英语人>词典>汉英 : 结构的 的英文翻译,例句
结构的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
configurable  ·  structural

更多网络例句与结构的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Aspectual Interface Hypothesis takes only the internal arguments as the participants to represent the aspectual structure which is regarded as a subpart of the event structure.


This paper made displacement calculation and analysis adopting beam3, beaml88 units through ansys software, then compared the displacements of upper steel frame of mixed-layer structure and single story workshop under different loads and established the reasonable domain of displacement coefficient about mixed-layer structure, thus provided references and basis for the design of such structure.


Grass leaf with Kranz anatomy --- C4 plant 有花环结构的禾草 Two bundle sheathsOuter one is parenchymatous; inner is a mestome sheath ??


Above the tiers 层 of plastic seats and confident-lookingclocks, the roof is a simple membrane 膜,隔膜 designed to keep out sun and storm (theOlympics take place in August, when Beijing is hot and thundery) and to act asa foil 烘托 to that intricate 复杂的,错综的 steel skeleton.


The vibration response of the viaduct structure by steel spring bearing, the viaduct structure by laminated rubber bearing, the track structure by Colon egg vibration damper, the track structure by steel spring damper and the ballast bed track structure are simulated through vehicle passed. The vibration parameter of the viaduct is optimized and the vibration transfer function characteristic of the ballast bed track structure and the track structure by steel spring damper are compared.


It analyses the evolvement of Japanese resident consuming structure from diverse fields, e.g.: general consuming structure, dietetical consuming structure, education and entertainment consuming structure, transportation and communications consuming structure and consuming expense structure of different generations.


Sutherland Lyall 的著作《 Masters of Structure 》中是这样评价这个建筑的结构设计的: In a country prone to regular and severe earthquakes Japanese structural engineers have to design with high safety factors – and the tendency is, naturally, to over-size structural members and to generally design ultra conservatively.


"But"结构的翻译 The Victorians would have considered it "painful" or "unpleasant" were one to point out that only four marriages out of every ten are anything but forced servitudes.

假如有人说,每 10 对婚姻的当中就有 4 对决不是被迫从命的,那么维多利亚时代的人就会认为这是&痛苦的&或&不幸的&。

In order to investigate the seismic behavior of hybrid structures and guide design of high-rise buildings, the research projects on shake table tests of global structure and pseudo static tests of relevant member were generalized which were conducted in State Key Laboratory for Disaster Reduction in Civil Engineering of Tongji University in recent 5 years.


The mainly study results as follows:(1) The study focused on the characteristics of whole distribution and typical structures of water conservation forest in moutain areas of Beijing. According to analized the structure of 18 typical forest stands, including the species structure, horizontal structure, vertical structure, quantitative indicators and standards.Conclusion that: uneven-aged, double layer and mixed structure were .


更多网络解释与结构的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

structured programming language:有结构的编程语言, 给一种语言提供语言学结构的编程语言 (计算机用语)

structure 结构, 建筑物, 构造 (名) | structured programming language 有结构的编程语言, 给一种语言提供语言学结构的编程语言 (计算机用语) | strudel 以果实或干酪为馅而烤成的点心 (名)


saccharined 声调极甜蜜的 | saccharoid 糖状结构的 | saccharoidal 糖状结构的


这个定义包含了结构的(structural)和认知的(cognitive )两种相互联系的向度:结构的社会资本包括客观上既定的角色、社会网络和制度、规章等;认知的社会资本则是指成员间主观上共享的规范、价值、信任、态度和信念等(Paxton,1999).


caulome 茎的结构 | caulomic 茎的结构的 | caus. 原因

caulomic:茎的结构的, 和茎结构形态相当之结构的

caulome | 茎的结构, 和茎结构形态相当之结构 | caulomic | 茎的结构的, 和茎结构形态相当之结构的 | caulophylline | 葳严仙碱 N-甲基野靛碱

intersertal ophitic:辉绿填充结构的

intersertal 间片的 | intersertal ophitic 辉绿填充结构的 | intersertal texture 间片结构


structured /有结构的/ | structureless /无结构的/ | structures /结构/

Conservatories, timber-framed, prefabricated:保温室,木框结构的,预制的

Carports, wooden, prefabricated 保温室,木框结构的,... | Conservatories, timber-framed, prefabricated 保温室,木框结构的,预制的 | Emergency accommodation, wooden, prefabricated 用于紧急情况的住宿房屋,木制...


double-deck /双层结构的/ | double-decked /双层结构的/ | double-decker /双层结构/双层船/

Carports, wooden, prefabricated:保温室,木框结构的,预制的

Garages, wooden 汽修厂厂房,木制的 | Carports, wooden, prefabricated 保温室,木框结构的,预制的 | Conservatories, timber-framed, prefabricated 保温室,木框结构的,预制的