英语人>词典>汉英 : 终极 的英文翻译,例句
终极 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
outrance  ·  telos  ·  ultimate  ·  ultimateness  ·  ultimates

更多网络例句与终极相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Can single the whole people ultimate ownership depart is the whole people the company ownership of ultimate ownership and diversity, anthropomorphize two parts, can make state ownership enterprise generate profit so the biggest change behavior and competitive behaviour, the union that is state ownership and market economy thereby provides a basis.


Apriorism and empiricism are two antagonistic concepts in contemporary western philosophy. The former takes some ultimate ideas as its ideological basis, while the latter regards the effective practical activities as the only human ideological basis, rejecting any unverifiable ultimate idea.


The Heaven and the Way is the both the changeableness of the universe and the thought to pursue harmony in the world; The Humanity is the thought to pursue harmony in the conflict society by culturing mind, which means a real person must be of disenchantment in thought and self restraint in behavior, and the society is of solicitude for human, all that is the ZhongYong; The Unifying and the Changing is the harmony in evolvement, the essence of the universe and thought;as a thought, it is the Way of communication between human and nature or society; The one is ultimate perfection but that means death, only in its own transcending it becomes the primary chaos, namely ultimately the Chinese thought.


While the theory of Communitarianism is from community to person.


In this chapter, the two ultimate moral standard utilitarianism and deontology are discussed, and on this base my own ultimate moral standard is set up, it is to say, to promote the social existence and consummate moral characters and promote the moral ambit of people. According to this standard, we testify the moral rationality socially and individually.


Philosophical necessitarianism stands for an ultimate impersonalism: consistent Christianity stands for an ultimate personalism.


To ontrol the listed company\'s information through agent-internal controller is one of the measures that ultimate controller control the listed companies. Specifically, accouting information is one of the important information in listed company, so the preannouncement characeristics are branded in the ultimate controller\' to some extent.


The sameness of postmodernism and Socrates is that they all prore the ignorance of man to the terminal truth、 terminal meaning: Socrates made a factual provementthrough nis failure to pursue the terminal meaning of the conceptions, while postmodernism made a theoretic provement through illustrating the difference 、dissemination,、 trace.


The sacrificial paraphernalia is the Ultimate Truth; the sacrificial fire is the Ultimate Truth, offerings of obligations and ghee by the brahmana is the Ultimate truth; for him being fully absorbed in the Ultimate Truth by spiritual activities; certainly the Ultimate Truth is attainable.


Resorting to ultimate view, Tillich's theory about"Ultimate concern"illuminates the importance of the religionary enlightenment to life.


更多网络解释与终极相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

terminal substring:终结子串,终极子行

terminal string 终结串,终极行 | terminal substring 终结子串,终极子行 | terminal supervisory program 终端管理程序


但是一个终极目的(telos)要想成为具体的野心的核心,必须存在于实际的人的形式,他以典范的方式完成这个野心. 这样的个人我们称为闪亮的例子. 闪亮例子建立了终极目的(telos)能够由真实的人来实现而不仅仅是个虚幻的理想.

ultimate analysis:终极分析,元素分析

ullage manoeuvre 加压餘量燃料操纵(火箭) | ultimate analysis 终极分析,元素分析 | ultimate load 终极负载,极限负载

ultimate reality:终极实在

现在我有些理解了,"天道"与我们所说的"终极关怀"(ultimate concern)和"终极实在"(ultimate reality)相关. 终极关怀是曾任哈佛神学院院长的保罗.田立克(Paul Tillich,国内又译蒂利希)在其>中、从基督教神学角度所提出的观念.


Nick 写:既然学长都回来了~~要不要来办个第一届电浆实验室 老马杯棒球大会呢 (GOODJOB)兄弟们,这次返校,实验室""终极""(ultimate)聚餐 (石化) 我应该是不能参加了!兄弟们,这次返校,实验室""终极""(ultimate)聚餐 (石化) 我应该是不能参加了!

ultimate goal:终极目标

3-2-3 终极目标(ultimate goal)的向度. 3-2-4 终极承诺(ultimate commitment)的向度. 7-3-1 什麼是人:每一个人(human being)都是在不断发展变化中的同一个「我」. 「我」不等於「我」的特徵,特徵常在发展变化中. 「我」则是在发展变化中不变的那一位(human person).

ultimate goal:终极目的

傅伟勋对"宗教"一词的定义有其独特性的诠释,认为宗教的成立有四个不可或缺的基本要素,即包括终极关怀(ultimate concern)、终极真实(ultimate reality\truth)、终极目的(ultimate goal)、终极承诺(ultimate commitment)等相互关联的四项[3] .

ultimate stress:终极应力

终极强度 ultimate strength | 终极应力 ultimate stress | 终极抗拉应力 ultimate tensile stress


ultimately /最后/终极/根本地/ | ultimateness /终极/ | ultimatum /最后通牒/

ultimate spiderman:终极蜘蛛侠

今天<<终极蜘蛛侠>>(ultimate spiderman)第133期出版了. 这也是这个系列的最后一期. 八月将重开,名为<<终极漫画:蜘蛛侠>>(Ultimate comic spiderman). 但蜘蛛侠的名号也将随之易主. 整个"终极通牒"故事完结后,将会推出名为"安魂曲"(Requiem)系列特刊,