英语人>词典>汉英 : 继...之后 的英文翻译,例句
继...之后 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
succeed  ·  succeeded  ·  succeeds

in the wake of · follow on
更多网络例句与继...之后相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He, who was the most important music inheritor after Berliaz and prior to Claud Debussy, propelled the revival and development of French absolute instrumental music.


IT者网站提供英文翻译,未经授权请勿转载】 On March 11 message,"The new player of 50% above is after the first minute when enter game, dropped with respect to prediction of a person's luck in a given year, operation of gloomy picture, disobliging, dispersive birthplace, the 10th minute when can let this one word begin in the test even is achieved 90%", recently, after column of afterwards history jade, giant network engineers forum begin lecturing the 2nd class," journey " advocate engineer Ji Xuefeng to face your net to swim the issue of new player prediction of a person's luck in a given year with concoctive the thorniest circle, gave out " journey " countermeasure -- village of decisive battle novice.


According to legal major of China personage and research personage say," antitrust law " after carrying out, the global antitrust after Chinese hopeful becomes afterwards European Union and United States superintends the three-ply and fundamental strength of the domain.


Kempe was born in Dresden, where from the age of fourteen he studied at the Dresden State Opera School.


The occurrence of euro is the international money system is the most significant change since 50 one's remaining years, it is in become stable currency to reach after having high negotiability, after will making afterwards dollar, yen the strong currency on another international.


In the Chinese International Financial Company Limited, Chief Economist Kazakhstan Following Ming told reporters at the time, the real estate market are two seemingly contradictory forces unit parallel : Further follow-up with the positive cash - beginning with the 2001 mid-tide, the macro-control, the impact of interest rate policy mix, the current real estate market again in the future is expected to become the collective.


Public figure of group of partial China law thinks," antitrust law " after carrying out, the global antitrust after Chinese hopeful becomes afterwards European Union and United States superintends the three-ply and fundamental strength of the domain.


The country had been priding itself on its stability and relative prosperity, especially since President Salinas pushed through his six-year program of free-market economic reforms and Mexico joined the U.S.


"The Incredible Hulk" is Marvel's second production-after "Iron Man", of course-since launching its own studio, and like its debut, the movie leaves you with an unmistakable impression: The geeks have finally inherited their universe, and they're going to have as much fun with it as superhumanly possible.


Like ghosts in the quarter that the data, the average score of 19.6 in addition to Duncan, below last year after the 20 mark once again, the average of the remaining pot 1.7, dissatisfied with his first single of two, while the average basket 06-07 tie plate 10.6 years, is also a career low, but the recent performance of the bottom may have sustained.


更多网络解释与继...之后相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


继亚伯(Abe)之后,1993年的一月份,雷E陶而门(Ray Tallman)接管国际总管的全部职责. 雷(Ray)从他在摩洛哥和慕迪圣经学院的多年事奉经验中,给差会带来了新的领导风格和发展远见. 在总管任职早期的时候,雷(Ray)带领整个领导团队明确了我们的异象,

Abigail Breslin:阿比盖尔.布兰斯林

阿比盖尔-布兰斯林(Abigail Breslin)出生于1996年9月16日,在这个幼小的年龄,她就开始在好莱坞银幕上刻下了鲜明的印记!你可以从这个天资聪颖的可爱女孩身上期待更多惊喜,继在>(Signs)中备受赞誉的演出为其赢得年轻艺人奖提名之后,

acute bronchitis:急性支气管炎

急性支气管炎(acute bronchitis)是病毒或细菌等病原体感染所致的支气管粘膜炎症. 是婴幼儿时期的常见病、多发病,往往继发于上呼吸道感染之后,也常为肺炎的早期表现. 本病多同时累及气管、支气管,故正确命名应为急性气管支气管炎. 如果处理不当,


伦敦图书博览会继在伦敦东部依克塞尔(ExCel)展绩不佳之后,将于明年转战伦敦西部. 而法兰克福图书博览会组织者之前已被要求在奥林匹亚附近的厄尔斯(Earls)广场举办一项竞争类比性活动,之前那里曾举办过图书展会. 之后,


相对实力更强一些,公司领导也比较信任我,因此我得到了这些机会. 航天表提高了我个人和企业的影响力. 航天表2003年成功遨游太空之后,飞亚达就被定位为继欧米茄(Omega)和飞舵士(Fortis)之后世界三大航天表品牌之一了.

in the wake of: following:继...之后

disrupt: interrupt 中断 | in the wake of: following 继...之后 | breakdown: analysis by classification 分类分析


1864年出版第一本长篇小说>(Moods). 而真正使她名扬天下的则是1868年所出版的>(Little Women),并由此奠定了文坛的地位. 继>之后,奥尔科特还陆续以自己童年经验为题材,

Over here:这里

继>之后,特拉沃尔塔成为百老汇"这里"(Over Here)演出公司的一名正式成员. 在"这里"公司干了10个月后,他决定再次前往好莱坞试试自己的运气. 这一次,他毫不费力就得到了大量电视剧的重要角色,先后在>、>(Emergency!


它后来又为拿破仑的继子(stepson)和意大利的总督Eugene de Beauharnais所用. 在维也纳议会期间为皇帝佛朗茨二世(一世)使用. 当用他的自己的最初的FIA (奥地利的绝对统治者Franciscus)称号取代了拿破仑的纹章之后,在维也纳为他的第四次婚姻,

Sylvia Chang:导 演 张艾嘉

手法有点类似关锦鹏的>,但却更加流畅自然,是继>之后最成功的香港爱情片. 片名:心动(Tempting Heart) 导演:张艾嘉(Sylvia Chang) 主要演员:金城武 莫文蔚 梁咏琪 出品公司:寰亚 东宝东和 年份:1999 国家(地区):中国香港