英语人>词典>汉英 : 站名 的英文翻译,例句
站名 的英文翻译、例句


sto name
更多网络例句与站名相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This website name is " move outfit register ", the person that attends presidential inaugural ball on invitation please makes public them to wear the stylist of dress, color, length, collarband and other feature at the appointed time, still can upload a photograph.


Have many brotherly P I sign up a station, disrelish to avoid those who have AD, did not disclose.


Because the domain name is new,register, we are so OK pretext begins to design, it is caption above all, it is of course put the most important key word in the first, eider down by, other commodity is later, eider down is taken, put oneself website name finally.


By chance he discovered a website called Open Learn, an offshoot of the Open University, which is in the vanguard of a new era of education.


She had complained of the time the journey had taken and immediately he was off on a long rigmarole consisting of the number of buses and the frames of streets and stations.


Their name, geographic location are as follows: Station name of the host country Mizusawa latitude, longitude -141 ° 07'5139 ° 08'3602 Japan AAC kitab -66 ° 52'511850 Russia AC Kaluofute -8 ° 18'448941 Italy AC Gaithersburg 7 ° 1'5713202 the United States AC ukiah 128 ° 12'3512096 the United States AC stations were a uniform Zeiss Zenith device, according to a unified observed star table, observing the outline for continuous observation of latitude, from the Central Bureau of centrally ILS calculations solved polar coordinates, published and made available to the use of units of .1962 began restructuring for the international polar wander service.


A good example of things that could leave permanent images on the screen could be news or stock tickers, or station logos or icons – sometimes called "bugs."


I The abacus is still in regular use throughout China and the ticket rack and date and station stamps may be seen in the picture.

g! o+ a u9 c6 i w+ Z 在中国,算盘仍然被广泛使用,这幅照片中我们可以看到票板、日期小条和站名印章。

The Bus driver would read out the list of stop s.


更多网络解释与站名相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Dang Wangi:轨道交通站名

Maharajalela轨道交通站名 | Dang Wangi 轨道交通站名 | Masjid JAMEX 轨道交通站名



hyposensitization:[医]使敏感度减弱, 消除过敏

alustite 蓝高岭土 | hyposensitization [医]使敏感度减弱, 消除过敏 | station nomenclature 站名

major diatonic scale:[音]大全音阶

station index 站名索引 | major diatonic scale [音]大全音阶 | structural alloy 结构合金

Masjid JAMEX:轨道交通站名

Dang Wangi 轨道交通站名 | Masjid JAMEX 轨道交通站名 | Diving 水肺潜水,带氧气罐的潜水

Masjid JAMEX:轨讲接通站实

Dang Wangi 轨道交通站名 | Masjid JAMEX 轨讲接通站实 | Diving 水肺潜水,带氧气罐的潜水

station nomenclature:站名表

hyposensitization [医]使敏感度减弱, 消除过敏 | station nomenclature 站名表 | burstone 以矽石做的臼, 磨石


此外要附带说明的是:出口(Sortie)的标示板是蓝色,换车(Correspondance)标示板是橘红色,它们分别挂在月台的上方. 在换车标示板上,标示了接下来要乘的路线号码与其抵达站名.

Bukit Nanas:轨道交通站名

Bukit bintang轨道交通站名:武吉免登 | Bukit Nanas 轨道交通站名 | Maharajalela轨道交通站名

Bukit Nanas:轨讲接通站名

Bukit bintang轨道交通站名:威严吉任登 | Bukit Nanas 轨讲接通站名 | Maharajalela轨道交通站名