英语人>词典>汉英 : 继续不断的 的英文翻译,例句
继续不断的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与继续不断的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I had left the ashram, but, due to the continuing pain, I couldn't work and, with a child still to support, had to go on welfare.


I had left the ashram, but, due to the continuing pain, I couldnt work and, with a child still to support, had to go on welfare.


In the years that followed, Marx kept on studying English and using it.


Keekp doing sth/ keep on doing sth/ keep sb doing sth/ keep sb or sth from sth/ stop…………from prevent…………from doing sth/ stop……from doing sth/ prevent……from doing sth 继续Ⅰ.keep doing sth


With the continuous growth and pervasion of the Internet, the demand on intelligent search engine is greater and greater.


The unceasing improvement of machinery, ever more rapidly developing, makes their livelihood more and more precarious


With the improvement of the target identifying technology and computation, target identifying ways and varieties must be increased in a rapid speed and the system must tend to be perfect in future, it will enjoy an unceasing extend application and can also provide important function for the technologies in such fields as controlling, commanding, monitoring, reconnoitering and information in military affairs.


We work'd on, but the Water encreasing in the Hold, it was apparent that the Ship would founder, and tho' the Storm began to abate a little, yet as it was not possible she could swim till we might run into a Port, so the Master continued firing Guns for Help; and a light Ship who had rid it out just a Head of us ventured a Boat out to help us.


The blood of the Lord is continuously effective; it is not a matter of having to wash over and over again.


Based on that assessment, the UN says all the factors which have led to the extinction of species in recent decades continue to operate with "everincreasing intensity".


更多网络解释与继续不断的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

e.g. be continuous with:与...相连, 是...的延续部分

2. continuous adj. 连续的, 继续的, 连续不断的 | e.g. be continuous with 与...相连, 是...的延续部分 | 3. continual adj. 持续不断的, 继续的

continuo:连续的 不断的

continuare 继续 使继续 | continuo 连续的 不断的 | conto 算 计算 帐 帐户

go on with sth:继续做某事(可能一度中断过,但是做的是同一件事)

I wonder who will take place of Bush as American president .我在想谁会取代布仕当选下一届... | 9.go on with sth.继续做某事(可能一度中断过,但是做的是同一件事) | go on doing sth. 继续做某事(一直不断的做同一...


"创意曲"(Invention)和"堪州那"(Canzona)都极近似于赋格,但不甚严格. 这两个术语含意都相当广泛,此处无须作不必要的详细技术上的说明. 一般的只要知道它们多多少少是种赋格就够了. "卡农曲"(Canon)的意思是继续不断的赋格,

nervous breakdown:精神崩溃

在染上许多罪恶之后,麦克白夫人为了不妨称为"精神崩溃"(nervous breakdown)的症状忧郁. 这是他的罪恶带来的病症. 当医生离开她要回去时,麦克白问道: 大夫,你的病人今天怎样?医 回陛下,她并没有什么病,只是因为思虑太过,继续不断的幻想扰乱了她的神经,

proceed to:继续进行, 继续下去

on and on 继续不断, 一直不停 | proceed to 继续进行, 继续下去 | ban on ...的禁令, 禁止


然而,"救恩"(Salvation)一词在圣经中其实是有十分丰富之涵义的. 保罗概括地述出"救恩"所包涵的三重意义:"他(耶稣)曾救我们脱离极大的死亡,现在仍要(继续不断的)救我们,并且我们指望他将来还要救我们.


uncaused 非外因引颇 | unceasing 不断的 | unceasingly 继续地


unceasing 不断的 | unceasingly 继续地 | uncensored 无保留的

continuable:可持续的 (形)

contingently 偶发地; 临时地 (副) | continuable 可持续的 (形) | continual 持续不断的, 继续的 (形)