英语人>词典>汉英 : 经过北极的 的英文翻译,例句
经过北极的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与经过北极的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In 1996,during one occasional research, the France Polar Research Team discovered that during this period if grew some vivid-coloring wild berries. By the research of the botanist, these valuable rarity wild berries are provided with egregious vitality and ability of self-improvement, only need a little water and soil, it can grows in the dark and cold North Pole area, when the sun rises up, it appears clinquant and transparent colors quickly, and the scarfskin is fruity and vibrant, this wild berries are given the good name of"Resplendent North Pole Berry".


Use clubby to go through this arctic land and kill those pesky evil eskimos.


The air picks up moisture from the polar ice cap and bodies of water it may pass over.


It is found that the upper limit of the operational frequency bandwidth along the short great circle path which crosses the south-polar, region is approximately in accord with the calculated MUF and the other one along the long great circle path which crosses the north- polar region is different from the calculated MUF.


The air picks up moisture from e polar ice cap and bodies of water it may pass over.


The end of the Cold War, which opened the way for new transpolar routes overflying Russia, along with the development of ultra long-haul aircraft, has created new opportunities for non-stop services between Asia and North America.


When the current passes through this mixture, it jostles the electrons there just as electrons above the poles are jostled by solar particles. This causes the same kind of microscopic turmoil that lights up the arctic skies.


更多网络解释与经过北极的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Kara Sea:卡拉海

北极海包含一个盆地的家族,从西向东方向,从巴伦支海(Barents Sea)经过卡拉海(Kara Sea)、拉普捷夫海(Laptev Sea)和东西伯利亚海(East Siberian Sea),到达与美国东边接临的楚科奇海(Chukchi Sea).

Oslo:日 奥斯陆

第 1 天 ( 6/12 ) 出发日-奥斯陆 (Oslo) 搭乘国际航班飞机往挪威首府奥斯陆, 展开北极奇航探索之旅行程. 第 2 天 ( 6/12 ) 奥斯陆(Oslo) 经过国际换日线抵达奥斯陆, 前往旅店休息住宿, 恢复长途飞行的疲劳.


transplantation 迁移 | transplanter 移植者 | transpolar 经过北极的


transplanter 移植者 | transpolar 经过北极的 | transponder 雷达收发机


transplanter 插秧机 | transpolar 横越南极或北极的 | transpolar 经过北极的

Alaska Malamute:阿拉斯加雪橇犬

当时一群中亚洲的猎人们移居到极地(也就是西伯利亚)的尽头生活,经过了长久时间,这群跟随在猎人身边的狗儿,也因为长期与北极狼群交配繁育之下,因而发展出一种北方特有的犬种,其中包括萨摩耶(Samoyed)、阿拉斯加雪橇犬(Alaska Malamute)等,都在这群新犬种

Arctic terns:北极燕鸥

4 北极燕鸥(Arctic Terns) 迁徙通常是一件非常艰难的工作,但是北极燕鸥却是鸟类中是迁徙距离最长的. 每次从南极迁徙的旅程一共要花掉90天,飞过22000英里. 除了在繁殖季节,这种鸟在迁徙过程经过的海面几乎是看不见陆地的. 理论上,