英语人>词典>汉英 : 绘制...地图 的英文翻译,例句
绘制...地图 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
map  ·  maps

更多网络例句与绘制...地图相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Scanned map data may be used to compile a base image whenever the map generated is for orientation only.


The airfield became to be known as Caddo Field and later as Los Angeles Metropolitan Airport.


If we end up chucking whole maps, we may find ourselves back to making maps.


At the fore front of the pioneers in the field was the Greek mathematician and philosopher Claudius Ptolemaeus c.


At the fore front of the pioneers in the field was the Greek mathematician and philosopher Claudius Ptolemaeus (c. AD 90~168), more popularly known to history as Ptolemy.


But overall global expedition and mapping require huge fleet and fund.


It's obviously that it's not practical if you use such broken and wrinkled plane mapping. So we must adopt special methods to spread the curved surface, which is called map projection theory.


For your convenience, Mapwel allows you to draw the map in any colors you choose and the WYSIWYG interface shows you how the map will look like on the color or monochrome GPS display.

了方便起见,Mapwel 允许你使用选择的任何颜色绘制地图并且所见即所得的界面为你显示在彩色或者单色 GPS 上地图看起来的样子。

Kathy Prendergast engages with the landscape too, but in her Body Maps, the land surveyed becomes the female body, while the issue of mapping as a tool for colonisation and exploitation is firmly proposed.


Passionate about mapmaking. Odd, though, that someone who wantedstutter every time he said the word "map". Storm Trooper often didn't


更多网络解释与绘制...地图相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Mapping Advisory Committee:绘制地图谘询委员会

mapping 制图;绘图 | Mapping Advisory Committee 绘制地图谘询委员会 | mapping intelligence 地图资讯

Mapping Advisory Committee:绘制地图咨询委员会

mapping 制图;绘图 | Mapping Advisory Committee 绘制地图咨询委员会 | mapping intelligence 地图信息


calligraphic 书法的,笔迹的 | carbohydrate 碳水化合物;[pl.]淀粉质食物 | cartographer 绘制地图者

cognitive map:认知地图

第二,教师应给学生提供最佳接触语言的机会,以使学生能够内化(internalize)所学语言的基本规则,而要求教师应掌握学习的内容,提供学生在脑海里绘制"认知地图"(cognitive map)所需材料,并让学生自然形成语言能力.

map projection:地图投影

将地理资料从一个球体转移到平面的纸张,难免会造成扭曲的现象;我们在纸张上绘制地图时,必须使用一种人工的、复杂的机械和数学装置,称为"地图投影"(Map Projection).


绘制todrawtodraft | 绘制...之地图mapped | 绘制草图skeletonizing



Salt marsh mapping:绘制盐碱地图

salt iodatin;食盐加碘;食盐碘化;; | Salt marsh mapping;绘制盐碱地图;; | salt meadow;盐渍草地;;

Mathematicians, Statisticians and Actuaries:数学家,统计学家,保险精算师

2255Mapping and Related Technologists and Technicians绘制地图及于... | 2161Mathematicians Statisticians and Actuaries数学家,统计学家,保险精算师 | 2232Mechanical Engineering Technologists and Technicians...

A surveyor making a map:一个测绘员绘制了一张地图

they all tel pretty good stories|总是会说些好听的故事 | A surveyor making a map|一个测绘员绘制了一张地图 | A botanist cata oguing plants|一个植物学家将各种植物分类