英语人>词典>汉英 : 缓冲存货 的英文翻译,例句
缓冲存货 的英文翻译、例句


buffer inventory
更多网络例句与缓冲存货相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Buffer fund Fund set up to regulate buffer stocks.


Enterprises enhance their competition strength by shortening the delivery time to customers. However, since customers' demand changes rapidly, many enterprises have change their business model from make-to-stock to make-to-order. Consequently, the stocks which are used to buffer between production and distribution is reduced which results in a closer interaction between production and distribution and increases the essentiality of integrating the production and distribution stages.


更多网络解释与缓冲存货相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

budgetary policy:预算政策

泡沫状态 Bubbles | 预算政策 Budgetary Policy | 缓冲存货 Buffer Stocks

buffer inventory:缓冲存货(用于应付突发性需求的存货)

capacity inventory 用于将来某时使用的存货 | buffer inventory 缓冲存货(用于应付突发性需求的存货) | cycle inventory 循环盘存(始终保持仓库内有一定量的存货以供周转)

inventory buffer:缓冲存货

inventory audit存貨審計 | inventory buffer緩衝存貨 | inventory card存貨卡片

buffer stock:缓冲存货

特别是在贸易方面的权利和义务而缔结的书面协议. 它反映了各国之间的经贸关系和各国本身的对外经贸政策,并为实现缔约方的对外经贸政策而服务. 1、缓冲存货(Buffer Stock)的规定一、关贸总协定(General Agreement on Tariff and Trade)的产生

buffer stock:缓冲库存

即企业把内部业务的一部分承包给外部专门答:缓冲库存(Buffer Stock)又称"缓冲存货","缓冲储存"或"国际储存". 缓冲存货机制(Buffer Stock Mechanism) 所谓缓冲存货机制就是由商品协定的权利机构按照最高限价和最低限价的规定,

capacity inventory:用于将来某时使用的存货

pipeline inventory 在途存货 | capacity inventory 用于将来某时使用的存货 | buffer inventory 缓冲存货(用于应付突发性需求的存货)

decoupling inventory:缓冲存货

Deconsolidator 分货者 | Decoupling inventory 缓冲存货 | Decoupling point 去耦合点

Safety Stock:安全存货

缓冲存货也称为安全存货(safety stock),通常是被闲置一旁以应付在需求(demand)与供给(supp1y)上的不确定性. 公司为补足在重订货领先期所增加的需求,或是增加本身在重订货领先期的存货,便有可能保有额外的存货. 当公司对存货的控制能力降低的时候,

Built-in stabiliser:内在稳定因素

buffer stock 缓冲库;缓冲存货 | built-in stabiliser 内在稳定因素 | bulk-breaking 分件

Built-in Stabilizers:内在稳定器

缓冲存货 Buffer Stocks | 内在稳定器 Built-in Stabilizers | 金银本位主义的争论 Bullionist Controversy