英语人>词典>汉英 : 继承元素 的英文翻译,例句
继承元素 的英文翻译、例句


daughter element
更多网络例句与继承元素相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is concluded that, first, geochemical data of the surface soils can clearly distinguish two kind of soils, that is, juvenile soils, for example, purple soils, which inherits most geochemical characteristics of the parent rocks or materials, and anthropic soils, the geochemical characteristics of which have been greatly changed as the results of intensive impact from variety of agricultural uses. Second, different soils have typical indicator elements association respectively due to different parent rocks or materials and utilization, such as purple soils, yellow soils (low alkali and alkaline-earth metal contents and pH value), paddy soils (high organic element and heavy metal elements contents) and fluvo-aquic soils (high rock-forming accessory mineral elements contents) and so on. Consequently, it can be suggested that elements association is an important indicator for two key factors (parent materials and anthropic activities) of soil classification. Third, some differences exist between soil genesic classification and result of cluster analysis, because geochemical characteristics of surface soils can not completely represent the foundation applying to soil genesic classification, that is, condition and process of soil-forming, and soil property.


"The distinctive element, however, ie the prominence assigned to Timothy and Titus, is intelligible only on the supposition that the author had specially in view the ulterior end of vindicating the legitimate evangelic succession of contemporary episcopi and other office-bearers in provinces where this was liable for various reasons to be challenged"(in the beginning of the second century).


Research has shown that there is a genetic or inherited element to handedness.


Then, since each element is stored in succession, if you want to find the second element, simply look in the next piece of memory.


In this research project, we have got a series conclusions:(1) there is no excess argon in the high-pressure white micas being in the orthogneiss;(2) The distribution of excess argon in eclogite is positive correlative with the ratio of Mg/, but negative with the ratio of Na/;(3) The in-situ analyses by using the method of laser probe 39Ar-40Ar show that the age radius from central to margin in a single grain of high-pressure white mica in eclogite;(4) There is no any evidence to prove that the excess argon in eclogite comes from fluid;(5) The excess argon in eclogite inherited from primitive rock during high-ultra high pressure metamorphism;(6) There is no excess argon in the eclogite when its surrounding rock is carbonate.


The craving (visible in Clem. Rom.) for continuity of succession as a guarantee of authority in doctrine underlies the efforts of this Paulinist to show that Timothy and Titus were genuine heirs of Paul Ency.


The craving (visible in Clem. Rom.) for continuity of succession as a guarantee of authority in doctrine underlies the efforts of this Paulinist to show that Timothy and Titus were genuine heirs of Paul Ency.


This paper, through study of narrative background, narrative connotation, narrative method and narrative function, mainly explain that the contemporary American horror film more and more break free from tradition and combine a mere illusion with horror realistic daily life on the basic of assimil...


This paper mainly includes two parts The first part falls into three main sections. First, it analyses the formative causes of the Chinese traditional house interior display art through five aspects, including the structure and forms of Chinese traditional architecture, the productive mode of Chinese traditional society, Chinese traditional philosophy, the idea of ethics and grading and custom of Chinese traditional society. Second, it briefly introduces the history of Chinese traditional house interior display art's development. Finally, it focuses on the analysis of Chinese traditional house interior display art's design ideas and concludes that its design ideas embodies the five sides as follows: respect for nature and imitate artfully nature, practical-oriented and function incorporated into form, images of space of what the theory and practice forms, balanced natural pattern of the display, artifacts with the thoughts and respect for poetic imagery. Another part of the article further researches on the application of Chinese traditional house interior display ideas to the contemporary home display, and leads to the author's view, that is that each era should has its own character when it inherits the traditional culture. What's more, the contemporary Chinese-style home display design not only have to take over the spirit of the tradition but also have to give full consideration of the contemporary aesthetic concepts, principles and methods. In the 21st century, humanistic care is greatly proponed in the interior design. The interior display art should develop towards the ecological, personalized and comfortable direction and the cultural dimensions. It should absorb the traditional cultural elements to decorate contemporary living space. In order to upgrade the simple and primary "appearance likeness" to a higher level of "spirit likeness", it must effectively grasp the poetic imagery of space, which can reach the artistic effect of "both appearance and spirits".


This text try from inherit China tradition build the essence of view art, combine a modern tour the business street park view construction principle, elaborated tour the characteristics of view of the business street view park, construction principle and geography, plant, park road, spread to pack, place a stone, water view, essay etc.


更多网络解释与继承元素相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

data abstraction:数据抽象

Bill Venners: 数据抽象(Data abstraction)就是独立的不使用继承的类?Bjarne Stroustrup: 差不多. 面向对象编程(Object-oriented programming)就是你使用继承的地方. 我以前曾经写过:"我们必须使容器(container)中的元素类型参数化" 后来这个相反就变成了generic programming.

base line:基线

初始值: normal 继承性: 继承 适用于: 所有元素 媒体: 视觉 计算值: 长度和百分比值为绝对值;其他同指定值 行高指的是文本行的基线间的距离. 而基线(Base line),指的是一行字横排时下沿的基础线,基线并不是汉字的下端沿,而是英文字母x的下 端沿

daughter element:继承元素

dauby 粘性的 | daughter element 继承元素 | daughter of eve 女人


核[炉]心元件 element, core | 子元素;继承元素 element, daughter | 侦检元件 element, detecting

encapsulation inheritance:封装( 压缩) 继承( 遗传)

element 元素要素 | encapsulation inheritance 封装( 压缩) 继承( 遗传) | encode 译成密码

encapsulation inheritance:封装( 紧缩) 继承( 遗传)

??element 元素要素 | ??encapsulation inheritance 封装( 紧缩) 继承( 遗传) | ??encode 译成密码


A、 页面(Page)结构B、 盒状(box)模型结构C、包装(pack)模型以下示例清晰地展示了一个视频包(Pack)在类的继承和重载的情况:样式命名很重要,优先考虑以类(class)为基础,轻易不使用标识(ID),标识(ID)通常用于页面级样式所需要的元素,


daubster 笨画匠 | dauby 粘性的 | daughter element 继承元素

generalizable element:(可泛化元素)

148.可泛化元素(generalizable element) 可以参与泛化关系的模型元素. 见 泛化(generalization)、继承(inheritance) 语义 可泛化元素可以有父和子. 被类元成带有元素的变量可以带有该元素后代的实例. 可泛化元素包括类、用例、其他类元、关联、状态和合作,

daughter of eve:女人

daughter element 继承元素 | daughter of eve 女人 | daughter of Momus 爱嘲弄的女人