英语人>词典>汉英 : 绝对时间 的英文翻译,例句
绝对时间 的英文翻译、例句


absolute time
更多网络例句与绝对时间相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As expiration granularity relates to a resource's inherent characteristics, we measure each resource's expiration granularity in relation to its own estimated lifespan and not along an absolute time scale.


From absolute space and absolute time reach relative time-space, is the leap of know objective world.


Mechanical materialism While acknowledging that space and time are independent of the objective existence of people outside, but it will be the movement of phase separation and material that are not dependent on the motion of matter of" absolute space "and "absolute time."


In the theory, Einstein discards the concepts of absolute time and absolute rest.


In the former, Einstein showed that absolute time had to be replaced by a new absolute: the speed of light.


Therefore, the time scale should be viewed as incremental time, and not absolute time.


59 If you use the absolute time for shutdown.


A kind of visual prediction and analysis framework of the execution time of real-time software based on program flowchart is proposed in the paper. The key issues of implementing the framework are discussed in detail, including creating the mapping between intermediate code segment and statement line of source code, retrieving the time of any given program segment from the perspective of CPU cycles of goal machine instruct, calculating CPU cycles of statement lines of source code, point-to-point WCETC (worst case execution time calculated) analysis algorithm based on program flowchart, and transforming CPU cycle into physical time.


In my opinion, the "relative concept" of time was not considered prior to the "absolute concept" of time, and imprecisely they looked like a double-sides coin.


This thesis is composed to the following contents: in Chapter 2, it is mainly focused on the necessity of recognition for the universe of discourse out of a new point of view, that is, its point of view on the basis of the dialectical world outlook and the regular order arrangement between relative temporal meaning and absolute temporal meaning which the professor, MA QING-ZHU have suggested in Chinese and propose the background of UGFF theory.

本文是对"的"字结构的系统的阐述,在论文中首先是显示了在"的"字结构里,其先行词组和后行词组之间的关系功能,进而是以代词的约束方向及相对时间世界与绝对时间世界之间的区别作为先行论据,提出了形式和功能统一语法(Unifying Grammar of Form and Function,简称UGFF)的基本模型。

更多网络解释与绝对时间相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Absolute Frequency, Time:绝对频率,时间

Relative Frequency, Time=相对频率,时间 | Absolute Frequency, Time=绝对频率,时间 | Optional Design File Data =可选设计文件数据

absolute time:绝对时间

在约翰.哈里森(John Harrison)最终完善了在海上保持精确时间的记程仪之前,测定经度只能靠测量绝对时间(absolute time)来完成,而欧洲人在后来的3个半世纪中也未能实现.

absolute time:绝对时

absolute time code 绝对时间码 | absolute time 绝对时 | absolute title 绝对所有权

absolute time:(绝对时间):图标运动设置的任意帧在其设置的实际帧被使用

Event Duration(事件持续):参数设置的任意帧在每个粒子第一次进入事... | Absolute Time(绝对时间):图标运动设置的任意帧在其设置的实际帧被使用. | Particle Age(粒子年龄):图标运动设置的任意帧在每个粒子的存活期...

newtonian absolute time:牛顿绝对时间

newton's impact theory 牛顿撞豁论 | newtonian absolute time 牛顿绝对时间 | newtonian attraction 牛顿引力

absolute time code:绝对时间码

absolute term 绝对项 | absolute time code 绝对时间码 | absolute time 绝对时

absolute time reference:绝对时间参考

绝对故障集:absolute fault sets | 绝对时间参考:absolute time reference | 绝对浓度测量:Absolute concentration measurement

absolute time specification:绝对时间规范

absolute surcharge 绝对额外费 | absolute time specification 绝对时间规范 | absolute tolerance 绝对容差

absolute vorticity:绝对旋涡度

"绝对时间","absolute time" | "绝对旋涡度","absolute vorticity" | "土壤吸著能","absorbing capacity"

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