英语人>词典>汉英 : 绕道的 的英文翻译,例句
绕道的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The descriptive correlation research design was conducted from Mar. 2004 to Feb. 2005. Patients who had their first CABG surgery were selected by purposive sampling from the cardiovascular ward at a medical center in Taichung. Baseline data were measured by symptom distress scale, self-efficacy in physical function scale and physical function scale, collected one day before operation, ten days after operation, one month and three months after operation, 60 subjects were enrolled in the study.


To go by an indirect route or at no set pace; amble


You will find that one of these is called mini gastric bypass surgery.


Gastric bypass is something that will change your life completely and you will have to adapt to it.


I have a friend that had gastric bypass surgery about 6 months ago - he is doing great!


Yeah, I'm not making any detour. I'm going straight to Switzerland from here.


There is a diversion at the end of the road.


As I tried to leave Fairbanks, I hit a construction detour that had me going in circles again.


Because they go on the rampage and have strong offensiveness without understanding any technique to make a detour they may damage their own career.


Similarly,the correlation between supervisor conflict and personal CWB was .28 for all coworker data, but nonsignificant for the other 3 cases, including all incumbent.


更多网络解释与绕道的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Land Bridge:陆桥

大陆桥(Land bridge)是指连接两个海洋之间的陆上通道,是横贯大陆的、以铁路为骨干的、避开海上绕道运输的便捷运输大通道. 主要功能是便于开展海陆联运,缩短运输里程. 比如有跨越亚欧的交通要道--俄罗斯的西伯利亚铁路是一条跨越亚欧大陆而将太平洋和大西洋联结起来的陆上桥梁,

come round:(非正式的)来访;绕道

come out 出版;传出;显现 | come round (非正式的)来访;绕道 | come through 经历(困难);获得成功

come round:过访, 绕道而来, 苏醒, 转变, 改主意, 笼络

The child has got measles. The spots have come out.这个小孩患了麻疹,疹子已出现了... | come round过访, 绕道而来, 苏醒, 转变, 改主意, 笼络 | She finally came around to our viewpoint.她终于同意了我们的观点...


还有一种快速重路由的机制,叫做"绕道"(detour)的自动保护. 这种方法可以自动为每一条LSP建立一个"绕道"以将数据绕过下游链路以及结点的故障,...

dorsalis pedis:足背动脉

近年来由於麻醉科监视系统的进步及外科显微手术的广泛应用,我们甚至可以将下肢血管绕道手术扩展至足部的足背动脉(dorsalis pedis). 此种足背动脉的或脚踝附近的胫后动脉(post tibial)绕道手术,


因NPPV使用过程中,并无上呼吸道的绕道(bypassed),对短期应用NPPV(少於一天)是无须提供潮湿(humidity)的,亦不适用人工鼻,除非有很大的漏气. 13. NPPV初始使用时,由於面罩的安装、呼吸器的应用与设定的调整,


莱德地区是骑自行车前往荷兰格罗宁根(Groningen)的理想始发地. 对建筑感兴趣的人应该绕道去一趟利尔(Leer),参观这座城市最著名的建筑 1894年建造的德国 荷兰文艺复兴风格的市政厅. 这一地区地理上的中心点是奥利希(Aurich).


因NPPV使用过程中,并无上呼吸道的绕道(bypassed),对短期应用NPPV(少於一天)是无须提供潮湿(humidity)的,亦不适用人工鼻,除非有很大的漏气. 13. NPPV初始使用时,由於面罩的安装、呼吸器的应用与设定的调整,

Bypass loppers for pruning branches and shrubs:绕道loppers为修剪党支部和灌木

Features: 特点: | Bypass loppers for pruning branches and shrubs绕道loppers为修剪党支部和灌木 | Precision, nonstick blades for clean, exact cut; rust-proof精密, nonstick叶片清洁,确切的削减;防锈

绕道loppers为修剪党支部和灌木:Bypass loppers for pruning branches and shrubs

Features: 特点: | Bypass loppers for pruning branches and shrubs绕道loppers为修剪党支部和灌木 | Precision, nonstick blades for clean, exact cut; rust-proof精密, nonstick叶片清洁,确切的削减;防锈