英语人>词典>汉英 : 给小费 的英文翻译,例句
给小费 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
tip  ·  tips

更多网络例句与给小费相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Although most people think of baksheesh in terms of tipping, it also refers to giving alms.


Baksheesh or tipping is an integral part of the system.


When boarding in a hotel, I had always to put one or two bucks on the pillow for the charwoman every morning; when dining in a restaurant, another 10%—20% of the check for the waiter; even when taking a taxi, I had to pay extra money and ironically, many drivers run their own business.

说是小费,数目对于我这样的中国土鳖来说可不算小,住旅馆,每天早上要在枕头放一两个美元,给打扫房间的大姐;吃饭要把餐费的 10%-20%给服务员;甚至连坐出租车也要额外给小费,其实很多出租车司机自己都是老板。

Tipping is more prevalent in countries with a culture of individualism than in those with a more collectivist spirit.


However, if you're eating at a downscale restaurant a tip is not necessary.


However, if you're eating at a downscale restanrant a tip is not necessary.


Give present and give a tip: Be in United Kingdom , be confined to only to the attendant and taxi driver tip, outside the meal expense and fare overpayment 1/10 or 1/8 money.


That woman is a good tipper.


And they were both horrible tippers.


Technically, the winner of the bet won twice - he didn't have to pay the kid and he got to call a T on Mr. Foul-Mouthed Big-Shot Du Jour.


更多网络解释与给小费相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


而"小费" (gratuity) 在美国称得上是种国际礼仪;一般来说,小费是消费额以外的15% ~ 20%,高兴的话可加添一点. 付小费最常见的是在高级餐馆用餐、乘坐出租车和在旅馆给运送行李的服务生等. 在这些情况下,给予一两元美金小费就可以了;

service charge:服务费

若帐单上注明要另付服务费(Service Charge),可付约10%的小费. 旅客对饭店服务员、行李搬运工,可酌情给一点小费. 对饭店门卫、计程车司机可不必给小费. 泰国特产首推丝织品. 用泰丝制成的服装或头巾、领带、沙发靠垫套等,精细美观,经济实用.

I gave the taxi-driver a tip,but he didn't look at all pleased:我给司机小费,但他看上 去一点儿也不高兴

[11:21.09]"You look upset." "I am,"Gretel... | [11:26.00]"I gave the taxi-driver a tip,but he didn't look at all pleased. ;"我给司机小费,但他看上 去一点儿也不高兴. | [11:30.60]I think he expected me to...


说到"小费"(tips),你可千万别给酒吧招待员现金以表示谢意. 正确的做法是请他们喝一杯. 吧为f 门的平等气氛感到自豪. 给现金小费会使他们想到自己是伺候人的. 酒客的举止 好,你现在喝上酒了,那又怎么和当地人接触呢?

To put it simply:简言之

510tipn. 顶,尖端,小费; v. 装顶端,倾斜,给小费 | 511to put it simply简言之 | 512tossn. 投掷,震荡; v. 投掷,摇荡,辗转

We don't tip the usherette in a cinema:不付小费给影院的领座员

[11:50.88]Remember that in England we always tip taxi-drivers barbers... | [11:57.36]We don't tip the usherette in a cinema. ;不付小费给影院的领座员 | [12:00.56]And we don't usually tip in restaurants ...

leaving atip:给小费

leave out纰漏;漏掉;排除 | *leaving atip给小费 | leisure time空暇时间

and they were both horrible tippers:而且他们给小费都给得很吝啬

It's February and I've only given two massages...|现在已经是二月 我只接到两个按摩客人... | and they were both horrible tippers.|而且他们给小费都给得很吝啬 | That was me and Ross.|你是指我跟罗斯

The elderly aren't the greatest tippers:老年人不是最佳的给小费主顾

I understand.|我了解 | The elderly aren't the greatest tippers,|老年人不是最佳的给小费主顾 | but I'm telling you, they're going to give us|但我告诉你们 他们在晚饭前

Damn doormen. l really tip them well, too:该死的看门人. 我真的给他们很多小费

-l'll give you a hand. -Thanks.|-我会帮你. -谢谢 | Damn doormen. l really tip them well, too.|该死的看门人. 我真的给他们很多小费. | Everybody does.|每个人都一样.