英语人>词典>汉英 : 给予名称 的英文翻译,例句
给予名称 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
entitle  ·  entitles  ·  entitling

更多网络例句与给予名称相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bleuler is best known today for his introduction of the term schizophrenia – in 1908 - to describe the disorder previously known as dementia praecox, from the Latin meaning prematurely out of one's mind, a name given by Emil Kraepelin; and for his study of schizophrenics.

布鲁勒是最有名的今天,他介绍了任期精神分裂症-在1 908年-来形容障碍以前称为早发性痴呆,从拉丁美洲的含义过早出一个人的心目中,一个名称所给予的埃米尔kr aepelin;和他的研究精神分裂症患者。

We also rule that henceforth parochial churches, major and principal dignities and other ecclesiastical benefices whose rents, revenues and produce by ordinary reckoning do not amount to an annual value of two hundred golden ducats of the treasury, and also hospitals, leperhouses and hostels of any importance which have been set up for the use and provisioning of the poor, shall not be given in commendam to cardinals of the holy Roman church, or conferred on them by any other title, unless they have become vacant by the death of a member of their household.

我们还规定,今后狭隘教堂,重大和主要的贵宾和其他教会benefices的租金,收入和生产由普通推算并不等於每年价值200金ducats财政部,也医院, leperhouses和旅馆的任何重视已成立的使用和配置的穷人,不得给予commendam为枢机主教的罗马教会,或赋予它们以任何其他名称,除非他们已成为空缺的死亡的一名成员他们的家庭。

The key concepts that are required are conformability of data formats for the business to be processed.


Code Name/Cryptonym - A false name given to a person who is undercover or part of a covert operation.

代码名称/ Cryptonym -化名给予某人谁是卧底或秘密行动的一部分。

The theory of church - state relations, to which the name Erastianism is given, usually goes well beyond the authority Erastus would have granted to the state.

理论的教会-国与国的关系,其中的名称e rastianism是给予,通常远远超出了e rastus管理局将给予该国。

In 2004, Genoa, the capital of the Liguria region, was named the cultural capital of Europe by the European Community. The Mayor of Genoa wanted to pay tribute to those who have honoured the name of Liguria.


Apocrypha; hidden, spurious, the name given to certain ancient books which found a place in the LXX.


Pelagianism is the name given to the teachings of Pelagius, a British Christian active in Rome in the late 4th and early 5th centuries.


The objects set forth in each sub-clause of this clause shall not be restrictively construed but the widest interpretation shall be given thereto ,and they shall not, except where the context expressly so requires, be in any way limited or restricted by reference to or inference from any other object or objects set forth in srch sub-clause or fronm the terms of any other sub-clause or by the name of the Company.


POWER OF ATTORNEY请将该段翻译成中文 The Chargor irrevocably appoints the Lender, the Receiver and any persons deriving title under either of them by way of security jointly and severally to be its attorney (with full power of substitution) and in its name or otherwise on its behalf and as its act and deed to sign, seal, execute, deliver, perfect and do all deeds, instruments, acts and things which may be required or which the Lender or the Receiver shall think proper or expedient for carrying out any obligations imposed on the Chargor hereunder including any act or thing to be done for transferring or assi娜ng (or completing or perfecting any transfer andlor assignment ofj the title, ownership and right of the Chargor of and in the Machinery or any part thereof to the Lender upon or for the purpose of the enforcement of this Deed or for exercising any of the powers hereby conferred or in connection with any sale or disposition of all or any part of the Machinery or the exercise of any rights in respect thereof or for giving or granting or transferring or assigning to the Lender the full benefit of this security or the title, ownership, right of the Chargor of and in the Machinery and so that the appointment hereby made shall operate to confer an the Lender and the Receiver authority to do on behalf of the Chargor anything which it can lawfully do by an attorney.

该chargor不可改变指定放款,接收器和任何人产生标题下,无论他们的担保方式共同及个别作为自己的律师,并在其姓名或以其它方式代其与作为其法和实际行动上签字,盖章,执行,交付,完善和尽一切事迹,仪器仪表,行为和这件事可能需要或贷款人或接管人应想正当或权宜措施,为履行任何义务加诸于chargor 以下(包括任何行为或事情需要做转让或assi娜伍(或完成或完善任何转让andlor转让ofj业权,所有权和右的chargor的,并在机械或其任何部分向贷款后,或用以执行这项契约),或行使任何权力兹授予或与任何出售或处置的全部或任何部分机器或行使的任何权利,在尊重或给予或给予或转让或指派向贷款人的全部利益,这种安全或名称,所有权,权利主体chargor的,并在机械等,这兹任命应取得经营授予放款者和接收者管理局做代表该chargor什么,它可以合法地做一个律政司。

更多网络解释与给予名称相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

absorbed dose:吸收剂量

三、吸收剂量 吸收剂量(absorbed dose)定义为dε除以dm所得的商,其中dε是致电离辐射给予质量为dm的受照物质的平均能量. 即D=dε/dm. 吸收剂量的SI单位是焦耳.千克-1(J.kg-1),SI单位专名是戈[瑞](gray),符号Gy. 暂时与SI并用的专用单位名称是拉德,



Burning Steppes:燃烧平原

[原创]非战斗宠物全收集 以下是搜集到有关各类WOW宠物的相关资料,计有宠物名称,种类,地区,花费或是获取说明. 可向商贩购买猫 ... bler 等级:55-59 地区:燃烧平原(Burning Steppes) 摘要:能给予团队侦察潜行的能力. ?蜘 ...


带有相同的名称的不同领域的元素可以利用命名域(namespaces)结合在一起. 命名域的问题将在第18章中加以讨论. 但是,即使使用命名域,也不要将同一领域(如本例中的TEAM和LEAGUE)的多个术语给予同样的名称. 每个联赛可分为东部(east)、西部(west)和中部(central)分部,可编码如下:


新浪娱乐讯 电视公司花巨资买下了一部名称暂定为>(Fringe)的科幻剧版权. 这部剧是关于一个女FBI探员的故事,她面对着超自然现象的挑战,与特殊机构的科学家合作结局即将到来的超自然犯罪风暴. "科学给予我们启示的同时也让我们十分惊恐,


V型12缸发动机 直列5缸发动机 品牌 (Make) 是制造厂对一类车辆所给予的名称. 如:别克、奥迪、本田、大众等. 金色的M象征我们物资进出口公司(MATERIALS),也有交朋友(MAKE FRIENDS)的含义,表明了我司愿意与国内外的客户携手合作,

The Sixth Sense:《灵异第六感>

名称是来自於著名的摇滚乐团"齐柏林飞船" (Led Zeppelin)的同名专辑这个由天真可爱的德莱尼小孩NPC"哈勒"所给予的任务名称,是来自於1999年的电影"灵异第六感" (The Sixth Sense)中,能够见到灵魂的小男孩"柯尔" (Cole Sear)对由布鲁斯威利饰演,


entironment 环境 | entitative 实体的 | entitle 给予名称


8-2 Sub过程又称子程序(Subroutines)"子程序"(Subroutines)是将一段具有某种特定功能的语句区块单独撰写成一个独立的程序,给予特定名称,它的格式如下: