英语人>词典>汉英 : 编号方式 的英文翻译,例句
编号方式 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与编号方式相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When you replicate a database, any incremental AutoNumber fields in your tables change to random numbering.


AutoNumbers that increment by one are the most common kind of AutoNumber and are a good choice for use as a table′s primary key?.

最常见的"自动编号"方式为每次增加 1,并且通常用作表的主键?。

Before you replicate a database, determine whether any of your applications or users rely on an AutoNumber field′s incremental numbering.


An arrangement of core storage in which the lowest numbered storage location is the successor of the highest numbered one.


An arrangem t of core storage in which the lowest numbered storage location is the successor of the highest numbered one.


Customs number, export date, export port, code of the business entity, record number, trade mode, destination country, approval document number (number of the verification form of collection of foreign exchange), transaction method, freight, insurance premium, incidental expenses, commodity code, commodity name, primary quantity, primary measurement unit, secondary quantity, secondary measurement unit, transacted quantity, as well as measurement unit, total price, and currency.


A good and detailed calibration/PM plan in place, showing each calibration/PM information including the equipment name and number, location, expiry dates, department representatives, equipment status, types of calibration, etc. And with a good review mechanism in place to ensure a fail-safe system.

有一个完善及详细的校正/PM 计划,能清楚显示每个校正活动详情,包括设备名称及编号,所在位置,到期日,部门代表,设备状况,校正/PM 方式等等,并有一个完善的检讨机制以确保其系统的安全可靠。

The numbering alignment is only useful when creating a numbered list; use it to specify the alignment of the numbers.


To fully appreciate how the Numbering alignment works, try to create a numbered list with more than ten elements and make sure that enough room has been made for numbers with two or more digits.


But I decided people wouldn't understand the numbering system so we dropped it.


更多网络解释与编号方式相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

airway bill:空运提单

二、如未填写申报单的"商标、编号、数量及包装方式--货物名称"栏,经营人应将载有货物名称、包裹或对象的数目、数量及重量等数据的文件,例如提单(Bill of Lading)、空运提单(Airway Bill)、舱单(Manifest)或装箱单(Packing List)的正本、副本或影印本,


另外注意,除了会费(Due)之外(现在是50美元),不要选择任何另外收费的选项,例如印刷版杂志和光盘版以往杂志资料. 付款完毕,立刻会显示一张临时会员卡,你可以屏幕捕捉或采用打印成文件方式来保留,上面有你的会员编号,要记住.


各编号的意义(大部份配合MS Word摘要设定就能懂了):关於编码方式(Code Page)的重要值域:#3:文件(document)文字长度#4:注脚(footnote)文字长度#5:页眉(header)文字长度#6:巨集(macro)文字长度其中处理起来比较麻烦的是复杂格式,


911年表 型号 容积(c.c.) 马力(hp) 0-100km/h(秒) 极速(km/h) 年代 大事记 911 1991 130 8.8 210 1963 九月IAA法兰克福车展Porsche编号901的跑车首度亮相,但由于与法国标致汽车(Peugeot)已注册的车款编号方式相同(三码中间带0),


据说被用於做实验的那艘驱逐舰为艾尔德里奇号(USS Eldridge)那一段时间都在纽约, 百幕达与诺福克, 就是没到过费城.4E43(USS Eldridge 二战期间的作战日志, 以缩微胶片(microfilm)的方式完整保存, 编号为 NRS-1978-26, 有意查证者,

page numbering:页编号

page mode 页面方式 | page numbering 页编号 | page out 页出

numberless:无数的, 无号数的 (形)

numbering 编号方式 (名) | numberless 无数的, 无号数的 (形) | Numbers 民数记 (名)


在初始化方式下,两个站用无编号信息帧(UI)交换数据和命令. 拆除连接命令(DISC)用于通知对方链路已经拆除,对方站以UA帧响应,链路随之断开. 除UA帧之外,还有几种响应帧与传输方式的设置有关. 非连接方式帧(DM)可用于响应所有的置传输方式命令,


用名称"菠烷"(bornane)代替"莰(camphane)"和"冰片烷(bornylane)". A-73.1:烷类型:这一类型的单环萜烃(邻位、间位和对位异构体)命名为烷(menthane)、烯(menthene)、二烯(menthadiene)等,并且都按烷的方式编号. 这类化合物,

Certificate of Origin:产地证明书

它的基本项目包括:发票编号、开立日期、数量、包装、单价、总价以及支付方式等. 3.产地证明书: (Certificate of Origin)是一种证明货物原产地或制造地的证件. 4.装箱单:(Packing List)又称花色吗单,它列明每批货物的逐件花色搭配.