英语人>词典>汉英 : 细胞构成 的英文翻译,例句
细胞构成 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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There are two types of cells: the acidophile and the basophile. Prolactin cell and adrenocorticotopic hormone cell form the anterior lobe, the gonadotropic hormone cell, growth hormone cell and thyrotropic hormone cell form the intermediate lobe, the posterior lobe consists of melanotropic stimulating hormone cell.


The suspension cells of the heart at E11 were respectively cultured in co-culture system based in the stromal cells from the heart, the fetal liver and AGM region with the same conceptus age, and c-kit+ cells were analyzed by flow cytometer, estimating the effect of different stromal cells on HSCs\' amplification.

将培养24h后的E11心脏悬浮细胞分别置入由同期的心脏内皮细胞、胎肝基质细胞和AGM区基质细胞构成的共培养体系中,于0h, 24h和48h分别检测c-kit+细胞比率,研究各组织基质细胞对HSCs扩增的影响。

Decidual tissue is a very complex and highly concordant tiny environment between mother and embryo during pregnancy, which is constituted of the variety cells such as extravi11ous trophoblast,endometrium cells, bone marrow cells, decidua l microphage,T cells and a few B cells and so on.

正常蜕膜组织是母-胎界面间一个非常复杂而又高度协调的微环境,它由多种细胞如侵袭至蜕膜的绒毛外滋养细胞(extravi11ous trophoblast,EVT)、子宫内膜源性细胞(如上皮细胞和血管内皮细胞)、骨髓源性细胞(如大颗粒淋巴细胞、蜕膜巨噬细胞、T细胞和少许B细胞)构成,这些细胞以及由这些细胞、母体和胎儿所分泌到蜕膜的细胞因子共同形成了母-胎间信息交流的平台,并对胚胎滋养细胞"有控性"侵袭、子宫内膜的免疫容受性、蜕膜化和胎盘的形成进行精细的调控。

The sensitization system of an ommatidium included 11 retinular cells, of which four located at the distal part of the ommatidium; seven formed the proximal main part of the retina. The two parts are some one on top of another.


The main components of every ommatidium of compound eye were completed in the larval stages. An ommatidium composed of cornea, four corneagenous cells, four cone cells and retinular cells. The sensitization system of an ommatidium included 11 retinular cells, of which four located at the distal part of the ommatidium; seven formed the proximal main part of the retina. Their structures are different.


The adherent cells from the embryo heart of E10~E12 were constituted by the difform cadiocyte with affluent kytoplasm and the slender endotheliocyte, which arranged in paralleled regularly and was seen easily to stick on the cadiocytes. CD31 antigen was expressed in the adherent of the heart, but not in the stromal cell of fetal liver from E10~E12, which showed uniform morphous with affluent endochylema.


The expression of nestin antigen, NSE and GFAP were identified by immunohistochemistry, and the number of NSE-positive cells and GFAP-positive cells were dividedly counted.


Results: Cords could be found both in the left and right ventricles. The frequency of the ventricular cords in the left and right ventricles was respectively 88.89% and 85.19%. The false tendon were classified into four types: muscular, conductive, mixing and tendinous. The muscular cords were composed of cardiomyocytes. The conductive cords contained Purkinje cells, T cells and a few P cells. The mixing cords consisted of cardiomyocytes and a few P cells.


The apical meristems in the lower plants consist of one cell only, as in the ferns, but become more complex and eonsist of groups of cells in the higher plants.


SW480/M consisted of round-like and monopole cells principally, which had the characteristics of epithelial differentiation. The cytoplasm margin was unclearly like plasmogamy and the specialized structure on cell membrane was unobvious.


更多网络解释与细胞构成相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


MT)与血液病治疗中骨髓的微结构变化的相关性.方法:35例确诊的恶性血液病患者通过MR磁化转移成像及髂嵴穿刺活检进行对照分析,测定骨髓磁化转移率(magnetic transfer ratio,MTR),细胞构成(cellularity)变化和肿瘤浸润分数(tumor fraction,


cellulosicwaste 纤维素废品 | cellulosity 细胞构成 | cellulotoxic 细胞毒的


内层细胞称胃层,有些种类由领细胞(choanocyte)构成,此种细胞椭圆形,具一鞭毛,鞭毛基部有一原生质的领,领为一圈微毛组成,领细胞可摄食. 但是多数多孔动物的胃层是由扁平细胞构成,而领细胞只分布在鞭毛室的四壁.



daughter cell:子细胞

没有细胞核,细胞的遗传物质脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)分散于细胞中央的一个较大的区域胞质分裂:在二个新的子核之间形成新细胞壁,把一个母细胞(mother cell)分隔成二个子细胞(daughter cell)的过程木质部:由几种不同类型的细胞构成的一种复合组织,


黑色素(melanins) 是由黑细胞(melanocyte)产生的,成熟的黑素细胞位于表皮细胞的基底层,是一种树枝状细胞. 每一个黑素细胞连接大约36个角朊细胞 ,构成一个表皮黑素单位. 具有调节作用的激素主要包括:促黑素细胞激素(MSH) 、促肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH) 和雌激素.

stroma cell:基质细胞

表面上皮与腺上皮结构相似,均由分泌细胞和少量纤毛细胞构成,但分布于子宫功能层的腺上皮细胞对卵巢激素反应敏感而有周期性变化,固有层较厚,血管较丰富,并有大量分化较低的梭形或星状细胞,称为基质细胞(stroma cell).


isocellobiose 异纤维二糖 | isocellular 相同细胞(构成)的 | isochromatic 等色的,单色的

trichogen cell:毛原细胞

翅非由附肢演变而来,而是翅芽(wing pad)逐渐发育形成的.所谓翅芽也就是中胸和后胸近背面左右侧壁的扁平褶突.每根触毛由3个细胞构成,即毛原细胞(trichogen cell),膜原细胞(tormogen cell)和感觉细胞(sensory cell).毛原细胞的毛状突起矗露体表;

ventral canal cell:腹沟细胞

腹部的外壁由1至多层细胞构成,内有1卵细胞(egg cell),卵细胞与颈沟细胞最下一个细胞之间有1个腹沟细胞(ventral canal cell),受精前颈沟细胞和腹沟细胞均解体,精子器成熟后,精子逸出,在有水的条件下,游入发育成熟的颈卵器内.