英语人>词典>汉英 : 终岁 的英文翻译,例句
终岁 的英文翻译、例句


throughout the year · the whole year
更多网络例句与终岁相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Every Monday, medical staff at the Tzu Chi free clinical center in the Philippine capital of Manila carry out free surgeries for eye patients who otherwise can't afford treatment. One of the recipients is 46-year-old Benjamin Quintano. After two surgeries, Benjamin no longer suffers from blurry vision. The man can now leave his chicken feeding job at the cockfighting ground and find other work to support his family.


Joseph lived to be 110, and throughout his life he was used mightily as an instrument of God.


France has finally run out of patience with the 28-year-old rabble-rouser, who is said by the foreign ministry to have been involved in "repeated incidents".


This mother's 17 year old son has run a fever ever since the passing of the typhoon; now, she can take her son to see a doctor.


Serena,18,sagged6 in the second set tie breaker and closed with a double fault.


It seemed inappropriate to define the twelfth month or the ceremony held then as "Lari".


Etti Rucki, 34, worked as an archivist interviewing Holocaust survivors at Yad Vashem for five years in the 1990s, but left because of the emotional toll the job took on her.

今年34岁的Etti Rucki,从90年代开始就在Yad Vashem纪念馆担任档案管理员,负责采访&大屠杀&幸存者已有5年光景。但是终因无法忍受工作带给她情感上的打击而离去。

Born in Shanghai in 1920, Chang died 75 years later in Los Angeles, having spent a lifetime writing essays, short stories and novellas.


Due to its unique significance in driving away and eliminating ghosts, the folk dance and the character of Zhong Kui has spread its influence and popularity throughout the country.


He had many unique experiences before his first book, The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County, was published in 1867, including stints as a printer, a steamboat pilot, a gold prospector, a journalist in Nevada and San Francisco during the height of the Gold Rush, and a renowned lecturer, known for his storytelling and stage presence.

西元1847年父亲去世后辍学,到印刷店当学徒,1853 ~ 1854年在东部及中西部各城继续从事印刷业。1856年,也就是他二十一岁时,到新奥良斯,想赴巴西赚钱,但终於放弃此一计划,做了密西西比河上的领航员。

更多网络解释与终岁相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

15 is an awkward age:15 岁是个尴尬的年纪

middle age 中年 | 15 is an awkward age. 15 岁是个尴尬的年纪. | He died of old age. 他终其天年.


许多人不知道的一个事实是波比-琼斯是一个神童. 当他在14岁的时候,参加了在美浓(Merion)举行的美国业余锦标赛,竟然杀进了四分之一决赛. 他这么年轻便出现在全国的竞技舞台上是为什么终其一生,人们都叫他"波比"(Bobby)的原因.

The Bodyguard:终级保镖

45岁的惠特尼休斯顿曾于80年代与90年代红极一时,靠着1992年上映的电影>(The Bodyguard)主题曲 ...>发片首周销售成绩差强人意,仅排到告示牌(Billboard)排行榜Billboard 200第九名.

Royal Holloway:伦敦大学皇家哈洛威学院

22岁,来自柏克夏的的邦妮达诺里斯(Bonita Norris),是伦敦大学皇家哈洛威学院(Royal Holloway)的毕业生;主修媒体艺术. 在去年之前从没爬过山. 第一次登山时,感觉更像是「快要挂掉」. 但是她急起直追,终於在17日凌晨登上世界一高峰「珠穆朗玛峰」.




1806年6月,尼古拉斯和贾斯蒂娜终于结为连理,并生了四个子女:露易丝(Louise)、弗里德里克、伊莎贝拉(Isabella)和艾米丽亚(Emilia). 其中伊莎贝拉活得最久,到1881年才去世,终其一生,始终以哥哥肖邦的天赋为傲;艾米丽亚在14岁那年因肺病去世;



Paolo Maldini:馬甸尼

在2009年5月24日的晚上,AC米兰的球迷也哭了,因为我们的队长---马甸尼(Paolo Maldini)退役了,他从17岁开始为AC米兰正式上阵直至今季为止,总共为AC米兰效力了24年,他在AC米兰的24个球季中,为AC米兰取得26座奖杯,终其一生球员生涯,


菲律朋家族的养鸽历史可以溯及1928年,如今, 四十来岁的派翠克(Patrick)在父亲皮尔(Pierre)带领下,终於2008年夺得养鸽人ㄧ生梦寐的大奖之ㄧ ~ KBDB全国大中距离鸽舍奖1位!


11.迟暮 Nightfall | 12.岁终 Year-end | 01.陨 Meteorite