英语人>词典>汉英 : 绞痛 的英文翻译,例句
绞痛 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
angina  ·  colic  ·  tormina  ·  angor  ·  tormentum  ·  cramps  ·  colica

extremely painful · colic pain
更多网络例句与绞痛相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

You may have a high temperature and cramping abdominal pain.


These foods encourage the production of wind, and may aggravate colic.


D: Is it an aching type pain or is it a colicky pain?


Other references show that colic was treated with hyoscyamus, which is still used today, and that cumin and coriander were used as intestinal carminatives.


Other references show that colic was treated with hyoscyamus, which is still used today, and that cumin and coriander were used as intestinal carminaties.


Methods 7 cases of postcaval ureter were retrospectively reviewed regarding to clinical presentation, imaging findings, treatment and prognosis.


Result: Successful lithotripsy was achieved in 72 cases, two cases failed due to movement of calculus to pelvis and another two failed because of ureterostenosis at inferior segment. The successful rate of lithotripsy was 94.7%, The relief rate of renal colic was 97.4%.


Results Successful lithotripsy was achieved in 78 cases ,two cases failed because movement of calculus to pelvis renalis in one and no access to calculus site by ureteroscope due to ureterostenosis at inferior segment in the other .

结果 1例因结石上移至肾盂,1例因输尿管下段狭窄使输尿管镜无法到达结石部位手术失败,其余78例均碎石成功,术后当天肾绞痛缓解,碎石手术成功率和术后肾绞痛缓解率均为97.5%。

Results Successful lithotripsy was achieved in 78 cases ,two cases failed because movement of calculus to pelvis renalis in one and no access to calculus site by ureteroscope due to ureterostenosis at inferior segment in t

结果 1例因结石上移至肾盂,1例因输尿管下段狭窄使输尿管镜无法到达结石部位手术失败,其余78例均碎石成功,术后当天肾绞痛缓解,碎石手术成功率和术后肾绞痛缓解率均为97.5%。

Manifested as skin petechia, multi-appeared in the lower limbs around the joints and buttocks, purpura was symmetrical distribution, in batches appear vary in size, color, different shades can be blended into a film, usually subsides in a few days, but can be recurrent; the patient may have gastrointestinal symptoms such as abdominal cramps paroxysmal or persistent dull pain, etc.; to the section of pain; kidney symptoms such as proteinuria, hematuria, and so on, more common in children.


更多网络解释与绞痛相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


backache 背痛 | colic 绞痛,急腹痛 | earache 耳痛

Colic:婴儿绞痛 by 韦基豪医生

Cleft Lip and Palate 裂唇和裂颚 | Colic 婴儿绞痛 by 韦基豪医生 | Colic 婴儿绞痛 by 罗启晖医生

biliary colic:胆绞痛,胆石绞痛,肝绞痛

biliary calculus 胆石 | biliary colic 胆绞痛,胆石绞痛,肝绞痛 | biliary peritonitis 胆汁性腹膜炎

colic ; colicky pain:绞痛

神经痛 neuralgia | 绞痛 colic ; colicky pain | 胆石绞痛 biliary or gallstone colic


回肠 ileum | 肠塞绞痛;肠塞疝痛 ileus | 伊犁白猪 Ili swine

lead colic:铅绞痛

如果出现顽固性便秘,则常为铅绞痛(lead colic)的先兆. 铅绞痛是中毒的典型症状之一,多为突然发作,呈持续性绞痛,部位多在脐周,少数在上腹部或下腹部;发作时患者面色苍白,出冷汗,并常有呕吐、烦躁不安,手压腹部疼痛可缓解. 检查时腹部平坦柔软,

lead colic:铅绞痛,画家绞痛

lead coil 铅盘管,铅旋管 | lead colic 铅绞痛,画家绞痛 | lead collar 出线套

Throbbing Pain:绞痛与搏动性痛

thrill 震颤 | throbbing pain 绞痛与搏动性痛 | thrombasthenia 血小板无力症

cholecystalgia:胆囊痛, 胆绞痛

cholecyst n.胆囊 | cholecystalgia 胆囊痛, 胆绞痛 | cholecystectomy n.[医]胆囊切除术


gnawing pronounced hawing 持续痛巨痛 | Griping 肠绞痛 | Gripping 夹痛