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竖毛 的英文翻译、例句


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Arrector Pili are tiny muscles attached to the base of the hair follicles.


When it's cold, the arrector muscle pulls the hair up. The duct to the sweat glands gets small to conserve heat.


Appetite , expression , hair color ,etc.: Compared with the group of normal rats, from the 2nd week when making the mould, the rats' appetite of each modle group has been reducing in various degree ,the eyes does not sparking any more, the weight dropping , piloerection , epilate , and the fur is owed the gloss , hunchbacked , languid , slow in reaction, the activity reduces, it is apt to irritabling etc. aggravate continuously.


Test results: Administered on Day 14 after first injection, the animals in the first group (No. 1, 2, 3) did not present any reactions such as piloerection, jitter, cough, scrunching, dyspnea conulsion or death.


Administered on Day 14 after first injection, the animals in the second group (No. 4, 5, 6) did not present any reactions such as piloerection, jitter, cough, scrunching, dyspnea conulsion or death either.


Results compared with the control group, the rats in the lactacystin group began gradually to have some behavioral symptoms, for example, the spontaneous motors decreased progressively, tardive dyskinesia, piloerection, tremor, contralateral rotations induced by apomorphine increased gradually.

结果 实验组给药后,随着时间推移大鼠开始出现渐进性自发性活动减少、动作缓慢、对外界刺激不自主竖毛、震颤;阿扑吗啡诱导的向健侧旋转运动逐渐增多。

Meanwhile, we discussed the founded background of ZIDIANKELI, and we treated the ITP according to the idea"the origin of the disease is the Qi-Deficiency, Blood Stasis run through the course of the disease" and make the principle of the treatmentstrengthening Qi and tonifying the deficiency, removing the blood stasis and producing the fresh blood. 3. Result 3. 1 Experimental Research 3. 1. 1 The effects of ITP model mice's general state and swimming time by the treatment of ZIDIANKELI After the fifth day of establishing the model, the model group appeared following symptoms: activity reduced, liking to gather together, piloerection, no sheen of the hair, swimming time reduction. To compare with the normal group, it is has statistical significance.

结果 3.1 实验研究 3.1.1 紫癜颗粒对ITP模型小鼠一般状况及游泳时间的影响模型组在注射APS48小时后,腹部、尾部出现轻重不等的瘀斑瘀点;造模后第5天小鼠即出现活动减少、拱背、竖毛、毛发不光洁,游泳时间显著缩短(P.05);紫癜颗粒对上述症状都有不同程度的改善作用,总体上以大剂量组效果最佳。

Behavior: Rage, attack reaction or fighting associated with hissing, growling, spitting, piloerection, pupil dilation, biting.


Our skin long with fine hair, and each one has an erection under the hair pore muscle, when the subject nerve stimulation (for example: anger, fear, cold, etc.), the body temperature will decline, while the vertical hair muscle contraction will be thus making hair erected to form a goose bumps.


Outer coat firm and resilient, neither coarse nor silky, lying close to body; may be straight or wavy. Untrimmed natural ruff; moderate feathering on back of forelegs and on underbody; heavier feathering on front of neck, back of thighs and underside of tail. Coat on head, paws, and front of legs is short and even.


更多网络解释与竖毛相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Arrector pili:竖毛肌,立毛肌

arrector 竖肌,立肌 | arrector pili 竖毛肌,立毛肌 | arrhythmia 心律不齐

erector pili:竖毛肌,立毛肌

erector 立肌 | erector pili 竖毛肌,立毛肌 | ergonomics 体工程学

erector pilus:竖毛肌

勃起 erection | 竖毛肌 erector pilus | 竖棘肌 erector spinae

arrector pilorum:竖毛肌

07.0165 毛 hair | 07.0166 竖毛肌 arrector pilorum | 07.0167 鬃 bristle

arrector pili muscle:竖毛肌,立毛肌

\\"醒觉作用\\",\\"arousal,awakening\\" | \\"竖毛肌,立毛肌\\",\\"arrector pili muscle\\" | \\"含睾丸细胞之卵巢腺瘤\\",\\"arrhenoblastoma\\"


八辐珊瑚 OCTOCRALLIA | 竖毛鼠(属) Octodon | 南美竖毛鼠 Octodon degus

Octodon degus:南美竖毛鼠

竖毛鼠(属) Octodon | 南美竖毛鼠 Octodon degus | 竖毛鼠科 OCTODONTIDAE


南美竖毛鼠 Octodon degus | 竖毛鼠科 OCTODONTIDAE | 八倍体 octoploid

pilomotor reflex:竖毛反射

pilomotor 毛发运动的 | pilomotor reflex 竖毛反射 | pilosis 多毛

pilomotor reflex:立毛反射,竖毛反射

pilomotor nerves 兰利氏神经,立毛神经 | pilomotor reflex 立毛反射,竖毛反射 | pilonidal fistula 潜毛性瘘