英语人>词典>汉英 : 筋膜 的英文翻译,例句
筋膜 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
aponeurosis  ·  facias  ·  fascias  ·  anadesma

更多网络例句与筋膜相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In addition to Denonvilliers' fascia, the prostate is also invested with the prostatic fascia and levator fascia.


The constant nutritional arteries of the great saphenous vein-saphenous nerve on the medial foot: Perforator at medial side of the tendon of the tibialis anterior ,it is (2.27±0.43)cm distal to the intermalleolar line .it passes across the medial side of the tendon of the tibialis anterior and pierces the deep fascia between the upper and lower bundle of the inferior extensor retinaculum with a diameter of (0.72±0.04)mm;The length of it after piercing the deep fascia is (7.3±0.6)mm,It has an emerging rate of 95%; Perforator between tendons ,it is (3.02±0.39)cm distal to the intermalleolar line;it pierces the deep fascia between the tendons of tibialis anterior and extensor digitorum longus with a diameter of (0.57±0.06)mm ;The length of it after piercing the deep fascia is (7.4±0.6)mm .It has an emerging rate of 94%; A constant distal fascial perforator pierces the deep fascia between abductor hallucis muscle and medial side of first metatarsal bone (1.97±0.23)mm distal to the first metatarsophalangeal joint with a diameter of (0.50±0.03)mm.

足内侧大隐静脉-隐神经营养血管近端来自内踝前动脉较为恒定,外径较大的穿支有:踝间线远端(2.27±0.43)cm,经胫骨前肌腱内侧、伸肌下支持带上、下束间穿出,外径(0.72±0.04)mm ,穿出深筋膜的长度为(7.3±0.6)mm,出现率为95%;踝间线远端(3.02±0.39)cm,经胫骨前肌腱与趾伸肌腱穿出,外径(0.57±0.06)mm,穿出深筋膜的长度为(7.4±1.2)mm ,出现率为94%;3远端来自交通支最为恒定,外径较大的穿支于踇展肌与第一跖骨内侧缘之间穿出深筋膜,距第一跖趾并节近端(1.97±0.23)cm,直径(0.50±0.03)mm,穿出深筋膜的长度为(6.5±0.5)mm,出现率为100%。

Thaller SR,Kim S,Patterson H,et al.The submuscular aponeurotic system:A histologic and comparative anatomy evaluation.Plast Reconstr Surg,

SMAS 是面部皮下脂肪和腮腺咬肌筋膜之间的独立组织层次,SMAS与颈阔肌、颧大肌、颞浅筋膜-枕额肌相连,构成头面颈部浅筋膜和深筋膜之间的连续而独立的组织层次。

Methods From May 2007 to Oct 2007, 13 cases of soft foot and ankle tissue coloboma were repaired or reconstructed with this flap. The perforator branch was detected and earmarked by Doppler ultrasound. The flap axis was designed as the connection of internal condyle of tibia and the middle point between inner malleolus and achilles tendon based on anatomy. The pivot was designed in the point which perforator branch perforate the deep fascia. The flap dissociation was performed upon the deep fascia and the flap thickness can be modified during the operation.


Methods The serum creatine kinase and the compartment pressures were measured in 27 cases of compartment syndrome. Histological examination of muscle specimens were taken in 15 cases who received fasciotomy.


There were prerenal fascia posterolateral to the left mesocolon, preaortic fascia median to the left mesocolon, parietal layer of the pelvic fascia posterolateral to the mesorectum, which continued at different sites.


Results:There were two different fascial envelopes around the perirectal fat:a posterolateral envelope made up of the visceral pelvic fascia and an anterior membrane made up of the Denonovilliers fascia.Denonvilliers' fascia couldn't be regarded as anterior part of mesorectum.


Results:Prerenal foscial thickening was demonstrated in 94%(47/50) patients with pancreatitis,with 97.3%(36/37) in acute cases and 86.9%(11/13) in chromic patients whereas only two cases revealed left prerenal fascial thickening among 22 carcinoma patients (9.9%).


Several studies indicate a worse outcome in patients who received fasciotomy compared with those who did not.7, 11 It is felt to be indicated only in a potentially viable extremity that is pulseless due to elevated intracompartmental pressure.18 Fasciotomy was felt to be useful in preventing cases of Volkman's ischemic contracture after the Tangshan earthquake.3 In Israel, fasciotomy was reserved as a treatment of last resort in cases refractory to the use of intravenous mannitol.7


Flap dissection studies confirmed that this is because of the poorly developed subfascial plexus in the forearm, with preservation of the deep fascia not contributing to the mechanism of flap perfusion.


更多网络解释与筋膜相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


1.筋膜(fascia) 位于肌表面,包括浅筋膜和深筋膜. (1)浅筋膜(superficial fascia)位于皮肤的真皮层下,又称皮下筋膜或皮下组织,由富含脂肪的疏松结缔组织构成,内含浅静脉、浅淋巴结、淋巴管及皮神经等. 浅筋膜的厚薄因身体部位、性别和营养状态而异,

fascial grafter:筋膜移植器

fasciagram 筋膜造影片 | fascial grafter 筋膜移植器 | fascial strip 筋膜

Nodular fasciitis:结节性筋膜炎

结节性筋膜炎(Nodular fasciitis)又称假肉瘤性筋膜、增生性筋膜炎、侵袭性筋膜炎等. 是一种较少见的良性瘤样病变. 由于增生的纤维母细胞较幼稚,核分裂多见、生长迅速,极易误诊为软组织恶性肿瘤. 确切病因至今不明,有人认为与外伤或感染有关,

Nodular fasciitis:小结状筋膜炎 | 结节性筋膜炎

Nodular : 小结的 | 小节的 | 结核状的 | 瘤状的 | nodular fasciitis : 小结状筋膜炎 | 结节性筋膜炎 | nodular goiter : 结节性甲状腺肿 | 释义:结节性甲状腺肿

extraperitoneal fascia:腹膜下筋膜(腹膜外筋膜)

精索外筋膜 external spermatic fascia | 椎外静脉丛 external vertebral venous plexus | 腹膜下筋膜(腹膜外筋膜) extraperitoneal fascia

fascial strip:筋膜带

fascial grafter 筋膜移植器 | fascial strip 筋膜带 | fascial stripper 筋膜剥离器

pretracheal layer:颈筋膜气管前层,颈筋膜气管前层,颈筋膜中层,颈筋膜中层

pretightening up force 预紧力 | pretracheal layer 颈筋膜气管前层,颈筋膜气管前层,颈筋膜中层,颈筋膜中层 | pretranslation program 预翻译程序

prevertebral layer:颈筋膜椎前层,颈筋膜椎前层

prevertebral fascia 椎前筋膜 | prevertebral layer 颈筋膜椎前层,颈筋膜椎前层 | prevertebral space 椎前间隙

fascia bulbi:眼球筋膜

fascia buccopharyngea 颊咽筋膜 | fascia bulbi 眼球筋膜 | fascia cervicalis 颈筋膜,颈筋膜

obturator fascia:闭孔肌筋膜,闭孔筋膜

obturator externus muscle ==> 外閉鎖筋 | obturator fascia ==> 闭孔肌筋膜,闭孔筋膜 | obturator foramen ==> 闭孔