英语人>词典>汉英 : 精英管理的 的英文翻译,例句
精英管理的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与精英管理的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The system saps Malaysia's competitiveness, and has driven some frustrated members of the minorities—mainly Chinese and Indians—to decamp to more meritocratic countries.


The company has a professional high-quality product development, production, marketing and management of the elite teams.


Assembly of functions,present a wide scrope for the busy administrative elites


Spirit of pursuing to excellent quality and best service makes our series products Itoimi and puly, which not only are popular with the whole China, but with the area of Southeast Asia, Mid-east, Europe, Australia and North America, etc., own the high reputation among our customers all over the world.


Spirit of pursuing to excellent quality and best service makes our series products Itoimi and puly, which not only are popular with the whole China, but with the area of Southeast Asia, Mid-east, Europe, Australia and North America, etc., own the high reputation among our customers all over the world.


Primary design: firstly, by reforming the judiciary selecting system, establishing the judiciary stuff quotient system and strengthening judiciary training system, we will improve the diathesis of our judiciary procession and realize the professionalizing and homogeneity of judiciary procession; secondly, by reforming court management and the deployment of the power in the court, and establishing profession safeguarding system, we will realize judiciary are independent; mirdly, by reforming personnel management, implementing to manage the judge by sequence, and perfecting the judge merit and rewards and punishment system, we will realize the judicial aim: equity and efficiency.


Cees Hamelink said, at Seminar on Communication Development and the International Programme for the Development on communication in 1984, that as social scientists we are always better at criticizing bad models than at presenting new model. Most of us written extensively and critically about How lerner and Schramm and Rogers have inadequately dealt with all these things, and they have admitted their mistakes themselves, but none of us has really come forward with, a new and better model.


The model is the revision of Burgess, comprising seven elements:Core, zone of stagnation, pockets of poverty and minorities, elite enclaves, diffused middle class, industrial anchors and public sector control, epicenters and corridors


In order to promote the development of digital music market and effectively keep piratic music within limits, Talent Online Music Warning and Protecting Center, found under the guidance of governmental organization of copyright management and under the support of the concerning music association, by shenzhen talent trademark office which is subordinated to Shenzhen Talent intellectual property Law office.


The City, long notorious as a stuffy place where the old school tie mattered more than talent, became more meritocratic. The boisterous colour-jacketed traders in financial futures at LIFFE, a market founded in 1982, typified the new unbuttoned style of business.


更多网络解释与精英管理的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Roland Barthes:巴特

北京罗朗制衣有限公司经营英国品牌"罗朗巴特"(Roland BARTHES)休闲男装. Roland BARTHES服装既有贵族所恪守的成熟、稳重的气质,又巧妙的散发出个性的语言. 我们的产品定位锁定在35~50岁的高收入、高品位的office高级行政人员及管理精英.


3、比较 流程图(FlowChart) 的优点是突出'Process'及相互间的次序关系;但它的弱点在于: A)未识别参考者. 当参与者较多时,难以区分清楚,导致理解困难. 推荐信息. IT精英的惹火伴侣(图). G1惊现自动重启. 发改委:无线网络安全管理即将产业化.

Open Day:开放日

3月31日,2007"缘聚管院,圆梦复旦"之"校园开放日"(OPEN DAY)活动正式举行. 为期一天的"校园开放日"通过讲座、学校巡游等活动让有志来此学习的工商业青年精英们提前感受人文复旦的氛围和管理学院的文化. 一年两次的OPEN DAY总是吸引了不少人的目光.

Plante System:欧萃碧

依泉(URIAGE)、欧萃碧(PLANTE SYSTEM)是法国药房销售的著名品牌,在全世界和亚洲都享有盛名. 鸥美药妆将人才视为企业最有价值的资本,汇集了一批经营管理、市场开发及销售等各领域的精英,拥有很强的专业背景及丰富的实操经验.

saddle up with pippa funnell:马场精英

..FxMei 鬼吹灯外传推广员马场精英(Saddle up with Pippa Funnell ) 游戏简介: 在游戏中玩家会拥有自己的马场,你要做的就是管理好马场5默取 鬼吹灯外传推广员精心饲养并训练马匹,字选择合适的马具和服装.



Dhoby Ghaut:多美歌

NS24/NE6 多美歌(Dhoby Ghaut)新加坡管理大学 (Singapore Management University),简称新大 (SMU),是新加坡三所大学之一. 与美国精英大学相同,新大采用了美国常春藤大学式研讨会形式的教学方法. 这是因为新大与美国两所顶尖商学院,