英语人>词典>汉英 : 纯朴的 的英文翻译,例句
纯朴的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
rustic  ·  simpleminded

更多网络例句与纯朴的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

L: A country bumpkin is someone who is from the countryside.

H: Bumpkin就是生活在农村那些很纯朴的人。

Ll: a country bumpkin is someone who is from the countryside.

lh: bumpkin就是生活在农村那些很纯朴的人。

The prodigal came, and the fatted calf was killed for him, and he was made as happy as two simple women could make him


The wind turbine is unsophisticated in design...


He is emphatically a retiring and unassuming man.


The action is inside at the eclectically rustic La Soucoupe.

这一切在纯朴的La Soucoupe都有。

He added in a moment,"And she was the most innocent."


Treuhaft also tempt too simple rural girl Feni·rabi, a bad, Frances pregnancy after street, Finally died in poor homes.


So he bought a baseball team titled " Texas Rangers".


The divertimento was written by the composer in 1840, impressed with the German poet Chamisso's poem. It portrayed a woman's first love in her life in simple and true tone of lyric, which underwent the process of love, marriage, motherly affection and death of husband.


更多网络解释与纯朴的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Tauren Chieftain:牛头人酋长

牛头人酋长 (Tauren Chieftain)这些年长的牛头人战士在日常生活中和战斗中都出色地领导着他们高贵而纯朴的部族.他们充满尊敬地的身背部落的图腾维持着牛头人文化的骄傲和纯洁.当魁梧的酋长受到战斗的召唤时他们会拿起威力无穷的战戟.兽

childlike simplicity:孩子般的纯朴

15.gentle manner 彬彬有礼 | 16.childlike simplicity 孩子般的纯朴 | 17.conservative 保守的

luxuriant: a.1:茂盛的 2.肥沃的,丰饶的 3.丰富的,绚丽的

abstractness: n.抽象,深奥,难解,纯理论 | luxuriant: a.1.茂盛的 2.肥沃的,丰饶的 3.丰富的,绚丽的 | simplicity: n.简单,简明,简朴,朴素,纯朴

Noun Clause:名词性从句

在他整个一生中,他乐意孤身一人度过他的大部分时光. 他的工作和研究成果深懊,他提出的相对论就是常人所不能理解的,然而现实生活中他是一个纯朴的人. 本文中的名词性从句(Noun Clause)(主语从句)初次向我们展现了它们的独特的魅力.

Return To Innocence:回到纯真

那些纯朴的笑容是那么动人,如英格玛的那曲"回到纯真"(return to innocence),也许,正是生活在这片天空下的人们才能永远保留着这份纯真,因为他们的生来就与野性的生灵共舞,这天地间的和谐只有流浪在大草原上的土著民才能享受的到.


signature n. 签名 | simple-minded 纯朴的,头脑简单的 | sincerely ad. 真诚地


simple 简单的 | simplehearted 纯洁的 | simpleminded 纯朴的


simplehearted 纯洁的 | simpleminded 纯朴的 | simpleness 简单


Semplice 单纯的、纯朴的 | Soave 柔和的、甜美的 | Sognando 梦想地

Rustically solemn or in rustic laughter:有着纯朴的严肃或者乡村的笑声

Leaping through the flames, or joined in circles, 跳越火焰,或者加入舞... | Rustically solemn or in rustic laughter有着纯朴的严肃或者乡村的笑声 | Lifting heavy feet in clumsy shoes,于笨拙的鞋子中抬起沉重...