英语人>词典>汉英 : 经过检查 的英文翻译,例句
经过检查 的英文翻译、例句


on examination
更多网络例句与经过检查相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Andres Iniesta will be fit in time to play in the Champions League final for Barcelona against Manchester United after tests revealed that his injury is not as serious as first thought.


Check and bock all VIP rooms and prior to arrival.


Readers are required to store all personal belongings in the Library's checkroom. Purses must also be checked; researchers may keep valuables with them in clear plastic bags provided by the staff in the checkroom.


All data is validated at its point of entry.


Kun-Yen Ho had treated a 50-year-old female patient, as usual with the habit of drinking vinegar health, dental pain that was later to seek medical treatment, after examination revealed that she had the fourth-class dental etching, exposed more than two-thirds of dentin Second, does not timely processing, pulp nerve may be Louzaiwaimian.


But something was wrong with its internal secretion, which stopped his growing.


Although the operation was quite smooth and uneventful, the patient also suffered from severe iritis and uveal effusion post-operatively.


The actual CP effectiveness of Ma anshan and Wuhu pipeline suffered stray interference was well. The soil corrosibility distribution along the pipeline was obtained. IR-drop statistical value of 170mV was obtained to revise protection potential criterion that is substituting -1.02V for -0.85V.


The efflorescence and sintering of desulfurizer had not been found through checking after examinatorial test.


Methods 406 primigravida in labor were randomized to a control trial, 208 of whom received psychological support from including medical staff and family members in a sweet environment accompanied with family members.


更多网络解释与经过检查相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

amenable data:经得起检查的数据

经常出没于游乐场的男人,花花公子/man about town | 经得起检查的数据/amenable data | 经过加工的肉食/variety meat

Censored sample:检查取样

censored data | 经过检查的数据 | censored sample | 检查取样 | censorial | 检查官的, 监察的

censored data:经过检查的数据

censorate | 检查机构 | censored data | 经过检查的数据 | censored sample | 检查取样

physical examination:身体检查

现代医学发展至今已超过一百年,医师到病房床侧,询问病人病情发生的经过(history taking),从头到脚对病人施以身体检查(physical examination),内容包含视诊(inspection)、触诊(palpation)、叩诊(percussion)、及听诊(auscultation),

acoustic neuroma:听觉神经瘤

经过检查后,医生指Kathy右边面的第七条颅底面神经出现毛病,令右侧面部肌肉不能活动,以致让她感到自己左边面出现问题,再加上右耳失聪,均是典型听觉神经瘤(acoustic neuroma)的病徵,所以医生再为她安排磁力共振检查,结果跟医生的临牀诊断相同,


"骑士队的队医起初只是认爲詹姆斯拉伤了胸部肌肉,但经过检查之后,他们才发现詹姆斯的肺部组织和胸腔感染了胸膜炎. 生性乐观的詹姆斯乾脆拿"胸膜炎"的拼写开起了玩笑,他说:"我知道'复数'(plural)是什麽,可我以前从来没听过什麽叫'胸膜炎'(pleurisy)".


经过检查之后,他们才发现詹姆斯的肺部组织和胸腔感染了胸膜炎. 生性乐观的詹姆斯乾脆拿"胸膜炎"的拼写开起了玩笑,他说:"我知道'复数'(plural)是什麽,可我以前从来没听过什麽叫'胸膜炎'(pleurisy)".

I don't need security clearance for the pretrial:所以审判前我不需要经过安全检查

- Shall we? - Yeah, let's get out of here.|-可以走了吗? -... | I don't need security clearance for the pretrial?|所以审判前我不需要经过安全检查? | The only portions that are classified...|对,审判中的机...


经过检查,电子邮件吸尘器(vacuum)非常高明和不显眼,并且已经秘密地偷取他们的数据达几个月时间了. 它使用一个"root kit",这是一个用别名替换标准Linux命令的方法,从而实现程序伪装以盗取数据. 这样进程命令"ps"就被替换成"ps|grep i vacuum",

Washington Wizards:华盛顿巫师队

因上季未向联盟通报旗下四分卫法佛尔(B[size=3]旧金山巨人队塞扬奖投手林斯康(Tim Lincecum)本周二因背伤未上场,经过检查和休养后,目前背部已恢复几近正常状况,预[size=3]美国职篮(NBA)华盛顿巫师队(Washington Wizards)17名成员11日下午抵达四川成都访问3天,