英语人>词典>汉英 : 笃信地 的英文翻译,例句
笃信地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Eldritch giant confessors carefully enhance their own abilities with spells before and during a fight


As a girl I was fortunate in having old-fashioned, religious parents, and I often think of the old hymn my good father sang so lustily as stood beside him in church,"I need Thee every hour."


Mr. Dimmesdale was a true priest, a true religionist, with the reverential sentiment largely developed, and an order of mind that impelled itself powerfully along the track of a creed, and wore its passage continually deeper with the lapse of time.


They will supposedly solve our problems with the Asians, who do not come from the Judeo-Christian tradition; the Communists, who do not even believe in God; the blacks, who have been shafted so often by God-fearing white men that there is hardly any common ground left between them; and the kids, who have heard those same song-and-dance sermons sung false so many times they may prefer dope to the audacious self-delusion of their elders.


Characteristic of Tibetan Buddhism is the unusually large segment of the population actively engaged in religious pursuits (up until the Chinese communist takeover of the country in the 1950s an estimated one-quarter of the inhabitants were members of religious orders); its system of "reincarnating lamas"; the traditional merger of the spiritual and temporal authority in the office and person of the Dalai Lama; and the vast number of divine beings (each with its own family, consort, and pacific and terrifying aspects), which are considered symbolic representations of the psychic life by the religiously sophisticated and accepted as realities by the common people.


Jack tried a Carl Perkins song, bawling "what I say-ay-ay," but he favored a sad hymn,"Water-Walking Jesus," learned from his mother who believed in the Pentecost, that he sang at dirge slowness, setting off distant coyote yips.


Its chief prophet is Phillip Blond, head of a new think-tank called ResPublica, who lambasts both state absolutism and atomising liberalism, and believes the Tories must "recapitalise the poor" and "remoralise the market".

这一构想的头号领军人物菲利浦布隆德系一个新生智囊团--- ResPublica的负责人。此人猛烈地抨击倡导国家专制论和离散自由论的两个阵营,他笃信保守党人必须&对穷人实施资本重组&,同时&重新树立市场道德&。

And with wasted health and imbittered heart, she turns away with the conviction that earthly pleasures cannot satisfy the longings of the soul!


Since a judgment in 2000 entrenched the principle of "equality" in division of maritalassets, England, home to hundreds of thousands of expatriates, has become a "Mecca for wives", says Louise Spitz of Manches, a London law firm.


What other things can make an otherwise religious man curse heaven and earth when a ball which should have fallen safely into the arms of the receiver in the end-zone falls clumsily to the ground instead?


更多网络解释与笃信地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


religious 虔诚的 | religiously 笃信地 | religiousness 笃信


religiously 笃信地 | religiousness 笃信 | reline 重衬

religiousness:笃信; 虔敬 (名)

religiously 笃信地; 虔敬地 (副) | religiousness 笃信; 虔敬 (名) | relinquish 放弃; 弃绝; 撤出; 交出, 让与 (动)

Allahu Akbar:真主伟大

真诚地献身宗教:暴乱分子制作的录像充斥着虔诚的穆斯林祈祷、口里念着 "真主伟大"(allahu akbar)的场面──包括他们正在执行放置爆炸装置之类的行动时. 自杀爆炸手几乎毫无例外地被表现成笃信宗教的人. 关于他们的记载往往详细描绘"殉教者"在不停地祈祷,