英语人>词典>汉英 : 结核性的 的英文翻译,例句
结核性的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
tuberculate  ·  tuberculated  ·  tuberculose  ·  tuberculosarium

更多网络例句与结核性的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results The concentration of IL-18 in tubercular pleural effusion group was (1200.34±530.25) pg/ml, while that of the malignant pleural effusion group was (240.40±80.49) pg/ml, the former was significantly higher than the latter (P.01); The analytic result of ROC curve showed that 360 pg/ml IL-18 could be seen as the critical value for diagnosis of the tubercular pleural effusion, whose sensitivity and specificity respectively was 89.2% and 93.5%.

结果 结核性胸腔积液组IL-18的浓度为(1200.34±530.25)pg/ml,恶性胸腔积液组IL-18的浓度为(240.40±80.49)pg/ml,结核性胸腔积液组IL-18的浓度显著高于恶性胸腔积液组(P.01);ROC曲线分析结果显示IL-18以360pg/ml为诊断结核性胸腔积液的临界值,其敏感度和特异度分别是89.2%和93.5%。

Methods MHC-DRB1, DQA1, DQB1 were examined by using polymerase chain reaction/sequence specific oligonuleotide probe methods in 19 patients with miliary tuberculosis, 36 with tuberculous menigitis,20 with primary tuberculosis, 28 with tuberculous pleurisy and 91 controls.


Methods:Totally 176 patients with tuberculous pleurisy who were first treated were enrolled and randomly divided into three groups .


Objective:To compare the CT findings of mediastinal lymph nodes in tuberculous pleurisy and non-tuberculous pleurisy.


Traditional anti-tuberculosis therapy combined with intrathecal injection is a simple and effective mehod in patients with tubercular meningitis.


Ascitic fluid ADA activity was higher than 30 U/L in 80% of tubercular ascites, while none of non-tubercular benign ascites reached to such level.

腹水ADA>30 U/ml者在结核性腹水组中占80%,而非结核性良性腹水组的患者均低于此值。

The mycobacterial antigens are not affected by the immune state of the host. In the present study, three different antibodies are used to detect the tubercular antigens in the mononuclear macrophages in CSF and PB.


Results: Amang 128 patients, 56 cases were diagnosed as pulmonary carcinoma (43.75%), of which 30 cases were squamous carcinoma (53.57%), 22 cases were adenocarcinoma (39.29%), 4 cases were small cell undifferentiated carcinoma (7.14%); 37 cases were bronchial pneumonia (28.91%), in which 30 cases were given brush sampling, bacterial culture of BALF, the detectable rate of pathogenic bacteria were 50%(15 cases) and 40%(12eases) respectively; 12 eases were pulmonary tuberculosis (9.38%), of which 3 eases (25%) had concurrent endobronchial tuberculosis, smear of brush biopsy and BALF found Mycobacterium tuberculosis were 11 eases (91.67%) and 5 eases (41.67%) respectively, 2 eases were diagnosed as caseous tubereulous granuloma (16.67%); 2 eases were idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (1.56%), lease was lymphoma of long.


Group A received the treatment of depositing a central venous catheter in pericardial cavity for Drainabe Therapy and intrapericardial injection.


Results The ultrasonic examination of tuberculosis hydrothorax showed that hydrothorax in thoracic cavity had no echo zone with clear sound transparent;pleura was thickened uniformly;opaque dark area of fluid had no parenchymatous phyma.

目的 了解结核性与癌性胸腔积液超声显像特点,研讨两者超声鉴别诊断要点方法应用B型超声检查,回顾性分析50例结核性与癌性胸腔积液的超声显像特点。

更多网络解释与结核性的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

tuberculosis cutis:皮肤结核

皮肤结核(tuberculosis cutis)是由结核杆菌所致的慢性皮肤病. 主要由自身结核灶通过血行、淋巴系统或临近结核灶传布和皮肤粘膜轻微外伤感染而来. 组织病理变化以典型的结核结构为主. [诊断]包括:丘疹性坏死性结核疹、瘰疬性皮肤结核、疣状皮肤结核、寻常狼疮. 颜面粟粒性狼疮 颜面粟粒性狼疮(...


为结核菌初次侵入肺部后的原发感染,是小儿肺结核的主要类型. 多呈良性经过,但亦可进展,导致干酪性肺炎、结核性胸膜炎等,或恶化血行播散致急性粟粒型结核或结核性脑膜炎. 2.疲乏(fatigue) 与结核杆菌感染中毒有关.

Nodular fasciitis:小结状筋膜炎 | 结节性筋膜炎

Nodular : 小结的 | 小节的 | 结核状的 | 瘤状的 | nodular fasciitis : 小结状筋膜炎 | 结节性筋膜炎 | nodular goiter : 结节性甲状腺肿 | 释义:结节性甲状腺肿

Tuberculous pericarditis:结核性心包炎

(2)结核性心包炎:结核性心包炎(tuberculous pericarditis)多见于青年男性,约......心包炎(pericarditis)可由病原微生物经血道感染或其毒性代谢产物的作用而引起,心肌坏死亦可波及心外膜引起炎症反应;此外,心包炎亦可因外伤而发生.

tuberculous peritonitis:结核性腹膜炎

结核性腹膜炎(tuberculous peritonitis)是由结核杆菌引起的慢性、弥散性腹膜感染性炎症. 本病常合并肠系膜淋巴结结核、胃肠道结核及女性盆腔结核等,统称腹部结核. 值得强调的是绝大多数病例继发于体内其他结核病灶如肺结核、腹部结核,约5/6患者可见原发病灶. 结核杆菌侵犯腹膜的主要途径1、直接蔓延:是最常见、也是最主要


肺结核病 tuberculosis,pulmonary | 结核病 tuberculosis,TB | 结核性的 tuberculous

caseous pneumonia:干酪性肺炎

(2)干酪性肺炎:干酪性肺炎(caseous pneumonia)见于机体抵抗力极差,对结核杆菌高度过敏的患者. 分大叶性及小叶性两种. 大叶性干酪性肺炎为大片渗出性结核性炎变发生干酪样坏死而形成,范围较大,小叶性干酪性肺炎系由干酪空洞或干酪样化的淋巴结破溃经支气管播散而形成.

tuberculoid leprosy:结核样型麻风

◆ 结核样型麻风(tuberculoid leprosy) 本型最常见,约占麻风患者的70%,因其病变与结核性肉芽肿相似,故称为结核样麻风. 本型特点是患者有较强的细胞免疫力,因此病变局限化,病灶内含菌极少甚至难以发现. 病变发展缓慢,传染性低. 主要侵犯皮肤及神经,



Hypertens heart and renal dis with (conges) heart failure:肠、腹膜和肠系膜淋巴结的结核性疾患

器官距离过远 Hypertelorism | 肠、腹膜和肠系膜淋巴结的结核性疾患 Hypertens heart and renal dis with (conges) heart failure | 面部皮肤脓肿、疖和痈 Hypertension secondary to endocrine disorders