英语人>词典>汉英 : 第六个的 的英文翻译,例句
第六个的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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And here some indistinct recollections of the black though ingenious Cromwellian thief Sir William Petty and his double-bottomed vessel were driven clear out of his mind, for lashed to the starboard stem was a carving some six feet high, a very lively carving of three men: the first had the second standing on his shoulders and the second the third; and these three were connected by the huge penis which rose from the loins of the first, towering past the second to a point above the third man's head and held by all three as it mounted.


In classical prosody,a line in which the first four feet are either dactylic or spondaic,the fifth dactylic,and the sixth spondaic.


Lanthanides belong to the sixth cycle of the periodic table Ⅲ B family, are all solid metal, they are La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Pm, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, holmium, erbium, thulium, ytterbium, and lutetium were 15 kinds of metals and their periphery are two layers of electronic 5d16s2, while the peripheral third layer f orbital but never zero to 14, so the external electronic structure of 4f0-145d16s2, and therefore these elements in oxidation number are to 3, very close chemical properties, extraction, when it is difficult to separate them they are mostly multi-element mineral mix, more difficult to increase refining, and their atomic number of 57-71, one by one to increase the number of protons the nucleus, and thus extranuclear electron of gravity is also growing, so that atomic radius decreases with increasing atomic number Z, which makes lanthanides contraction, ionic radius is also reduced, which also makes Zr, Hf, Nb and Ta, Mo and W, the atom and ionic radius very close to each other they also determine a similar nature, resulting in difficult separation, also the tribe Ⅷ of the fifth cycle, ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, and the sixth cycle, osmium, iridium, platinum is very similar in nature, thus The six elements, said platinum group elements.


The sixth age shifts Into the lean and slipper'd pantaloon,第六个时期变成了精瘦的拖着拖鞋的龙钟老叟, With spectacles on nose and pouch on side, His youthful hose, well saved, a world too wide For his shrunk shank; and his big manly voice, Turning again toward childish treble, pipes And whistles in his sound.


The sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick .


In this study, genetic analyses were conducted to determine the genetic basis in an elite resistant inbred line Siyi with complete resistance to maize dwarf mosaic. A new genetic model, two dominant complementary genes conditioning the resistance, were found by Mendelian genetic analysis based on parents, F1, F2 and backcrosses in three successive years' field trails. The two genes were further mapped near the centromere of chromosome 3 and 6, respectively by tightly linked microsatellite markers using 242 plants from F2 generation. The resistance gene on chromosome 3 is 1.0 cM apart from the flanking markers phi053 and umc1527, respectively. Whereas the linkage distance between two flanking markers bnlg1600 and phi075 and resistance gene on chromosome 6 was 1.0 and 4.0 cM, respectively. Genotypic analysis of the plants from testcross and F3 populations supported the new genetic manners.

课题组通过连续三年的抗病鉴定,在国内种质资源中筛选出一份综合农艺性状优良、配合力较高的自交系四一,三年的表型遗传研究和两年的分子标记工作,发现四一中的玉米矮花叶病抗性是由两对显性互补基因控制的,进而利用F2作图群体,把发现的两个基因定位在第三和第六染色体的着丝点附近,并获得了双侧紧密连锁的分子标记连锁图谱,其中第三染色体上的分子标记UMC1527和phi053从抗病基因双侧逼近1 cM,而第六染色体上的分子标记phi075、bnlg1600从抗病基因双侧分别逼近4 cM和1 cM;利用B2群体、F2:3家系、BC3F1群体和带有第三、第六染色体抗病基因以及两个抗病基因的近等基因系,进一步证实了四一中成株期抗性是由两个显性互补基因控制的。

Such is the nature of man, that for your first gift - he prostrates himself; for your second - kisses your hand; for the third - fawns; for the fourth - just s his head once; for the fifth - becomes too familiar; for the sixth - insults you; and for the seventh - sues you because he was not given enough.


Briefly it may be: an allusion to the Feast of Tabernacles, basing on Peter's proposal to erect 3 tents (v 5); a reference to Ex 24:16 in which is said that the cloud covered the mountain for 6 days and on the 7th day, God called Moses; a remains of a primitive account of the resurrection; a synchronization of the Transfiguration and the 7th day of the week of the Passion and Resurrection; a recourse to a Semitic scheme in which the event of the 7th day constitutes a climax; a use of an ancient Judaic literary scheme and of primitive christianity in which the 6th day took on an importance as the day of God's revelation on Mt Sinai and the day which the Law was given.


Re-check renal function and serum electrolytes 1, 3, and 6 months after achieving maintenance dose, and 6 monthly thereafter.


Re-check renal function and serum electrolytes 1, 2, 3, and 6 months after achieving maintenance dose, and 6 monthly thereafter.


更多网络解释与第六个的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


sextuple 六倍的 | sextuplet 六个一组 | sextus 第六个的


sextuplet 六个一组 | sextus 第六个的 | sexual harassment 性骚扰

sivan:希伯来年历中的第九个月; 希伯来人名 (名)

sitz bath 坐浴; 坐浴浴盆 | Sivan 希伯来年历中的第九个月; 希伯来人名 (名) | sixfold 六倍的; 六折的; 六重的 (形)


sixscore /一百二十/ | sixte /第六式的防卫姿势/ | sixteen /十六的/十六个的/十六/

very accurate sixth sense:很精确的第六感

The Earth is a sphere, it should be a Brunei.地球是个球体,那就是文莱了 | 45. DO YOU HAVE ANY SPECIAL TALENT? 你有什么特殊天赋么? | very accurate sixth sense 很精确的第六感

sixth man:第六人

第六人(Sixth man)就是能在主力休息时可以继续保持球队继续进攻旳球员. 或者是能在主力不在状态下可以挑大梁的球员. 字面上是第─个替补出场的人,但比赛中泛指某人主要替补,但不一定就是第六个出场的人.

sixth man:第六人,即第一个替补上场的队员

Sink a shot 投篮命中 | Sixth man 第六人,即第一个替补上场的队员 | Sky-hook 大勾手

sixtieth:第六十的; 六十分之一的 (形)

sixties 六十年代; 六十到七十之间; 六十多岁 (名) | sixtieth 第六十的; 六十分之一的 (形) | sixty 六十; 六十人; 六十个; 六十岁 (名)

The ochre ogre ogled the poker:那只红褐色的吃人巨妖色迷迷地盯着拨火棒

The epitome of femininity. 女子气质的缩影. | The ochre ogre ogled the poker. 那只红褐色的吃人巨妖色迷迷地盯着拨火棒. | The sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick. 第六个患病的酋长的第六只羊患病了....


sexpartite /分成六个的/六深裂的/ | sexpot /充满魅力的女性/ | sext /祷告/第六时祷告仪式/