英语人>词典>汉英 : 绒毛 的英文翻译,例句
绒毛 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
down  ·  downed  ·  fluff  ·  fuzz  ·  lana  ·  tomentum  ·  undercoat  ·  villosity  ·  villus  ·  trophonema  ·  fluffed  ·  fluffs  ·  fuzzed  ·  fuzzes  ·  tomenta  ·  villi  ·  undercoats  ·  downing

fine hair
更多网络例句与绒毛相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Expression of the IL-6 had more positive signs in chorion with chorioamnionitis, especially in infiltrating inflammatory cells.


One case was pure choriocarcinoma;the other 2 were of mixed types(teratoma with choriocarcinoma and seminoma with choriocarcinoma, respectively).


[Objective]To explore the technique of arthroscopy plus radiotherapy in the treatment of pigmented villonodular synovitis of the knee and to evaluate its clinical value[Method]A total of 14 cases of pigmented villonodular synovitis of the knee were treated from January 2000 to July 2003Intraarticular excision under arthroscope with a combined application of routine intrusments and Bipolar radiofrequency was performed on all these 14 cases,and postoperative radiotherapy for diffused pigmented villonodular synovitis of the knee,13 patients were followed up for 10~45 months,and were evaluated for range of motion,pain,swelling effusion[Result]Thirteen cases according to the International Knee Documentation Committeecriteria,subjective knee score was (587+64) and (865 ±57) respectively before surgery and at the last followup[Conclusion]In case of pigmented villonodular synovitis of the knee joint,arthroscopical synovectomy can make good surgical results,and postoperative radiotherapy is an effective treatment for diffused pigmented vilionoclular synovitis of the knee


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本公司 主要产品:以猫、狗、兔、马、羊、松鼠、狐狸、鹿、熊、狮、老虎等仿真宠物,仿真动物,真毛宠物,皮毛玩具,真皮动物,皮毛工艺品,真毛宠物,裘皮工艺品,时尚宠物,真皮动物,皮毛动物,裘皮玩具裘皮动物,仿真玩具,仿真工艺品,仿真动物,真皮工艺品,毛皮玩具,毛皮工艺品,毛皮动物,毛绒玩具,毛绒工艺品,毛绒动物,绒毛玩具,绒毛工艺品,绒毛动物,真毛玩具,真毛工艺品,真毛动物,仿毛玩具,仿毛工艺品,仿毛动物,民族工艺品,民间工艺品,手工工艺品宠物玩具为主,真皮毛,深加工,品种繁多,造型流畅,动态逼真,栩栩如生,产品已远销美国、日本、德国、俄国、澳大利亚和国内大中型城市。

A growth of short, fine hairs underlying the longer and thicker outer hairs of an animal's coat; underfur or underwool.


The top capillaries in network were much more sensitive than middle and bottom capillarise when the systemic circulatory pressure was fell. The microvessels structure of villosity is a special, easy ischemia-injuring structure.


In small intestine, AKP activity was mainly distributed over four areas of epithelial cells: cytomembrane, cytoplasm, microvillus and the carbohydrate-riched cell coat. In liver, it was mainly located in canaliculi. In kidney, it mainly existed in such zones as brush border and memebrane of epithelial cells of proximal tubule, and cracks between kinds of tubules.


Results: IL-8 protein was located in the epithelium of viii. The expression of IL-8 was significantly increased in RSA group than that in the control group. Positive IL-8 cells was shown in decidua of RSA group, and its IL-8 level was higher than that in the control group. By hematoxylin-eosin staining. trophoblastic layer was found to get thinner, cells of trophoblastic layer denatured or necrotized, and turned acidophily, and the fibration of villous axis increased in RSA; decidual cells lost connection, a part of decidual cells appeared cytoclasis and turned more acidophilic, and nuclei disappeared in RSA.


Leaves paripinnate, alternate, 25-40 cm with petioles; axis and petioles grayish yellow tomentose; leaflets usually 4 pairs, opposite; petiolules 3-4 mm, densely tomentose; blades adaxially deep green, oblong or ovate-oblong, 13-30 × 5-11 cm, papery, abaxially sparsely tomentose along midveins and lateral veins, adaxially sparsely tomentose along midveins, or glabrous on both sides, lateral veins 17-22 pairs, prominent on both sides when dry, base slightly cordate, margin entire, apex caudate-acuminate. Inflorescence racemose or thyrsoid, on stems and old branches, 1.5-4 cm, densely grayish yellow to grayish brown pubescent.

偶数羽状的叶子,互生,25-40厘米叶柄;轴和叶柄淡灰黄色被绒毛;通常的小叶4 对,对生;小叶柄3-4毫米,密被绒毛;叶片正面深的绿色,长圆形或卵形长圆形, 13-30 * 5-11 厘米,纸质,沿着中脉和侧脉被绒毛的背面稀疏,正面沿着中脉的稀疏绒毛,花序总状或聚伞圆锥状的,在茎和老枝上生,1.5-4厘米,密被淡灰黄色到淡灰棕色短柔毛。

Duodenum micorvilli structure was scanned by transmission electron microscope. Duodenum micorvilli desquamated partly, arranged irregularly, only few glycocalyx on the surface of model group, while duodenum micorvilli arranged orderly, much glycocalyx on the surface of Natto extract group.


更多网络解释与绒毛相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

smooth chorion:平滑绒毛膜

之后,由于包蜕膜侧的血供匮乏,绒毛逐渐退化、消失,形成表面无绒毛的平滑绒毛膜(smooth chorion). 基蜕膜侧血供充足,该处绒毛反复分支,生长茂密,称丛密绒毛膜(villous choriont),它与基蜕膜组成胎盘. 丛密绒毛膜内的血管通过脐带与胚体内的血管连通.

chorion laeve:平滑绒毛膜

胎膜的外层是绒毛膜,在发育过程中缺乏营养供应而逐渐萎缩成为平滑绒毛膜(chorion laeve). 胎膜的内层为羊膜,与覆盖胎盘、脐带的羊膜层相连接. 至妊娠晚期,平滑绒毛膜与羊膜紧密相贴,但可以完全分开. 妊娠14周末,羊膜与绒毛膜的胚外中胚层连接封闭胚外体腔,

free villus:游离绒毛

每个绒毛干分出许多分支,一部分绒毛末端浮于绒毛间隙中称游离绒毛(free villus),长入底蜕膜中的绒毛称固定绒毛(anchonring villus). 固定绒毛的滋养层细胞与底蜕膜共同形成蜕膜板,相邻绒毛间隙残留楔形的底蜕膜形成胎盘,这种隔是不完全的,

chorionic villus:绒毛膜绒毛

绒毛膜板 chorionic plate | 绒毛绒毛 chorionic villus | 初级绒毛干 primary stem villus

chorionic thyrotropin:绒毛膜促甲状腺素;绒毛膜甲状腺促素

绒毛膜促体乳素;绒毛膜体乳促素 chorionic somatomammotropin | 绒毛膜促甲状腺素;绒毛膜甲状腺促素 chorionic thyrotropin | 绒毛取样 chorionic villi sampling

chorionic somatomammotropin:绒毛膜促体乳素;绒毛膜体乳促素

绒毛膜促性腺素;绒毛膜性腺促素 chorionic gonadotropin | 绒毛膜促体乳素;绒毛膜体乳促素 chorionic somatomammotropin | 绒毛膜促甲状腺素;绒毛膜甲状腺促素 chorionic thyrotropin

chorionic gonadotropic:绒毛膜促性腺素;绒毛膜性腺促素

叶状绒毛膜 chorion frondosum | 绒毛膜促性腺素;绒毛膜性腺促素 chorionic gonadotropic | 绒毛膜促性腺素;绒毛膜性腺促素 chorionic gonadotropic hormone

chorionic gonadotropic hormone:绒毛膜促性腺素;绒毛膜性腺促素

绒毛膜促性腺素;绒毛膜性腺促素 chorionic gonadotropic | 绒毛膜促性腺素;绒毛膜性腺促素 chorionic gonadotropic hormone | 绒毛膜促性腺素;绒毛膜性腺促素 chorionic gonadotropin

intervillous space:绒毛间隙

绒毛干之间的间隙,称绒毛间隙(intervillous space). 绒毛间隙内充以从子宫螺旋动脉来的母体血. 胚胎藉绒毛汲取母血中的营养物质并排出代谢产物. 图20-13 绒毛干的分化发育 上图为绒毛干纵断面,下图为绒毛干横断面 (1)初级绒毛干 (2)次级绒毛干 (3)三级绒毛干 胚胎早期,

Chorionic villi:绒膜绒毛 ; 绒毛膜绒毛

chorion 绒膜; 绒毛膜 | chorionic villi 绒膜绒毛 ; 绒毛绒毛 | chorionic villi sampling 绒膜绒毛抽样检验法