英语人>词典>汉英 : 红脖子 的英文翻译,例句
红脖子 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与红脖子相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Here are three kinds of lupus. Discoid lupus affects only the skin and can be identified by red marks on the face or neck.


In her smash up-tempo hit "Redneck Woman" Wilson sings,"No, I can't swig that sweet champagne. I'd rather drink beer all night -- in a tavern or in a honky-tonk, or on a four-wheel drive tailgate... I'll stand barefooted in my own front yard with a baby on my hip."


A person who becomes angry easily is called a hothead. An angry person's neck often becomes red. We say he is hot under the collar.


The term "redneck" in American English is an evolving one.


After a poor start he also took a shine to New Zealand's Bernard Freyberg, a general with 27 war wounds and a Victoria Cross, who was described by a contemporary as "a red-necked thug who ate two Germans for breakfast".


After a poor start he also took a shine to New Zealand's Bernard Freyberg, a general with 27 war wounds and a Victoria Cross, who was described by a contemporary as "a red-necked thug who ate two Germans for breakfast".


There are quite a few popular country songs, dating back a good number of years, about rednecks. Many others make at least a passing mention of them.


The "redneck" theme is quite prevalent in contemporary country music and, when it appears, it is almost exclusively in a positive context. Mention of rednecks is almost always made with affection, and at times even with a kind of reverence.


Not long into our conversation, my new friend told me something that I remember to this day:"I've got the reddest neck in Beijing."


Adults have black crowns, reddish-brown faces and necks, dark reddish-brown underparts with fine streaks, and black wings.


更多网络解释与红脖子相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


淋红油red paint was splashed | 麻木不仁callousness | 掐某人的脖子throttle somebody


红脖子牧场 在报废的汽车旁边可以得到曲柄(Crank). 往前走,杀死突然冲出来的红脖子僵尸. 到屋子跟前,却进不去门. 屋子的右侧有一台发电机,但是现在还无法发动. 继续往右边走,调查角落的物品,可以得到水壶(Jug). 转身前进,

debutante:初次参加社交活动的名媛 新秀

3\\aubergine, eggplant 都是茄子 ,没研究出来有什么不同 | 4\\debutante 初次参加社交活动的名媛 新秀 | 5\\redneck hick 红脖子意会一下就知道了,乡下人

Hals ueber Kopf:(脖子在头上) 匆匆忙忙地,手忙脚乱地

41 Eine Hand waescht die andere. (一只手洗另一只) 互相护短. | 42 Hals ueber Kopf (脖子在头上) 匆匆忙忙地,手忙脚乱地 | 43 Heute rot,morgen tot. (今天红,明天死. ) 人生无常

Lying, cheating, red-headed hussy:说谎,骗人 红发荡妇

Traitors.|叛徒 | Lying, cheating, red-headed hussy.|说谎,骗人 红发荡妇 | I'll wring her neck.|我要拧她脖子


民歌摇滚和乡村摇滚都是那些勇于在表演中加入新材料和新技巧的人发明的,70年代"红脖子摇滚"(Redneck Rock)和"亡命徒"(Outlaw)运动都可以算为是对纳什维尔一直不变的创作风格的叛离和对民间音乐风格的回归,


27. queer怪物 | 28. redneck乡巴佬 | redneck红脖子,原指颈脖晒红的美国南部贫苦农民.


28. redneck乡巴佬 | redneck红脖子,原指颈脖晒红的美国南部贫苦农民. | 29. rookie生手;菜鸟

redneck hick:红脖子意会一下就知道了,乡下人

4\\debutante 初次参加社交活动的名媛 新秀 | 5\\redneck hick 红脖子意会一下就知道了,乡下人 | 6\\belle 我喜欢买这个牌子的鞋子,原来是法文,意思是美女

Man schlaegt den Sack und meint den Esel:(打的是袋子,但意指驴子. ) 指桑骂槐

42 Hals ueber Kopf (脖子在头上) 匆匆忙忙地,手忙脚乱地 | 43 Heute rot,morgen tot. (今天红,明天死. ) 人生无常 | 44 Man schlaegt den Sack und meint den Esel. (打的是袋子,但意指驴子. ) 指桑骂槐