英语人>词典>汉英 : 纪律性 的英文翻译,例句
纪律性 的英文翻译、例句


sense of discipline
更多网络例句与纪律性相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But is that just because he's disciplined?


The Estonian team has a good discipline, and they are carefully analysing their opponents' habits and preferences before the matches.


To accomplish these tasks, we must enhance Party spirit, eliminate factionalism, heighten the sense of discipline and improve efficiency.


In his courses of 1973-1974, Le Pouvoirpsychiatrique, Foucault pronounced a possible second volume of Histoire de la folie and performed some methodological shifts.


The performance of most of the veterans was sub-par with the exceptions of spencer hawes and francisco garcia... both improved , but both can do more and will in a more disciplined and organized situation...

大部分老兵的表现是水准一下的,只有 SH 和 cisco 是例外,获得了提高,但是他们在一个纪律性更强更有组织的环境下可以也想要做的更好。

Have people, brains and they can be impressively disciplined.


Have good impression in discipline, team-work and innovation inspirit


How do you maintain discipline within your department or team?


From these 4 studies, we could got the following conclusions:(1) The CPAI 22 traits could be divided into two categories, with the changing of age, period and cohort, type I traits didn't change, they were Logical vs Affective Orientation, Enterprise, Responsibility, Inferiority vs Self-Acceptance, Optimism vs Pessimism, Face, Family, Defensive, Graciousness vs Meanness; While with the changing of age, period and cohort, type II traits changed, they were Leadership, Self vs. Social Orientation, Veraciousness vs Slickness, Traditionalism vs Modernity, Harmony, Renqing, Meticulousness, Extraversion vs Introversion, Emotionality, Practical Mindedness, Internal vs External Locus of Control, Thrift vs Extravagance, Discipline.


The analysis shows:(1) The elementary targets of the Sanda courses should focus on forming the students\' interest in the Sanda courses;on the basis of mastering the Sanda basic etiquette criteria and Sanda basic techniques in common use,the courses should basically form the character of confidence,bravery and pertinacity and at the same time promote the physical health,form the competition consciousness,cooperation spirit, respect for the teacher and the concept of collectivity and discipline.


更多网络解释与纪律性相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

reduce peer pressure:减少来自同伴的压力

promote safety and discipline 促进安全性和纪律性 | reduce peer pressure 减少来自同伴的压力 | reflect students' respects to their teachers 反映了学生对老师的尊敬

Rewards and Frustrations:成为主管的好处和挫折

纪律性Discipline | 成为主管的好处和挫折 Rewards and Frustrations | 做主管有哪些好处 Commonly identified management rewards