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管理器 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与管理器相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The communication component try a new method, hide the complex of data transfer process, task management, communication management, data management, and implement the communication component in OOP, highlight on the atomic, support data continue transfer, data compress, decrease the press of network, so, the communication component is more duplicative, extend, flexible.


It also offers a Windows Explorer-style file manager, which allows you to do basic housekeeping.


Multifunction Timer timer and time Safety Net, is also integrated task management, task switching, process manager and so on.


The components managed by the Compressor and Image Decompressor,the MovieCintroller, the Sequence Grabber,Sequence Grabber Channel and the Video Digitizer.


By providing the associators with retrievers for retrieving information defining known tunnels and with generators for generating information defining new tunnels and by feeding back the manager to the assocator, the associator is controlled by the management results.


Sunlite - Sunlite is a BitchX script which features a translation of the environment into Spanish, Galego, English, Catala, Euskera, and Italian, color configuration with a theme manager, hotkeys support, sound playing on events, an MP3 player, a conference mode, ASCII art capability, a manager for windows, multi-server support, autojoin, autoidentify, and password encryption.


Sunlite is a BitchX script which features a translation of the environment into Spanish, Galego, English, Catala, Euskera, and Italian, color configuration with a theme manager, hotkeys support, sound playing on events, an MP3 player, a conference mode, ASCII art capability, a manager for windows, multi-server support, autojoin, autoidentify, and password encryption.


The process manager is based on the event manager described in my article An instrumented synchronous/asynchronous event manager


It includes a personal data manager, credit card manager, Web cleaner, login helper, form helper and password generator.


A mapping manager may manage assignment and mapping of logical sequencer addresses or pages to actual sequencers or frames of the system.


更多网络解释与管理器相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

dynamic data exchange manager:管理器;動態資料交換管理器

動態資料交換 dynamic data exchage,DDE | DDE 管理器;動態資料交換管理器 dynamic data exchange manager | 動態資料交換 dynamic data exchange,DDE

dynamic data exchange manager:管理器;动态数据交换管理器

动态数据交换 dynamic data exchage,DDE | DDE 管理器;动态数据交换管理器 dynamic data exchange manager | 动态数据交换 dynamic data exchange,DDE

ASTRO File Manager:文件 进程管理器

ASTRO File Manager 文件 进程管理器 | ES File Explore 国产文件 进程管理器 | aTrackDog 管理更新应用程序


(3)链路管理单元 链路管理器(LM)软件实现链路的建立,验证链路配置及其他协议. 链路管理器可以发现其他的链路管理器,并通过管理协议(LMP)建立通信联系,LM利用链路控制器(LC)提供的服务实现上述功能. LC的服务功能是接收和发送数据;

Load maps:加载路由表(路由拓扑结构)管理器

Load stats 加载统计信息收集管理器 | Load maps 加载路由表(路由拓扑结构)管理器 | Load Router 加载邮件路由管理器

program file:程序管理器

wipe.exe ...... 侠客文件粉碎(安装侠客密码查看器才有些功能) | Program File ...... *程序管理器 | progman ...... *程序管理器

Load Replica:加载复制管理器

Load Router 加载邮件路由管理器 | Load Replica 加载复制管理器 | Load Update 加载更新管理器

Load Replica:减载复制管理器

Load Router 加载邮件路由管理器 | Load Replica 减载复制管理器 | Load Update 添载更故治理器

IBM Tivoli SAN:管理器

IBM Tivoli存储资源管理器 | IBM Tivoli SAN管理器 | IBM TotalStorage多设备管理器

Wizard Manager:向导管理器 精灵管理器

wise 智能 智慧 | wizard Manager 向导管理器 精灵管理器 | wizard 向导 精灵