英语人>词典>汉英 : 给...喂奶 的英文翻译,例句
给...喂奶 的英文翻译、例句


更多网络例句与给...喂奶相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

She was feeding a baby at the breast.


When you are 1 year old, she fed you and bathed you.


When you were 1 year old , she fed you and bathed you .


If the baby wake up 6:00 every day, can be fed egg share, 9:00 breastfeeding, 10:00 Hey some fruit, porridge or noodles 12:00 Hey, with a small amount of vegetables and meat, bean food, in the absence of calcium, bones can be used to the baby soup to eat the following article by : with fresh boiled bones plus open to offscum write clean, modest Add vinegar, and promote the dissolution of calcium, small火煮2 hours,放冰箱refrigerated cooling box 2 hours, which the oil will float on the surface of condensation to skim the oil, and then冻成Xiaobing pieces, cooking time can come up with a few feeding .15:00, 18:00 feeding porridge,临睡前re-feeding.


I have a cold, drink double黄莲, one drink two, drink a box, as well as detoxification Mussaenda Francis Chong, one of a package, like to drink a 34 pack, and another to the 宝宝 should be breast-feeding with a mask , in addition to breast-feeding and children should not have come across.


You will find that learning to nurse both babies at the same time will be a big timesaver for you.


Adam… Joey… Tony…. She'd diapered and fed them, held them when they were scared, read them stories, sung them songs.


"And that power is inhim, now," said Lothar. She whelped him from a conjurer of this very court, andweaned him on pure magestuff, and poured her power into him.


And then playing to a 6-7 point feed, feed for about half an hour sleep wake up to give him a bath .7-8 points, finished after the first stool, and then is probably about 8-8 points to his half-fed milk, feeding a total of about an hour (median urine once cough shot several times) about 9-10 points and then to bed.


Observation aircraft landing and taking off at her mother to baby through breast-feeding to prevent changes in atmospheric pressure to bring baby ear drum damage.


更多网络解释与给...喂奶相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

nurse: feed a baby at the breast:哺乳;喂奶

The farmer whistled as he milked a cow. 那个农夫一边给奶牛挤奶一边吹口哨. | nurse: feed a baby at the breast 哺乳;喂奶 | The mother cat refused to nurse her kittens. 母猫不给小猫吃奶.


也不忌讳在我面前一次次撩起衣衫喂奶,一手抱着小孩,一手跟我比划吃东西的动作,意思是他们卖这些软性毒品,没办法,要养小孩. 一会儿,一个本地青年敲门而入,他是来买大麻(bhang)的,给了小黑10卢比,小黑随手给他撮了一点.

To her last breath, she breast-fed her child. Even after dying, she is still nursing:临死前还在给孩子喂奶

我在新闻里看到一母亲 there was a dying mothe... | 临死前还在给孩子喂奶To her last breath, she breast-fed her child. Even after dying, she is still nursing. | 人都咽气了还在哺育even after dying, she was...

diaper rash:尿布疹

那多半是尿布疹(diaper rash). 可能是因为过敏(比如吃了什么引起过敏的东西. 我给吴菜喂奶的时候,如果我吃辣的,她就屁股红)或者拉肚子(拉的大便成分异样刺激到屁股上的 皮肤),但更加可能的是因为屁股没有保持干燥. 我的方法是,


Esther 同学在最年幼的育婴室(nursery)活动,这里是专门供0-2岁孩子玩耍的,里面除了游戏室,还有专门供妈妈们喂奶的房间;还有给孩子们睡觉的房间 (里面有三四张crib);还有一个专门换尿布的房间,里面堆满了大大小小的尿布和一个changing table.


如果我打算用一个词来说明日本人对小孩的态度,我会用一个简洁(succinct)的词--"尊重". 关爱?是的,无尽的(abundance)关爱,这种爱从小孩张嘴吃奶的那--刻起就被亲切地表露出来了. 对于母亲和小孩来说,母亲给小孩喂奶在心理上(psychologically.)是很重要的.

get with child:使...怀孕

from a child 自幼, 从小 | get with child 使...怀孕 | give a child the breast 给孩子喂奶

Going against nature is like the cat who suckled that monkey:违背自然常理是指猫咪给猴子喂奶

No.|不觉得 | Going against nature is like the cat who suckled that monkey.|违背自然常理是指猫咪给猴子喂奶 | You and I are just two people who happen not to be married.|而我们只是恰巧没有结婚而已

You wanna breast-feed. - What:你想要我给你喂奶 - 什么

- A child. - It is a child. I was just...|- 一个孩子 - 这是个婴儿 我只是... | - You wanna breast-feed. - What?|- 你想要我给你喂奶 - 什么? | That's what this is.|就是这样

What? - Did you breast-feed her:什么? -你有没有给她喂奶

Did you nurse Catherine yourself?|你有没有亲自哺育凯瑟琳? | - What? - Did you breast-feed her?|-什么? -你有没有给她喂奶? | - Now, wait a minute! - Yes. I did.|-混帐 -我有的