英语人>词典>汉英 : 篷车 的英文翻译,例句
篷车 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

covered wagon · fold-top car · covered truck
更多网络例句与篷车相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Fourthly, for such a journey a cabriolet would be too heavy, and would fatigue the horse


If you went on a Eurocamp holiday and your caravan was as basic as our chalet was you would be complaining, so not up to Disney standards.


He led the way to the stable-yard accordingly, the Rat following with a most mistrustful expression; and there, drawn out of the coach house into the open, they saw a gipsy caravan, shining with newness, painted a canary-yellow picked out with green, and red wheels.


Everything the Saints owned would come across a thousand miles (1,600 km) of desert by handcart or covered wagon.


She swung full around toward her husband so she could not see the little covered wagon and the mismatched team as the car passed them.


When she was 7, she and her family traveled by covered wagon and moved to the prairie land of Walnut Grove, Minnesota.


Even today life for the farmer has not changed greatly here—horses may still draw a covered wagon on a lonely grey-white lane.


This closed car smells of salt fish,the strong New England and commercial scent, reminding me of the Grand Banks and the fisheries.


Tess went down the hill to Thantridge Cross , and inattentively waited to take her seat in the van returning from Chaseborough to Shaston


To tease out how REM sleep-during which most dreaming takes place-affects our emotions, the Canadian researchers showed disturbing images (such as gory scenes or a women being forced into a van at knifepoint) to a group of healthy volunteers just before they went to bed. When the subjects viewed the same pictures in the morning, those who had been deprived of dream-filled REM sleep were less emotionally affected than those deprived of other sleep phases.


更多网络解释与篷车相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Cabriolet 单马二轮车(中世的) | Calash 篷车 | Caleche 双马四轮马车


caldronricepot 甑 | caleche 单马所拖的两轮篷车 | calefacient 增温物质


caravan 商队 | caravaneer 乘开篷车旅行者 | caravansaraicaravansary 大旅舍

Conestoga wagon:宽轮的篷车的一种

cones | (人眼)圆锥细胞 | Conestoga wagon | 宽轮的篷车的一种 | Conestoga | 一种大篷马车

covered wagon:有篷大马车;篷车

covered van | 棚车(小型) | covered wagon | 有篷大马车;篷车 | covered wire | 绝缘线,被复线, 包线

Vera Cruz:黄金篷车大作战

71 灵犬莱茜 Lassie Come Home | 72 黄金篷车大作战 Vera Cruz | 73 邮差总按两次铃 The Postman Always Rings Twice

Canvased light van:轻型帆布篷车

canvas-type platform ==> 帆布输送带式收割台 | canvased light van ==> 轻型帆布篷车 | canvass customer opinions ==> 用户调访

The vet in the vest vends vanilla and vegetables in the van:穿背心的兽医在篷车里叫卖香草和蔬菜

78.Crow, the criminal a crimson crime.... | 79.The vet in the vest vends vanilla and vegetables in the van.穿背心的兽医在篷车里叫卖香草和蔬菜. | 80.The gorilla's gray is engraved with giraffe's graffi...

box wagon:篷车

Gondola Car 敞车 | Box Wagon 篷车 | Tank Car 罐车

the prairie schooners:草原篷车

35、大胆的人 enterprising men | 36、草原篷车 the prairie schooners | 37、长期居住 permanent settlements