英语人>词典>汉英 : 紧缩计划 的英文翻译,例句
紧缩计划 的英文翻译、例句


austerity program
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Seasoned left-wing political activists acknowledge that 24-hour strikes and frequent demonstrations have failed to persuade the government to water down its austerity program.


By the late 1980s, the economy became overheated with increasing rates of inflation. At the end of 1988, in reaction to a surge of inflation caused by accelerated price reforms, the leadership introduced an austerity program .


With nothing but lousy choices, why not see if Greece can actually impose a credible austerity program? Why not play for time?


Sewing machines in the country in 1982 production reached a record 12.86 million (including home machines for 12500000), the market came to a standstill, with the exception of a few brands, most enterprises serious slow-moving and had to eat "duplicate construction, blind development "by the austerity program.


Launch 4.8 billion euros in the fiscal austerity program the day after, plans to raise 5 billion euros of Greece's 10-year bond auction proceeded smoothly, subscription amount of about 14.5 billion euros, a serious excess.


Tighter credit is likely to crimp expansion plans and hence revenue growth.


In return, weak countries would need to commit themselves to falling nominal wages and a programme of fiscal retrenchment.


The bond market's skittishness puts more pressure on the Greek government to come up with a credible plan for fiscal retrenchment.


Greece has agreed the outline of a 24bn austerity package, including a three-year wage freeze for public sector workers, in return for a multi-billion euro loan from the eurozone and the International Monetary Fund, according to people familiar with the talks.


Hungary's humorists have also adapted their jokes for the rigours of governmental austerity plans.


更多网络解释与紧缩计划相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

American Airlines:美国美洲航空公司

就在同一天,全球最大航空公司美国美洲航空公司(American Airlines)宣布解雇2500名飞行员的成本紧缩计划,欧洲主要航空公司之一荷兰皇家航空公司(Royal Dutch Airlin

austerity program:紧缩计划

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Toshiba Corp:日本东芝公司

彭博社报导指出,日本东芝公司(Toshiba Corp)社长西田厚聪(Atsutoshi Nishida)在周三於东京召开的年度股东大会上表示,东芝方面计划将扩大本年度固定支出紧缩计划.


香港股市收于前收盘水平上方,九龙仓集团(Wharf)股价飙升带领地产开发商类股走高,尽管大陆股市受紧缩措施担忧影响大幅下挫. 之前九龙仓集团母公司会德丰(Wheelock)表示,计划增持九龙仓股份至50%以上. 分析师们称,

aute diem:(拉)到期以前

austerity program 紧缩计划 | aute diem (拉)到期以前 | authentic 权威的