),南加州大学(USC),莱斯大学(RICE),艾默里大学(Emory),弗吉尼亚大学(Virginia),罗切斯特大学(Rochester),纽约大学(NYU)等多家美国著名大学 等世界级美国顶尖名校的录取和奖学金,


47 BROWN UNIV 布朗大学 USA 68.63 | 48 UNIV ROCHESTER 罗切斯特大学 USA 68.05 | 49 UNIV HAWAII 夏威夷大学 USA 67.85

University Rochester:美国罗切斯特大学

50 美国南加州大学 UniversitySouthern California | 52 美国罗切斯特大学 University Rochester | 53 澳大利亚国立大学 Australian Natl University

Rochester Royals:罗切斯特皇家队

在大战十三场赢得西部赛区冠军后,明尼阿波利斯湖人淘汰了奥斯科什全明星队(OSHKOSH ALL-STARS)、三城黑鹰队(TRI-CITIES BLACKHAWKS)和罗切斯特皇家队(ROCHESTER ROYALS),夺取了那个赛季的NBL王冠.