英语人>词典>汉英 : 统治者的地位 的英文翻译,例句
统治者的地位 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Tibetan rulers "invented degrading legends and stimulated a spirit of superstition" among the common people. In 1937, another visitor, Spencer Chapman, wrote, The Lamaist monk does not spend his time in ministering to the people or educating them.... The beggar beside the road is nothing to the monk.

西藏的统治者"宣扬着恐怖的传说,在大众心中建立迷信的地位"。1937年另一位访者Spencer Chapman写道,喇嘛们并没有为帮助和教育人们作任何工作……路边的乞丐跟喇嘛们没有任何关系。

"For, though the chances of a popular election had caused this former ruler to descend a step or two from the highest rank, he still held an honourable and influential place among the colonial magistracy."


Confucius praised the rulers big plus, and always considerate for the rulers everywhere, establish a set of rulers to consolidate the dominance of the theory contains a severe obscurantism.


Later, when the top members of the Kuomintang began to monopolize the youthful capitalist enterprises for their personal profit, the free-enterprise philosophy proved utterly incapable of creating a community feeling among the Chinese people because it resulted in the tremendous increase of the disinherited mass at the bottom, and the elevation of an arrogant plutocracy to the top.


Their own religion was polytheistic, and all the Ptolemies, like Alexander before them, accepted the status of gods even in their lifetimes


He first attempted to consolidate his position by ridding the empire of Latin rulers.


It chronicles the journey and ascent to power of Severian , a disgraced journeyman torturer who rises to the position of Autarch, the one ruler of the free world.


Ouranos was, at least in the oldest times, the vast primordial deity that was the ruler or soul of the whole Universe before its various realms or levels of manifestation became differentiated.


In the Xizhou dynasty to Xihan dynasty ,the physician's position was inferior than that of witch physician though they already had high social position. From the mid of Xihan dynasty to Tang dynasty, the physician's position is markedly went down and caused the negative influence to the development of medicine as Confucianism became the orthodox ideology of the feudal society. From Song dynasty to Yuan dynasty ,the dynasts paid high attention to medicine ,so the physician's social position was greatly upgraded ,which promoted the development of medicine . The position of physician in the Ming dynasty and Qing dynasty were unprecedentedly debased. It became a very negative factor to the development of medicine.


In the Xizhou dynasty to Xihan dynasty ,the physician"s position was inferior than that of witch physician though they already had high social position. From the mid of Xihan dynasty to Tang dynasty, the physician"s position is markedly went down and caused the negative influence to the development of medicine as Confucianism became the orthodox ideology of the feudal society. From Song dynasty to Yuan dynasty ,the dynasts paid high attention to medicine ,so the physicians social position was greatly upgraded ,which promoted the development of medicine . The position of physician in the Ming dynasty and Qing dynasty were unprecedentedly debased.


更多网络解释与统治者的地位相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


杜卜雷克委派戴鲍西(DeBussy)为海德拉巴国的顾问,而且把北萨卡尔(Sarkar)地方的四个县割给戴鲍西. 到一七五五年这个人已经是海德拉巴国的实际统治者. 虽然第二次加尔纳他战争后,英国在加尔纳他地方已据有优势地位,

Good News:好消息

另一方面,针对BIC公司推出的便携式剃刀,吉列公司马上以名为"好消息"(Good News)的双刀头的便携式剃刀还以颜色. 吉列公司也许在该项目上收益甚微,但今天他们却在剃刀领域牢牢占据了统治者地位.