英语人>词典>汉英 : 细菌检查 的英文翻译,例句
细菌检查 的英文翻译、例句


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Reach what the SPF class small rat that its feed undertakes bacterium and helminth 1 year to monitor to this system continuously, live to what bandicoot undertakes imitate cuts off the power and bacterioscopy, be in to raising the comparative test that the small rat of SPF class KM of traditional protective screen system and IVC system has immune index.


The method takes make water sedimentary in patient of be in hospital of leucocyte grow in quantity 30, according to clean middle make water bacterioscopy result, distinguish the patient to affect group and blame infection group, pathology of puncture of farther travel kidney analyses blame infection form.


Although you can never get rid of all the bacteria in your mouth, you can control bacteria by brushing regularly and flossing daily, seeing your dentist and dental hygienist regularly for a thorough cleaning and check-up, and reducing the number of times each day that you consume fermentable carbohydrates.


Lens checks fiber bronchus bronchus of fiber of all patient classics all is checked before lens examination phlegmy look for 1~3 of the bacili that fight acid second, outside dividing positive of 2 phlegmy bacterium, electronegative; is in Yu Wei fiber bronchus lens is orthoptic next observation tracheal, bronchus reach each lung paragraph, bronchus mucous membrane, live via taking check, brush check to do pathology cytology examination and bacteriological examination; with the film inside bronchus unusual organize via pathology change for tuberculosis or n/med tuberculosis of the film inside diagnostic bronchus of positive of smear of n/med tuberculosis bacterium.


Objective To establish a method for test of bacterial endotoxin with enoxaparin sodium. Methods The experiment was carried out according to China Pharmacopeia in 2005 Edition.

目的 建立依诺肝素钠的细菌内毒素检查方法方法根据中国药典2005年版二部附录细菌内毒素检查法进行。

Bacterial endotoxin inspection method can be used for testing the pyrogen of Xuebijing injection.


It is feasible to detect the bacterial endotoxin of cefotetan disodium for injection by the method of determination of bacterial endotoxin.


Methods: The interference evaluation experiment proves that IVIG exerts strong inhibitions in Bacterial Endotorxin Test. While the interfering factors can't be eliminated by treatments such as dilution and neutralisation, they are liable to be inhibited provided that the IVIG samples are to be diluted by 1:4 with the Dilution Solution Ⅰ.The BET for IVIG preparation diluted by 1:4 with the Dilution Solution Ⅰ is carried out comply with the Chinese Pharmacopoeia(2000 Edition) The lysate with sensitivity of 0.125Eu/ml is used in the test,and the results of the BET are comparable to that of Pyrogen Test carried out in rabbits.


The results indicated that the Nao Weizhi Injection diluted properly had no interference in TALT.So the TAL could be used to test the bacterial endotox in the Nao Weizhi Injection and substitute RT for the pyrogens test.


The doctor examined the rat that carried the flea that harbored the germ that infected the poor Indian.


更多网络解释与细菌检查相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


bacteriophage 抗菌素 | bacterioscopy 细菌镜检查法 | bacteriostasis 细菌抑制

bacterioscopy:细菌镜检查 细菌显微镜检查法

bacterioruberin 菌红素 菌红素 | bacterioscopy 细菌镜检查 细菌显微镜检查法 | bacteriosis 细菌病

lithotrity; lithotomy:碎石术

肾石病 lithonephria | 碎石术 lithotrity; lithotomy | 石蕊牛乳(细菌检查) litmus milk

litmus milk:石蕊牛乳(细菌检查)

碎石术 lithotrity; lithotomy | 石蕊牛乳(细菌检查) litmus milk | 石蕊试纸 litmus paper

aerobioscope:空气细菌计数器 空中微生物检查器 大气生物镜

aerobiont | 需氧生物, 好氧生物 | aerobioscope | 空气细菌计数器 空中微生物检查器 大气生物镜 | aerobiosis | 好氧生活


auxano- 增大,长大,发育 | auxanogram 细菌发育图 | auxanography 细菌发育检查方法

Tuberculosis of lung bacteriologically & histolog'y neg:肺结核病,细菌学和组织学检查为阴性

喉、器官和支气管结核病,经细菌学和组织学所证实 Tuberculosis of ... | 肺结核病,细菌学和组织学检查为阴性 Tuberculosis of lung bacteriologically & histolog'y neg | 肺结核病,仅经痰培养所证实 Tuberculosis of ...

cytologic examination:细胞学检查

革兰氏染色(Gram's stain)或者其他的直接细胞学检查(cytologic examination)可以用来确认这些微生物,因为需氧培养能够提供阴性检测结果或确认不是很显著的这类细菌.

bacteria,fungi, prions,radiation, toxins, chemicals:细菌, 真菌, 朊病毒 辐射, 毒物, 化学制剂

All we have to do is check out parasites,viruses,|我们只需检查寄... | bacteria,fungi, prions,radiation, toxins, chemicals,|细菌, 真菌, 朊病毒 辐射, 毒物, 化学制剂 | or it's internet porn related.|还有黄...

facuItative anaerobic bacteria:兼性厌氯细菌

间接冷却水 indirect coolint water | 兼性厌氯细菌 facuItative anaerobic bacteria | 检查井 manhole