英语人>词典>汉英 : 笨拙的演员 的英文翻译,例句
笨拙的演员 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
ham  ·  hammed  ·  hams

更多网络例句与笨拙的演员相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

An awkward person or player; a bungler .


Here the counsel in his wig and gown, and here the old Jew clothesman under his dingy tiara; here the soldier in his scar let, and here the undertaker's mute in streaming hat band and worn cotton glove s; here the scholar, fumbling his faded leaves, and here the scented actor, dang ling his showy seals. Here the glib politician, crying his legislative panaceas; and here the peripatetic Cheap Jack, holding aloft his quack cures for human ills. Here The sleek capitalist, and there the sinewy labourer; here the man of sc ience, and here the shoe black; here the poet, and here the water rate collect or; here the cabinet minister, and there the ballet dancer. Here a red nosed p ublican, shouting the praises of his vats; and here a temperance lecturer at fif ty pounds a night; here a judge, and there a swindler; here a priest, and there a gambler. Here a jewelled duchess, smiling and gracious; here a thin lodging house keeper, irritable with cooking; and here a wabbling, strutting thing, tawdry in paint and finery.


He's too clumsy to be a good dancer.


October 20, 2006When one first noticed Rupert Grint as the awkward, funny Ron Weasley in the first Harry Potter all those years ago, who would have known that the gawky redhead would end up the trio's most successful actor?


An unskilled actor who overact s .


When Daniel Radcliffe, who has played Potter pretty woodenly so far, publicly admitted that he had seen Y Tu Mamá a couple of times, everybody had to giggle.

当 DAN 这个一直演技略显笨拙呆板的演员公开承认他看了&你的妈妈也一样&好几次的时候,每个人都乐了。

An unskilled actor who overacts.


更多网络解释与笨拙的演员相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Haman:哈曼 (名)

ham 火腿, 笨拙的演员, 大腿 (名) | Haman 哈曼 (名) | hamartia 判断错误; 悲剧性的弱点 (名)