英语人>词典>汉英 : 级数发散 的英文翻译,例句
级数发散 的英文翻译、例句


divergence of a series
更多网络例句与级数发散相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A series is said to be converges absolutely if the series converges; the series is called conditionally convergent, if the series converges but diverges.


Theorem 1 If the power series is convergent at ,then for any that ,the power series absolutely converges at point ;if the power series is divergent at ,then for any that ,the power series diverges at point .

定理1 如果级数当时收敛,则适当不等式的一切使这幂级数绝对收敛;反之,如果级数当时发散,则适合不等式的一切使这幂级数发散

Definition The infinite series converges and has sum if the sequence of partial sums converges to ,that is .If diverges, then the series diverges. A divergent series has no sum.


An infinite series that results in a finite sum is said to converge. One that does not, diverges.


An in finite series that results in a finite sum is said to converge. One that does not, diverges.


An infinite series that results in a finite sum is said to converge. One that does not, diverge s.


Based on the second-order moment of the power density, the far-field divergence angle of nonparaxial rotationally symmetric Laguerre-Gaussian beams is derived and expressed in a sum of the series of the Gamma function.


Convergence and divergence of infinite series depend upon this concept.


Now by using Dai's exact solution formula and studying the asymptotical behavior controlcondition and using the series expression of the famous Riemann Zeta-function in number theory,after introducing and proving a new representation theory of inverse Laplace transformation wedirectly obtained Chen's solution formulae and their unique existence condition without usingLaplace transformation and〓 inverse formula.


更多网络解释与级数发散相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

divergence of a series:级数发散

divergence 发散 | divergence of a series 级数发散 | divergence of tensor field 张量场的散度

divergent sequence:发散序列Btu中国学习动力网

divergent iteration 发散性迭代Btu中国学习动力网 | divergent sequence 发散序列Btu中国学习动力网 | divergent series 发散级数Btu中国学习动力网

properly divergent sequence:正常发散序列

properly discontinuous group 纯不连续群 | properly divergent sequence 正常发散序列 | properly divergent series 正常发散级数

divergent series:发散级数

divergent reactor 功率增长状态下的反应堆 | divergent series 发散级数 | divergent wind 发散风

divergent series:发散级数Btu中国学习动力网

divergent sequence 发散序列Btu中国学习动力网 | divergent series 发散级数Btu中国学习动力网 | divide 除Btu中国学习动力网

oscillating divergent series:振动发散级数

oscillate 振动 | oscillating divergent series 振动发散级数 | oscillating infinite determinant 振动无穷行列式

properly divergent series:正常发散级数

properly divergent sequence 正常发散序列 | properly divergent series 正常发散级数 | proportion 比例

summability theory of divergent series:发散级数的可和性理论

summability 可和性 | summability theory of divergent series 发散级数的可和性理论 | summable 可和的

divergent infinite series:发散无穷级数

divergent die 分流模 | divergent infinite series 发散无穷级数 | divergent margin 离散边缘


例1; (1) 定理1(阿贝尔(Abel)定理) 如果级数当x = x0(x0 0)时收敛,则适合不等式 x x0 的一切x使这幂级数发散.(证明)欧拉(Euler)公式:(2) 欧拉(Euler)公式:eix =