英语人>词典>汉英 : 给戴帽 的英文翻译,例句
给戴帽 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与给戴帽相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The only fashion link between them — subtle at best — was the stern top hat of wealthy capitalists, a coal-black cylinder symbolizing the factory chimney pipes that brought profit to one, hardship to the other.


The mistress visited her often in the interval, and commenced her plan of reform by trying to raise her self-respect with fine clothes and flattery, which she took readily; so that, instead of a wild, hatless little savage jumping into the house, and rushing to squeeze us all breathless, there 'lighted from a handsome black pony a very dignified person, with brown ringlets falling from the cover of a feathered beaver, and a long cloth habit, which she was obliged to hold up with both hands that she might sail in.


The mistress visited her often in the interval, commenced her plan of reform by trying to raise her self-respect with fine clothes flattery, which she took readily; so that, instead of a wild, hatless little savage jumping into the house, rushing to squeeze us all breathless, there 'lighted from a handsome black pony a very dignified person, with brown ringlets falling from the cover of a feathered beaver, a long cloth habit, which she was obliged to hold up with both hands that she might sail in.

那期间,女主人常常 www.ssbbww.com 去看她,并执行了她的改良计划——让凯西自尊地成长,给她漂亮的衣服,说些恭维的话,而对于这些凯西竟欣然接受了。就这样,凯西不再是那个不懂规矩,不带帽子的野孩子——蹦跳着进屋,冲过来紧紧地抱住我们 sSBbWw ,让我们 sSBbWw 透不过气来。凯西的回来,让我们 sSBbWw 眼前一亮:束着漂亮黑色马尾的高贵人儿,戴着带羽毛的海狸帽,棕色的卷发在帽下自然垂下,穿着一件长兔毛大衣,当她仪态万方的到来时,她不得不用双手合着她的大衣。

The bloke I saw last time wore a blue cap, and tried to remove my verruca with a ticket 18punch.


The bloke I saw last time wore a blue cap, tried to remove my verruca with a ticket 14punch.


People like to stereotype. This is an inferential process based on limited data.


Finally, people like to stereotype. This isan inferential process based on limited data.


The mistress visited her often in the interval, and commenced her plan of reform by trying to raise her self-respect with fine clothes and flattery, which she took readily; so that, instead of a wild, hatless little savage jumping into the house, and rushing to squeeze us all breathless, there 'lighted from a handsome black pony a very dignified person, with brown ringlets falling from the cover of a feathered beaver, and a long cloth habit, which she was obliged to hold up with both hands that she might sail in.


The mistress visited her often in the interval, commenced her plan of reform by trying to raise her self-respect with fine clothes flattery, which she took readily; so that, instead of a wild, hatless little savage jumping into the house, rushing to squeeze us all breathless, there 'lighted from a handsome black pony a very dignified person, with brown ringlets falling from the cover of a feathered beaver, a long cloth habit, which she was obliged to hold up with both hands that she might sail in.

那期间,女主人 www.ssbbww.com 去看她,并执行了她的改良计划——让凯西自尊地成长,给她漂亮的衣服,说些恭维的话,而对于这些凯西竟欣然接受了。就这样,凯西不再是那个不懂规矩,不带帽子的野孩子——蹦跳着进屋,冲过来紧紧地抱住 sSBbWw ,让 sSBbWw 透不过气来。凯西的回来,让 sSBbWw 眼前一亮:束着漂亮黑色马尾的高贵人儿,戴着带羽毛的海狸帽,棕色的卷发在帽下自然垂下,穿着一件长兔毛大衣,当她仪态万方的到来时,她不得不用双手合着她的大衣。

I shall have a red coat on him and red-flowered trousers and on his head a hat with a small gilded Buddha sewn on the front and on his feet tiger-faced shoes.


更多网络解释与给戴帽相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

dunce cap:纸帽

听完一轮废话后,女老师会问3道问题,答案都是最差最坏的那个(或可说是最长),然后她会给你一个学生被罚站时戴的纸帽(Dunce Cap). 15.被赶出学校后,按动门旁的火警(Fire Alarm). 当女老师逃走后,进入学校的一个箱子内拿取口哨(Whistle).

Your girlfriend:你的女朋友 Becky 给你戴绿帽

a slam-dunk case for us.|一个惊天大案 | I mean, your girlfriend, Becky, cheats on you,|你的女朋友 Becky 给你戴绿帽 | so you kill her.|所以你就杀了他

passer-by:过路人; (尤指)偶然路过的人

290nowadaysad. 现今,现在; n. 现今,当今 | 291passer-by过路人; (尤指)偶然路过的人 | 292capn. 帽子,盖子; v. 给戴帽,覆盖于...顶端

a slam-dunk case for us:一个惊天大案

You may be a nut job, but you sure made this|也许你是个神经病 但这一切都是你造成的 | a slam-dunk case for us.|一个惊天大案 | I mean, your girlfriend, Becky, cheats on you,|你的女朋友 Becky 给你戴绿帽