英语人>词典>汉英 : 筐 的英文翻译,例句
筐 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
panier  ·  scuttle  ·  scuttled  ·  scuttles  ·  panniers

更多网络例句与筐相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Thither the extremely large wains bring foison of the fields , flaskets of cauliflowers , floats of spinach , pineapple chunks , rangoon beans , strikes of tomatoes , drums of figs , drills of swedes , spherical potatoes and tallies of iridescent kale , york and savoy , and trays of onions , pearls of the earth , and punnets of mushrooms and custard marrows and fat vetches and bere and rape and red green yellow brown russet sweet big bitter ripe pomellated apples and chips of strawberries and sieves of gooseberries , pulpy and pelurious , and strawberries fit for princes and raspberries from their canes

用一辆辆巨大的敞篷马车载来的是田里丰饶的收获:装在浅中的花椰菜成车的菠菜,大块头的菠萝,仰光豆23 ,多少斯揣克24西红柿,盛在一只只圆桶里的无花果,条播的瑞典芜菁,球形土豆,好几捆约克种以及萨沃伊种彩虹色羽衣甘兰,还有盛在一只只浅箱里的大地之珍珠25 -葱头此外就是一扁篮一扁篮的蘑菇乳黄色食用葫芦饱满的大巢莱大麦和苔苔,红绿黄褐朽叶色的又甜又大又苦又熟又有斑点的苹果,装在一只只薄木匣里的杨梅,一粗一粗的醋栗。

It made my head spin. After seeing the mature corns, I began to harvest them, took them home while I fully forgot it.


It points out: a rational arrangement of supplementary cathode can greatly uniformize the handsaw temperature duo to its double actions of redistributing heat source and reducing thermal radiation; less shield layers at the top of the furnace leads to more uniform horizontal temperature distribution. The horizontal plate between two rows of handsaws can enhance the radiative heat transfer at the center place, and therefore can reduce the temperature difference along both horizontal and vertical directions.


At Shimohoseki our ship was coaled. From on deck we watched the many little women tossing baskets of coal from one to another up to the ship. A sight we would never see again .


Especially serious is that of a "grass baskets" in conjunction with the fate of a number of "grass basket", so he caused a chain reaction, a large number of enterprises can not repay short-term debt as a result of the collapse into bankruptcy and the state.


They found a wicker basket, carried on a pole between two German soldiers. It contained a tub of butter.


The litter baskets were empty and the ground was covered with pieces of paper, cigarette ends,old tyres,empty bottles and rusty tins.


Though being not an omnipotent wizard I, but, I am ready to be kept minor happiness being that you pretend to be in one basketfuls of basketful in light in amatory god in captivity.


She has 5 baskets big turnip with 3 baskets big cabbage.


Baskets of dried kusm flowers come from their fields to our market.


更多网络解释与筐相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bamboo Basket:竹笼(篓、篮、筐)

笼(篓、篮、)Basket | 竹笼(篓、篮、)Bamboo Basket | 柳条(笼、篮、)Wicker Basket



Wicker Basket:柳条筐(笼、篮、筐)

竹笼(篓、篮、)Bamboo Basket | 柳条(笼、篮、)Wicker Basket | 集装箱 Container

basketful:一满篮, 一满筐

basketfish | 蛇尾,鱼(一种似海星的棘皮动物) | basketful | 一满篮, 一满 | basketmaking | 篮子编织

Cheaper by the Dozen:儿女一萝筐

"Cheaper by the Dozen 2儿女一萝2";"2005";"2" | "Cheaper by the Dozen儿女一萝";"2003";"2" | "Chicago芝加哥";"2002";"3"

Cheaper by the Dozen 2:儿女一萝筐2

"Chasing Amy猜.情.寻";"1997";"2" | "Cheaper by the Dozen 2儿女一萝2";"2005";"2" | "Cheaper by the Dozen儿女一萝";"2003";"2"

clothesbasket:放待洗[洗净的]衣服的篮子, 洗衣筐

buckbasket 洗衣 | clothesbasket 放待洗[洗净的]衣服的篮子, 洗衣 | fit for the wastepaper basket 只合抛进字纸篓; 毫无用处, 不中用


"笼,","Crib" | "笼工","Cribwork" | "条作","Cropping, strip"

corbiculate:具花粉筐的; 具科孢子堆护膜的

corbicula | 蚬; 粉 | corbiculate | 具花粉的; 具科孢子堆护膜的 | corbie | 乌鸦, 候鸟


0390 其他 others | 0400 装货 baskets | 0401 变形 basket deformed