英语人>词典>汉英 : 缓慢曲 的英文翻译,例句
缓慢曲 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
largo  ·  largos

更多网络例句与缓慢曲相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Like a french minuet, markets seem to be moving in slow sidesteps until the economy moves forward out of the concentric circle caused by the past two years.


Sawicki Ernest Bloch Fugue of Concerto Grosso No.1, with piano obbligato JEAN BINET Slow and Animatedly from String Quartet Astor Piazzolla Melodia: Fugue and Mystery string version by J.


Methods: We reviewed the clinical data of 25 cases of acute edematous pancreatitis admitted during the past two years(2007-2008). 17 cases received 100 μg Octreotide by vein push and persistant venous transfusion in velocity 25 μg per hour for 3 days, and the other 8 cases comprised the control group.

对我院2007~2008年25例急性水肿型胰腺炎患者进行分析,其中,17 例应用先缓慢静脉推注奥曲肽100 μg后,继以每小时25 μg 的速度持续静滴,连用3 d,其余8 例为对照组。

Sei A and Jimmy Edgar turn up for remixing duties, with the former further cementing his reputation as Apparat's talented house-oriented kid brother and the latter adding a subtle modulating synth line that slowly burns its way down to the wick over the course of its ten minutes.

值得一提的是,Sei A 与Jimmy Edgar接受了曲目的remix任务,要知道,Sei A可是Apparat厂牌中的青少年天才house音乐人,而Jimmy Edgar则曾将在一段细微的合成音乐缓慢融入音乐,使其变成了一首长达十分钟的美妙电子音乐。

The result shows that with the increase of stress time, relative water content on leaf is in a downward trend while Sedum spurium \\\"Coccineum\\\"、Sedum reflexum have a slight increase in the mid; MDA content in these plants changes very slowly except that in Sedum spurium \\\"Coccineum\\\" which continues to increase; the relative electric conductivity in the first 20d in four kinds of plants is on the rise and the value of sedum lineare and Sedum spurium \\\"Coccineum\\\" decreases in the last 5d of stress; the changes of SOD activity in four sedums are similar, which increase first and then decrease and then rise again.


The results suggested that the activities of these enzymes quickly enhanced at 1 d, 3 d, 5 d and 7 d after inoculation by injecting conidia of the false smut fungus at 7-10 d before heading in the resistant cultivars, but slower increase in the susceptible cultivars, and also showed that there was correlations between the cultivar resistance to the disease and the three enzymes.


更多网络解释与缓慢曲相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


adage 格言 | adagietto 更缓慢的 | adagiettos 慢板短曲


事实上,>的开篇曲>(Alison)就被视作了Dream-Pop风格的示范曲--"凝神倾听,别迷醉/晨光中,我就在这儿/因为我只是飘浮的......". 也就可以这么说,这张乐队生涯中期发表的专辑,达到了"缓慢下潜"音乐生涯的最高峰,

DO IT OR DIE:生死悠关 -谭咏麟[成功需苦干]原曲

15. KEY LARGO 缓慢的调子 | 16. DO IT OR DIE 生死悠关 -谭咏麟[成功需苦干]原曲 | 17. IT'S A LONG ROAD 漫漫长路 -电影[第一滴血]主题曲


全曲以一种缓慢(Lento)而低喃的速度进行,弥漫著浓郁的哀思,乐句绵延不断产生一种清新脱俗但出世超尘的乐思,搭配上女高音吟咏,彷佛来自於天上仙境. 第一乐章由弦乐器以卡农(Canon)的形式展开,先是低音大提琴而后整个弦乐团渐渐加入,

Precapillary sphincter:毛细血管前括约肌

在真毛细血管的起始部位,有少许环形平滑肌组成的毛细血管前括约肌(precapillary sphincter),控制着进入毛细血管网的血流量,起着"分闸门"的作用. 真毛细血管行程迁曲,血流缓慢,是真正实现物质交换的主要部位. 机体在静息的情况下,


snag 打磨 | snail 蜗牛;蜗形轮;缓慢移动 | snaking stream 蛇曲河


largish 稍大的 | largo 缓慢曲 | largomycin 广霉素

snaking stream:蛇曲河

snail 蜗牛;蜗形轮;缓慢移动 | snaking stream 蛇曲河 | snap action valve 快速作用阀


事实上,<<羊肉串>>的开篇曲<<艾莉森>>(Alison)就被视作了Dream-Pop风格的示范曲--"凝神倾听,别迷醉/晨光中,我就在这儿/因为我只是飘浮的......". 也就可以这么说,这张乐队生涯中期发表的专辑,达到了"缓慢下潜"音乐生涯的最高峰,


12 linale:presto non tanto缓慢曲终曲:超急板 | 07 POLONAISES IN A FLAT OP.53("HEROIC")降A调波罗乃兹舞曲 | 08 WALTZ IN E FLAT MAJOR OP.18 No.1降E大调圆舞曲作品18号