英语人>词典>汉英 : 纳贡的 的英文翻译,例句
纳贡的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
tributary  ·  tributaries

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This Gunnar could not cio; but Sigurd did it in Gunnar's shape, where after Brynhild agreed to marry Gunnar.


All this ensures the steady growth of book inscribing culture coming down from the late Tang dynasty, and provides the Northern Song dynasty with technicians and technical support required to print master copies and collate books.


Bernard of Tuscany and of Lombardy, approved by Alexander VI (1497); the Congregation of Portugal, or of Alcobaca, founded in 1507; the Congregation of the Feuillants, founded by John de la Barriere in 1563, which spread into France and Italy, the monasteries of Italy, however, eventually detaching themselves from those of France to form the Congregation of the Riformati di San Bernardo; the Congregation of Aragon, approved by a Bull of Paul V (1616); the Congregation of Rome, or of Central Italy, created by a Decree of Gregory XV in 1623; the Congregation of Calabria and Lucania, established by Urban VIII in 1633, and to which was united the old Congregation of Flore, which had for its founder Blessed Joachim surnamed "the Prophet".

会众的庆祝圣伯纳德的西班牙,成立由DOM的马丁德巴尔加斯,在1425年,在蒙地附近的锡永托莱多;聚集的圣伯纳德的托斯卡纳和伦巴第,批准由Alexander六( 1497 );众葡萄牙,或alcobaca ,创立于1507年;聚集了feuillants ,成立由约翰德香格里拉barriere在1563年,蔓延到法国,意大利等寺庙的意大利,但最终拆卸自己从那些法国形成聚集了riformati迪圣贝尔纳;聚集的阿拉贡,批准牛市的保五( 1616年);聚集罗马,还是意大利中部,创造了一项法令的格雷戈里十五,在1623个;聚集的卡拉布里亚和lucania成立了由市区八,在1633年,并以这是美国旧聚集flore ,这为它的创办人有福了约阿希姆姓"先知"。

And of course, I was only interested in the math, so the whole time, he kept shaking his head going,"You know, I didn't learn it this way." But I had to sleep with a kola nut next to my bed, buried in sand, and give seven coins to the seven lepers, and so on.


Ivan III united Yaroslavl, Novgorod, Tver, Perm, Ryazan and other vassal state. In 1480, he defeated Ahmad Khan, an end to the Golden Horde in tribute, ending two and a half centuries of Mongol rule and won independence.


Arisaema t ubes fungus was ever historically regarded as the national treasure and titbit , one of articles of tribute presented to dynasties in the past .


Bernard of Tuscany and of Lombardy, approved by Alexander VI (1497); the Congregation of Portugal, or of Alcobaca, founded in 1507; the Congregation of the Feuillants, founded by John de la Barriere in 1563, which spread into France and Italy, the monasteries of Italy, however, eventually detaching themselves from those of France to form the Congregation of the Riformati di San Bernardo; the Congregation of Aragon, approved by a Bull of Paul V (1616); the Congregation of Rome, or of Central Italy, created by a Decree of Gregory XV in 1623; the Congregation of Calabria and Lucania, established by Urban VIII in 1633, and to which was united the old Congregation of Flore, which had for its founder Blessed Joachim surnamed "the Prophet".

会众的庆祝圣伯纳德的西班牙,成立由DOM的马丁德巴尔加斯,在1425年,在蒙地附近的锡永托莱多;聚集的圣伯纳德的托斯卡纳和伦巴第,批准由Alexander六( 1497 );众葡萄牙,或alcobaca ,创立于1507年;聚集了feuillants ,成立由约翰德香格里拉barriere在1563年,蔓延到法国,意大利等寺庙的意大利,但最终拆卸自己从那些法国形成聚集了riformati迪圣贝尔纳;聚集的阿拉贡,批准牛市的保五( 1616年);聚集罗马,还是意大利中部,创造了一项法令的格雷戈里十五,在1623个;聚集的卡拉布里亚和lucania成立了由市区八,在1633年,并以这是美国旧聚集flore ,这为它的创办人有福了约阿希姆姓&先知&。

Bernard of Tuscany and of Lombardy, approved by Alexander VI (1497); the Congregation of Portugal, or of Alcobaca, founded in 1507; the Congregation of the Feuillants, founded by John de la Barriere in 1563, which spread into France and Italy, the monasteries of Italy, however, eventually detaching themselves from those of France to form the Congregation of the Riformati di San Bernardo; the Congregation of Aragon, approved by a Bull of Paul V (1616); the Congregation of Rome, or of Central Italy, created by a Decree of Gregory XV in 1623; the Congregation of Calabria and Lucania, established by Urban VIII in 1633, and to which was united the old Congregation of Flore, which had for its founder Blessed Joachim surnamed "the Prophet".

该教会的庆祝圣伯纳德西班牙,创办的大教堂马丁的巴尔加斯,在1425年,在附近的蒙锡永托莱多;聚集的圣伯纳德的托斯卡纳和伦巴第大区,批准了亚历山大六世( 1497年);圣座葡萄牙,或阿尔科巴萨,成立於1507年;圣座的Feuillants ,成立由John德拉鲁阿巴里耶尔在1563年,它蔓延到法国和意大利,意大利的寺院,但最终脱离自己免受这些法国形成教会的Riformati圣贝尔纳多;圣座阿拉贡,批准了红牛的保五( 1616年);的罗马天主教,或中央意大利,创造了一项法令的格雷戈里在1623年十五;圣座的卡拉布里亚和卢卡尼亚设立城市第八於1633年,并是美国的旧教会的花神,它的创办人有福约阿希姆姓&先知&。

Later during the period of emperor Yuan and emperor Cheng,arrogating and even damaging the rites became increasingly serious.


In order to keep these relations, the acts deemed spoiling them such as disobeying the kings order, failure to have an audience with the Chou Court, treason, violating the oaths,failing to tribute, failing to attend meetings, etc.were severely punished.


更多网络解释与纳贡的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




使用的莫雷语(More)属古尔(Gur)语支,与迦纳北部曼普鲁西人(Mamprusi)和达贡巴人(Dagomba)的语言相近,莫西人的统治阶级多出于这两个部族. 莫西人多数是定居农民,某些铁匠、皮革匠之类的手艺人属于受鄙视阶层. 莫西社会以封建王国为基础,

Demetrius Ferreira:费雷拉

1974年,奥林匹克马赛的德米特里乌斯.费雷拉(Demetrius FERREIRA)出生. 1974年,贝拉克鲁斯的帕布罗.卡特罗奇(Pablo Javier Quattrochi)出生. 1976年,佩斯卡拉的纳塔勒.贡内拉(Natale Gonnella)出生. 1976年,维根竞技的斯蒂凡.麦克米兰(Stephen McMillan)出生.


memento mori 死的象征 | Gunnar [北欧神话]贡纳 | tactical nuclear weapon 战术核武器


这些贵族还算没有成为管理自己财产那个意义上的土地所有人(landlord). 他们接受出自附庸劳动的贡纳,而对其并不指导也不监督. 这就是中世纪支配日耳曼贵族土地的形态. 最终,骑士成了骑士的可继承地产(fee)的所有者和管理者.


它首先迫使以色列称臣纳贡,到公元前732 年以色列最后一个国王何细亚(Hoshea)登基时,他只不过是亲亚述的王"尼布甲尼撒"(Nebuchadnezzar)攻陷耶路撒冷,迫使犹太王约雅斤居鲁士(Kurush)大帝带兵从小亚细亚攻陷巴比伦坡,灭掉新巴比伦王国,


帕拉瓦慈悲的价钱就是纳贡,被迫的忠诚,而那些名字里有欧萨(Ossa)的人成为他的奴仆. 少数欧萨的后裔不断地被发现藏在伊洛纳的深山中--现在都在伊洛纳不死领主的统治下. 从他的远古敌人的后裔中,帕拉瓦组建一支军队去跟他的不死军团相竞争,


匈牙利作为奥斯曼土耳其附庸的时间最长,1526年莫哈奇战役(Battle of Mohacs)后,哈布斯堡家族,特兰西瓦尼亚(Transylvania)王公和奥斯曼土耳其三家瓜分了匈牙利,但奥斯曼土耳其享有最高宗主权,即使在奥地利控制区,统治者也必须向苏丹称臣纳贡.


在他逝世前不久,梅尔兹参加了马卡罗夫(Markaroff)在布鲁塞尔组办的吉他比赛,他的<<小协奏曲>>(Concertino)获得了一等奖. 布洛卡生于泰拉贡纳省(Tarragona)的卢斯(Reus),按照阿瓜多的方法自学吉他,后来并得到大师亲自指点.


凯拉姆贡纳位于摩洛哥(Maroc)南部大阿特拉斯山脉(Haut Atlas)西麓. 午后两点的太阳褪去了早晨的温柔面纱;小镇被地面上升腾起的热浪炙得发白;裹着撒哈拉细沙的云朵宽大而厚实,懒洋洋地浮在半空当中.