英语人>词典>汉英 : 绚丽的 的英文翻译,例句
绚丽的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
florid  ·  flowery  ·  flowerier

更多网络例句与绚丽的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

People were pleased to see that contemporary Longquan celadon can not only keep the roots and reinforce, firing out of celadon rhyme, and bold innovation, and integration into the modern ceramics elements, so that a more brilliant bloom Longquan celadon color.


Many projects have interesting 3D animated graphics you can view when the project is running and a few even have screen savers.


By spring, all kinds of beautiful flowers are open, and are so eye-catching brilliant.


Be that Renqiu has added florid wind color.


To be with you、in every flowery mornings.


Love is also like this, respect for love, love will really release of its most brilliant luster.


This is a purple passage.


The purple passage is loved by everyone.


The brilliant luster of the shell carving attracted many visitors.


The brilliant lustre of the shell carving attracted many visitors.


更多网络解释与绚丽的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ablaze radiant:闪耀的;绚丽的

abiding enduring 持续的;永久的 | ablaze radiant 闪耀的;绚丽的 | abnormally exceptionally 反常地;异常地

feast one's eyes on the charming scenery:饱览绚丽的风光

景色宜人,令人心旷神怡:soothing and relaxing vista | 饱览绚丽的风光:feast one's eyes on the charming scenery | 号称...之首:be crowned as the most famous of ...

DE Hyper Harmonizer:(绚丽的彩带)

8.5.15 DE Grayscaler(灰度处理) | 8.5.17 DE Hyper Harmonizer(绚丽的彩带) | 8.5.18 DE Lens Flares(镜头光斑)

luxuriant: a.1:茂盛的 2.肥沃的,丰饶的 3.丰富的,绚丽的

abstractness: n.抽象,深奥,难解,纯理论 | luxuriant: a.1.茂盛的 2.肥沃的,丰饶的 3.丰富的,绚丽的 | simplicity: n.简单,简明,简朴,朴素,纯朴

ornate:装饰的, 华丽的, (文体)绚丽的

push cycle 自行车 | ornate 装饰的, 华丽的, (文体)绚丽的 | pluvial index 降雨指数

purple passage:词藻绚丽的段落

to sing the blues 垂头丧气 | purple passage 词藻绚丽的段落 | born in the purple 出身显贵

This is a purple passage:这是一个绚丽的章节

11.black letter day 倒霉的一天 | 2. This is a purple passage. 这是一个绚丽的章节. | LightPink 浅粉红

the technicolor phase:在绚丽的阶段

vanilla twilight--香草的黄昏 | the technicolor phase--在绚丽的阶段 | rainbow veins--彩虹纹

Je t'offrirai des fleurs Et des nappes en couleurs:我会送给你鲜花和几张绚丽的桌布

Et des nuages pris aux antennes 还有那挂在天线上的云彩 | Je t'offrirai des fleurs Et des nappes en couleurs 我会送给你鲜花和几张绚丽的桌布 | Pour ne pas qu'Octobre nous prenne 希望十月不要影响我们

Je t'offrirai des fleurs Et des nappes en couleurs:我会送你鲜花和几张绚丽的桌布

Et des nuages pris aux antennes 还有那挂在天线上的云彩 | Je t'offrirai des fleurs Et des nappes en couleurs 我会送你鲜花和几张绚丽的桌布 | Pour ne pas qu'Octobre nous prenne 希望十月不要影响我们