英语人>词典>汉英 : 簧风琴 的英文翻译,例句
簧风琴 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

reed organ
更多网络例句与簧风琴相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Company is not only the production of "child prodigy" brand children's accordion, but also the production of "Aviva" brand accordion professional use (including the keyboard and the button-style accordion, hexagonal Guoqin, harmonium), annual production of 350,000 Units, and 85% of products are exported to The United States, South America, Western Europe, Japan, the Middle East.


Thirty years on and I am a working professional that has never stopped taking courses and learning, Now I am hoping to take a degree in English and am learning to play the melodeon I have more qualifications than some of those I work for.


I was glad to learn that our piano, our parlour organ and our melodeon were to be the best instruments of the kind that could be had in the market


A reed stop in an organ, having eight-foot pitch.


A 16-foot reed stop on an organ .


Also, the Buddha was given offerings of hanging ensigns , banners which had heavenly gems stitched into them, parasols, all kinds of music by the heavenly ones , flute, reed-organ, she and harp.

此外,供奉佛陀的是hanging ensigns,,横幅上镶满天上的宝石,遮阳伞,各种天空的音乐,长笛,簧风琴,她和竖琴。

更多网络解释与簧风琴相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Church Organ:教堂风琴

18 Rock Organ 摇滚风琴 | 19 Church Organ 教堂风琴 | 20 Reed Organ 簧管风琴

Church Organ:管风琴

19 Rock Organ 摇滚风琴 | 20 Church Organ 管风琴 | 21 Reed Organ 簧风琴




自十三世紀以來,便以Tabla、Dhaolak、Naal手鼓、簧風琴(Harmonium)和著領唱與對位重唱的男聲,引領真主信眾進入恍惚狂喜的忘我境界. 承襲百餘年家學淵源的努斯拉法帖阿里汗,其歌聲如古昔韃靼健駒,狂馳於大漠天際,轉板拔尖迅如電光石火;

melodeon:簧风琴之一种, 手风琴之一种

Parrish 帕里什(姓氏) | melodeon 簧风琴之一种, 手风琴之一种 | hard maple 银槭, 糖槭, 岩槭, 硬木


mellowness 成熟 | melodeon 簧风琴 | melodic 有旋律的


melodica 笛琴 | melodion 簧风琴 | melody chenille spread 曲谱图案床单

reed instrument:簧乐器

"簧","Reed" | "簧乐器","Reed instrument" | "簧风琴","Reed organ"

Reed Organ:簧风琴

发明了口琴 簧风琴(Reed Organ)和萨克斯风 (Saxophone) 因而笙也有一位法国的锺錶匠叫弗里德利克布殊曼(Christian fricdrich Ludwig Buschmann) 他拿笙作样本将15根音笛(Pitch-Pipe)排列在一起 依其长短而发出高低不一的声音 他称这种简单小巧的新发明Messner)的编织者以仿制这种乐器作为副业 当时又有一位钟錶匠名叫马德和


4524 吉它 guitars | 4525 簧风琴 harmoniums | 4526 竖琴 harps