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绘画大师 的英文翻译、例句


old master
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A master draughtsman, he studied Ingres's drawings and familiarized himself with Chevreul's book on color.


It is the most characteristic and emblematical art form of expression.Austria famouse artist Gustav Klimt is the symbolism master of painting in 20th Century and the representative of Art Nouveau in Europe.His paintings possess the general symbolism painting's philosophic character and have rich oriental decorative meaning.


I don't equate myself with a master painter, but I think you can recognise my films.


His work reminds us of the master Goya famous Titan.


The ostentation and eroticism of Gustav Klimt make him as much a painter of this century as he was of his own time, a new exhibition shows


Raises since Netherlands drawing masterEveryThe Chinese moonwort gram (1390-1441) is born, May be called in the world the first oils painter.


Repin 、 Yablonskaya and many other world famous masters in painting were fostered there.


This is not only one of the most extraordinary rediscoveries of recent years, but also the most expensive French Old Master painting ever sold at auction, and we are pleased to have welcomed international interest from a number of collectors and institutions at this evening's sale.

克里斯蒂早期绘画大师和英国绘画拍卖部经理Richard Knight说:&我们非常满意这一拍卖结果,华脱被认为对欧洲艺术史最有影响的人物之一,这幅在去年发现的绘画给了我们很大的惊喜。&

His paintings possess a traceable thread within modern art. For instance, Morandi's world is expressed through isolated fragments. In Balthus' world, humans seem to drift, frozen in modern time space, and this kind of language can be traced back to Dutch paintings and great masters like van Dyck.


Alberto Giacometti is a painting master of Figurative Expressionism in contemporary France. His words "Painting is just a way of seeing" is representative.


更多网络解释与绘画大师相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


" 摆拍派中还有一位大师,不能不提一笔,这就是美国的阿诺德.纽曼(Arnold Newman). 纽曼原来是学绘画的,后来改行搞摄影,就自然而然地把绘画中的基本要素,全都带进了摄影的领域. 他的作品,既有巧妙大胆的设想,又有严密紧凑的构图.

Francis Bacon:弗朗西斯?培根

今年10月28日是弗朗西斯 培根(Francis Bacon)诞辰100周年. 为纪念这位表现主义绘画大师,英国泰特美术馆将举办"弗朗西斯?培根:早期作品展". 展品包括1929年20岁的培根在伦敦做室内设计师时制作的三张地毯和一个屏风.

Gustav Klimt:居斯塔夫.克里姆特

众所周知,被称为"装饰象征主义绘画大师"的居斯塔夫.克里姆特(Gustav Klimt)的油画作品>,在去年六月以"1.35亿美元"成为世界艺术品拍卖史上最高售价的单幅名画,而拥有它的人,是化妆品巨头罗纳德.劳德(Ronald S.

Moulin Rouge:红磨坊

另外,"红磨坊" ( Moulin Rouge)酒吧与法国后印象派绘画大师劳特累克(亨利.德.图鲁兹.劳特累克 Henri de ToulouseLautierMonfa 1864~1901)的创作结下不解之缘.

contains some of America's finest artists' masterworks:拥有美国最棒的大师的绘画杰作

Mercury Worldwide Shoes, which is actually Phil...... | contains some of America's finest artists' masterworks...|拥有美国最棒的大师的绘画杰作... | seen only by people heading for very important meetin...


当月,卡纳莱托(Canaletto)的一副威尼斯风景画在苏富比拍出了1860万英镑,也是同样的因素在起作用. 这是今年出现的最高拍卖价:对一些非常富有的收藏家或他们的顾问来说,早期绘画大师作品市场似乎被低估了. 其他因为便宜而吸引买家兴趣的有欧洲家俱市场,

van gogh:梵高

在欧洲绘画馆里,收藏有2500多件古典题材的欧洲绘画作品,包括很多举世公认的大师精品,有伦勃朗 (Rembrandt)、维梅尔(Vermeer)、莫奈(Monet)、毕加索(Picasso)、塞尚(Cezanne)、梵.高(Van Gogh)等许多印象派和后印象派画家的作品.

Georges Seurat:修拉

是预期价格的30倍. 布鲁尼的裸照是一张黑白照片,出自瑞士摄影大师米歇尔-孔泰之手. 照片摄于1993年,当年卡拉还是模特. 孔泰借鉴了法国后印象主义绘画大师乔治-修拉(Georges Seurat)的创意,修拉于100年前创作了一幅名为<<裸女>>的油画.

Hieronymus Bosch was a master of the grotesque in painting:希罗宁姆斯.博希是怪诞派绘画大师

6856. It's grotesque to expect a person of her experience to w... | 6857. Hieronymus Bosch was a master of the grotesque in painting. 希罗宁姆斯.博希是怪诞派绘画大师. | 6858. The branch broke and fell...


即便如印象派的大师们马奈(Manet)、德加(Degas)、莫奈(Monet)、凡高(Van Gogh)、修拉(Seurat)、劳特累克(Lautrec)之辈大师都从迷恋上浮世绘,进而从事旋乾转坤的绘画大变革,不但加速欧洲传统绘画观念全面性的变革,更揭开了欧洲现代艺术的序幕.